A Global Trade Item Number or "GTIN" is a unique identifier assigned to individual products on the Amazon catalog pages. They use these numbers to make sure that product listings match the products sold on Amazon.
Amazon GTIN numbers are 14 digits long and belong to a category of other numerical product identifiers, including ISBNs that identify books, European Article Numbers that identify European marketplace items, and Japanese Article numbers assigned to products selling on Amazon's Japanese marketplace.
Click here to learn more about Global Trade Item Numbers on Amazon.
Amazon uses GTIN numbers for global tracking of products moving through the marketplace to prevent counterfeit products and theft.
There is no universal GTIN for products. Instead, it would be best if you created a GTIN for your product by logging in to your Seller Central dashboard and generating a GTIN for each product that requires it in the marketplace.
GTINs are essential when selling on Amazon because they help sellers track sales and inventory.
Amazon maintains a list of its "product ID numbers by category" for sellers to use as a reference. It tells them relevant exceptions and exemptions apply to each product category and what kind of product identifier it requires. For example, products manufactured by major brands in the "Automotive and Powersports" variety don't necessarily need a GTIN to sell in the marketplace, but they do require a valid UPC.
Each product will require one or more product identifiers to list for sale on Amazon. It is up to the discretion of the platform to assign products to categories based on where they were manufactured and if they are well-known domestic or international brands.
No, Amazon sellers don't have to create GTIN numbers. However, it is essential to remember that Amazon requires sellers who use its marketing and advertising services, or the Brand Registry will likely have to adhere to different selling standards. As a result, they need GTIN numbers and other required product identifiers for their merchandise.
Sellers who want to take advantage of the full range of marketing and sales support opportunities on the platform, like sponsored ads or sponsored products. Sellers can only use promotional items such as ads or links with proper tracking and attribution should someone click on them.
Not using the correct product identifier based on the category their item is selling in can result in negative consequences for sellers.
Without a GTIN, buyers may be unable to scan and track inventory items online or use barcode scanning equipment in retail environments. Additionally, without a GTIN, sellers may not be able to receive automated shipping notifications from eBay or other e-commerce platforms, which can lead to lower performance ratings, decreased sales, and a decrease in customer satisfaction. Finally, sellers who don't adhere to Amazon's selling guidelines can face disciplinary action or eventually be banned from selling products on Amazon.
There are a few exceptions to not adding a product identifier like a GTIN to Amazon product descriptions. Amazon keeps a record of products eligible for exemption on its website. Sellers must complete the process to request a GTIN exemption from Amazon before listing products without the required identifier for sale.
Amazon maintains a database of GTIN numbers they can match against every product listed in the marketplace. As a result, each product has its unique identifier to reduce the likelihood of fraudulent products selling on the platform.
The GS1 database is a collection of product and barcode data that contains all its GTIN numbers. It can be searched by company, product category, or UPC.
Amazon regularly updates and audits the GS1 database to ensure that GTIN numbers and products align. Sellers found to be creating false product identification numbers and engaging in similar activities are subject to disciplinary action up to being blocked from selling on the marketplace.
This ensures that a company can identify each unique item. Not to be confused with a SKU. The SKU can change based on the business or inventory of the product.