Amazon has become the go-to place for most shoppers.

If you're looking to make a sale on Amazon then it's time that we teach your brain how to speak 'Amazon.'

We've put together this page to help you learn how it's done and build your confidence as an Amazon seller.

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What is a 1st Party E-Commerce Seller on Amazon?

First-party sellers on Amazon have made partnerships with the online e-commerce giant to sell their products directly to Amazon for resale on the Amazon Marketplace or through Amazon Business. 

A first-party relationship (1P) forms between Amazon and sellers in the marketplace when they sign an agreement for Amazon to act as the retailer while they fulfill purchase orders. 1P Amazon sellers focus on product fulfillment, while Amazon handles the rest of the sales process. 

In a 1P relationship, vendors sell their products directly to Amazon using Vendor Central. Amazon then sells those products to online consumers shopping in the marketplace. While there are many benefits of entering first-party relationships for selling your e-commerce products on Amazon, there are also a few downsides. 

For example, first-party relationship agreements say that Amazon can sell your products for above or below your recommended sales price. 1P sellers have no input on how Amazon raises or lowers the prices of their products, which can work out either positively or negatively in their favor. 

For example, selling above the recommended sales price in the Amazon Marketplace works in the seller's favor when low-cost items generate high sales. However, the opposite is true when high-cost items selling on Amazon fall below what sellers priced, sellers can lose money. 

Benefits of Selling Products Directly to Amazon as a 1P Seller

First-party sellers on Amazon have the distinction of being invited to partner with this online retail giant. It is an honor for most sellers to receive an invitation to become first-party sellers on Amazon. The following are a few of the benefits 1P sellers get in one of the world's busiest global marketplaces. 

Benefit #1. - Amazon sellers with 1P status have exclusive access to manage their product listings and fulfill Amazon purchase orders using Vendor Central. Third-party (3P) sellers can only access their products and purchase orders on Seller Central unless Amazon invites them to become a 1P seller on Vendor Central. 

Benefit #2. - Boosting your products via Amazon marketing campaigns and running promotions can help increase 1P sales. Amazon's proprietary algorithm relies on first-party data to market the right products to the right customers at the right time.

Although 1P sellers can use Vendor Central to promote their products via marketing campaigns, the platform handles key processes that display the right ads to customers on its own. 

Benefit #3. - The more products you sell on Amazon as a 1P seller, the more products Amazon will buy from you. If your products consistently achieve a high sales rank, Amazon will buy more. Selling high-volume products on Amazon can produce an income stream with unlimited earning potential. Sellers with products listed on Amazon Best Sellers can focus less on marketing on more on increasing revenue. 

Benefit #4. - Amazon doesn't require first-party sellers to complete inventory forecasting. Since Amazon handles product forecasting internally, 1P sellers don't have to worry about managing this tedious metric and can spend more time on Amazon product marketing and fulfillment. 

Benefit #5. - First-party Amazon sellers have their products shipped to customers with proprietary Amazon packaging and logos. Packaging from first-party sellers stands out with the highly sought-after "Shipped and Sold by Amazon" label on delivery packages and builds trust with marketplace customers. 

High-ranking products and products featured on Amazon's Best Seller's List can generate a large amount of annual revenue for first-party Amazon sellers. 

How to Become a 1P Seller on Amazon

Amazon invites first-party sellers to join the marketplace. 1P sellers fulfill purchase orders sent from Amazon and send the products directly to Amazon, who takes control of the product. Amazon then prices, sells, and ships products to customers.

1P vs. 3P Sellers on Amazon's Global Marketplace

First-party sellers pay chargeback fees and sales fees. Third-party sellers control their product pricing and sell directly to consumers shopping in Amazon's online marketplace. In third-party relationships (3P), the brand, individual, or Amazon store acts as the retailer and sells directly to buyers. 

First-party sellers can log in to their Amazon accounts and update product listings via Vendor Central. Sellers with 1P status can advertise their products and promote them in the marketplace to generate more sales.


Third-party sellers manage branded product listings sold to the comsumer via Seller Central. Unlike their 1P counterparts, 3P sellers can change prices at will and have full control over their product listings and promotions. 

Amazon requires 3P sellers to pay the following structured marketplace fees. 

  1. Referral Fees
  2. Minimum Referral Fees
  3. Variable Closing Fees
  4. Other Platform Fees as Required

Click here for more information on Amazon Seller Fees. 


First-party sellers on Amazon have made partnerships with the online e-commerce giant to sell their products directly to Amazon for resale..

First-party sellers on Amazon have made partnerships with the online e-commerce giant to sell their products directly to Amazon for resale..

Marketing Agencies


What is a Third-Party Seller on Amazon? 

Amazon offers sellers on its platform the opportunity to market and sell products as first-party or third-party sellers in the global e-commerce marketplace. Third-party sellers (3P) are individuals and businesses selling and shipping products directly to customers shopping through the marketplace or Amazon Business.

Many new Amazon sellers confuse 1P and 3P sellers. The primary difference between first-party vendors and third-party Amazon sellers is the management of pricing, shipping, customer service, and inventory. Learn more about the differences between 1P and 3P sellers below. 

3P sellers have control over how their product inventory is priced, shipped, and marketed to consumers online. Having full control of how their products sell on Amazon gives 3P sellers the advantage over online merchants who don't have access to built-in Amazon marketing features to help them outsell their competition.  

How Does Amazon Support 3P Sellers?

Third-party sellers on Amazon use Seller Central to manage their products and marketing online. Amazon 3P sellers have access to Amazon support services and they use the proprietary Seller Central network to sell products online. The platform's built-in support features include options for product shipping powered by Amazon's team of logistics experts. 

Third-party sellers sell products directly to customers shopping their product pages and use Merchant Fulfilled Network (MFN) shipping options or Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA).

FBA services include the following support features. 

  1. Storage
  2. Shipping 
  3. Customer Service 

3P sellers on Amazon have their orders packed and shipped directly to customers. FBA options can include customer-loyalty building promotions like offering free shipping or expedited shipping for buyers with Amazon Prime memberships. 

Amazon Shipping Options for Third-Party Sellers

One of the most important parts of the Amazon selling process is getting products delivered to customers in a timely fashion. Amazon makes it easy for third-party sellers to achieve high customer satisfaction ratings and generate more revenue through their built-in FBA and MFN shipping options. 

Third-party sellers use the Amazon marketplace or Amazon business marketplace to list and sell merchandise directly to customers. 3P sales account for over half of the total sales on Amazon

3P Sellers are required to list, price, package, and ship their completed orders — unless they take advantage of using one of the shipping options powered by Amazon. The benefits of using FBA for 3rd-party sellers are faster shipping and built-in customer service options provided by a company with a proven track record in managing logistics. 

Amazon sellers with access to Seller Central can log in to manage their product inventory, access their marketer account advertising across Amazon, and update their online storefront design with featured products. 

What's The Difference Between Amazon 1P and 3P Sellers?

First-party vendors (1P) indirectly sell products to customers through Amazon's proprietary Vendor Central system. In contrast, third-party Amazon sellers advertise, market, and sell their products directly to consumers. 

Unlike Vendor Central used by first-party Amazon sellers, Seller Central is available for allowed third-party sellers and doesn't require an invitation from Amazon to log on. 

3P sellers who take advantage of using FBA have their products packed and shipped by one of the world's largest global shipping and logistics giants. Amazon Associates respond to shipping inquiries and customer service issues via distributed shipping facilities and warehouses across the world.

Amazon only requires its first-party sellers to fulfill purchase orders, and it handles customer service, product pricing, and shipping. 

How to Open a 3P Amazon Seller Account

New sellers interested in joining Amazon's global e-commerce marketplace should start by creating an Amazon seller account online. Once Amazon approves your third-party seller account, follow the steps in Amazon's Become an Amazon Seller Guide to set up your account for maximum sales. 

Be prepared to pay Amazon platform fees and monthly seller fees when opening a new account.

The next steps, after paying the required service fees and charges, including setting up product pages and deciding whether to use automatic targeting or manual targeting for Amazon marketing. 

Amazon recommends taking advantage of their shipping options for new sellers who don't have their own shipping or logistics services for delivering orders in place. Amazon can handle the logistics of shipping and customer service, so 3P sellers can focus on optimizing their Amazon marketing campaigns and increasing sales. 

Third-party products that outperform similar products in the same category may become eligible to be featured in Amazon's top-selling products if their sales rank is in the top 100.

The highest-ranking products on Amazon are assigned a ranking and those in the top 100 have the distinction of displaying Amazon's "Best Seller" tag, which can boost page visits and product sales while increasing customer loyalty. 


Amazon offers sellers on its platform the opportunity to market and sell products as first-party or third-party sellers in the global...

Amazon offers sellers on its platform the opportunity to market and sell products as first-party or third-party sellers in the global...



What is Amazon Third-Party Logistics? 

Amazon sellers can lose money when they have large volumes of orders to fulfill without a solid logistics plan in place. Third-party logistics providers offer affordable solutions for sellers who need to outsource warehousing, inventory, or fulfillment services. 

Third-party logistics 3PL provides services to facilitate the delivery of products purchased in the Amazon store. Using 3PL services usually ends up costing less than other services. 

They ship products to customers within Amazon's global fulfillment network of over 150 distributed fulfillment centers worldwide. 

Using Amazon's global network of third-party logistics providers makes it possible for Amazon sellers to ship products almost anywhere in the world with the help of one of the world's largest logistics providers. 

Who Uses Amazon 3PL?

Sellers who get online orders without reliable shipping or logistics services to track their shipment lose money when customer deliveries arrive damaged, late, or not at all. 

Third-party shipping services offer affordable options for Amazon sellers of all sizes to deliver products to customers — without worrying about having fulfillment issues.

Sellers can outsource the following logistics to 3PL providers powered by Amazon. 

  • Warehousing
  • Inventory
  • Distribution
  • Fulfillment

According to Amazon Supply Chain, over seventy-five percent of US-based Fortune 500 companies use third-party logistics providers and services to deliver products to customers around the world's shipping network.  

What is an Amazon 3PL Provider?

Amazon 3PL providers make it possible for sellers and shippers to reduce shipping costs and increase customer satisfaction when they invest in outsourced logistical services. 

People who want to outsource logistics services and change how their products are shipped to customers can partner with Amazon 3PL providers to save time and money to deliver products on-time. 

3PL providers on Amazon offer end-to-end supply chain solutions that help Amazon sellers complete the order process by managing their inventory, warehousing products, and fulfilling orders. 

Amazon sellers partner with Amazon 3PL sellers to outsource the following services. 

  • Order Fulfilment
  • Inventory Management
  • Expedited Shipping
  • Reverse Logistics
  • Warehouse and Distribution

Benefits of Using Amazon 3PL  

One of the main reasons Amazon sellers partner with 3PL providers is to reduce overhead and shipping costs. 

Partnering with experienced logistics professionals can help sellers find the best providers and the lowest prices. It also eliminates the need to purchase their own warehouses or storage facilities for products. 

Amazon 3PL providers can offer volume discounts and bundled services to manage logistics. They help Amazon sellers stay on the leading edge of using logistics technology powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).

Sellers who partner with 3PL providers save money on logistics costs and can increase revenue by delivering more products to customers.  

Another major benefit of using Amazon logistics services by partnering with 3PL providers is that some products are eligible for the "Fulfilled by Amazon" badge. This coveted status symbol builds trust and loyalty with Amazon shoppers when their online orders arrive in Amazon packaging on-time and in tip-top shape. 

How to Build Successful Partnerships with Amazon 3PL Providers

When Amazon sellers decide to work with third-party logistics providers, there are a few key indicators that increase the likelihood of successful partnerships. 

Key indicators of a successful partnership with a new 3PL provider are customer reviews and delivery performance.

Delivery Locations - Partner with Amazon 3PL providers that have a wide network of delivery locations where your customers are located. 

Shipping Speed - 3PL logistics providers with a wide variety of shipping options for customers make it easy for sellers to increase sales when customers control how quickly they receive their online orders.

Excited online shoppers and impulse buyers are more likely to buy products when they receive their orders as fast as the same day! 

On-Time Delivery - Avoid partnering with 3PL providers with a poor track record of on-time deliveries and many complaints and customer service issues. These issues can cause a sharp decrease in Amazon customer satisfaction and product sales.

Dissatisfied customers who don't receive their deliveries on time will probably report their experiences and leave negative Amazon seller reviews. 

Volume - Choose providers who offer volume discounts and those that can accommodate volume changes with an unexpected increase or decrease in Amazon product sales. 

Partnering with an Amazon 3PL provider for outsourced warehousing, inventory management, and product delivery is a great way to increase revenue when you can focus on marketing and sales without having to worry about logistical operations. 

Amazon sellers can log in to their Seller Central account to learn more about how to choose the best third-party logistics providers to partner with. 

Click here to read the Guide to Third-Party Logistics from Amazon Supply Chain. 


Amazon sellers can lose money when they have large volumes of orders to fulfill without a solid logistics plan in place. Third-party...

Amazon sellers can lose money when they have large volumes of orders to fulfill without a solid logistics plan in place. Third-party...

Business Buyers

7-Day Deal

What is an Amazon 7-Day Deal?

Amazon sellers in the United States can list their products on Amazon's deals page to increase the number of sales on the Amazon marketplace as one of Amazon's built-in advertising strategies.


Sellers list their products on the Amazon Deals page to increase product views and sales on the Amazon Marketplace. 

Products listed on the deals page are live on the page for a period that can last from a few hours for Lightning Deals to seven days for 7-Day Deals

Amazon charges sellers a fee to have their products appear on the deals page as an extension of their marketing and promotion tools for Sponsored Ads, Sponsored Display ads, and popular ad types available for sellers. 

Sellers who list their products on the Amazon Deals page can see an exponential increase in Amazon sales revenue compared to product listings that don't feature on the e-commerce giant's second most popular page. 

Amazon sellers login to their seller account to view their product performance and learn if their best-selling products are eligible for Amazon 7-Day Deals. They list eligible products and services by ASIN. 

How 7-Day Deals Work for Customers, Brands, and Sellers

7-Day Deals on Amazon alert Amazon shoppers to deals and deep discounts on their favorite products and services. Customers find Amazon Deals by going directly to the deals page or by following a product listing tagged with the tell-tale tag that indicates their favorite product or service is currently on sale. 

It's important to note that not all Amazon professional sellers are eligible to have their products listed on Amazon's 7-Day Deals page or as Lightning products on the page. 

Eligible Amazon sellers who meet platform requirements with at least five seller feedback ratings. Sellers have to maintain a rating of at least 3.5 stars out of five. 

Click here to learn about professional seller requirements for listing your Amazon products as 7-Day Deals or Lightning products. 

What Deals Can I Create on Amazon? 

Professional Amazon sellers can enter eligible ASIN numbers in Amazon Deals under the Select Products tab of the Deals Dashboard. Amazon policies allow them to reject ASIN numbers that meet the criteria for being listed as 7-Day Deals without further explanation. 

7-Day Deals - These time-based deals are listed on Amazon's Deals pages for up to 7 days. Amazon assigns 7-Day Deal products a "limited time deal" badge that tells shoppers this product is on sale when they find the seller's product listings outside of the deals page. 

Having the "limited time deal" tag showing up on product listings can drive click-through rates and increase sales when customers make purchases from the deals page. 

Lightning Deals - Amazon can display lightning deals to its online shoppers at any time of the day or night that can last from a few minutes to a few hours. 

What is the Amazon Deals Page? 

The Amazon Deals page offers customers discounts on the everyday products and services they buy from the e-commerce retail giant online, all on one page. 

According to Amazon selling experts, the Amazon Deals page is the second most visited page on the website. 

Sellers who have their products featured on the deals page can see a substantial increase in revenue when their products go live on this coveted discount page. 

Amazon shoppers benefit from getting deep discounts on some of their favorite products and services in the marketplace. They offer product discounts that range between 10% off and 70% off products being sold on Amazon's Deals page. 

The "Today's Deals" section at the top of the deals page gives Amazon shoppers quick access to product deals in all categories and featured categories like back-to-school, computers, and accessories, and video games. 

How Sellers Manage 7-Day Deals on Amazon 

Eligible Amazon sellers can log in to Seller Central to add products to the deals page using the 7-Day Deals or Lightning Deals option. Listing products on the deals page is not free for sellers. 

Product placement fees for 7-Day Deals on Amazon start at around $300.00. Fees fluctuate based on special holiday promotions or events like Amazon Prime Day, Cyber Monday, and Black Friday. 

Fees for Lightning products are usually lower than fees on 7-Day Deals and they start at around $150.00 per product. 

Professional sellers who meet Amazon's requirements for listing 7 -Day deals manage their eligible products by using their ASIN on the Manage Deals Page, where they can add eligible products by paying platform fees required in each deals category. 

Once deals are live, sellers can view product performance for deal revenue, total deal revenue, units sold, and more! 

7-Day Deal

A 7-Day Deal is one of the many types of promotions or advertising strategies you can use on Amazon.

A 7-Day Deal is one of the many types of promotions or advertising strategies you can use on Amazon.


A+ Content

Amazon A+ Content is an Amazon Seller feature, previously called Enhanced Brand Content or EBC for short, that offers elevated copy and images to improve first impressions and give sellers a better chance to connect with customers and manage their expectations. This tool is exclusively available to approved brand owners who have registered with the Amazon Brand Registry or emerging owners through select managed selling options like Amazon Exclusives or Launchpad.

A+ Content Options

With A+ Content, sellers enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry can add products from an approved brand to their catalog and take advantage of more targeted, detailed content. There are two different types of content and display placements on A+ Content, enhanced product descriptions and brand content, which both improve the aesthetic appeal, functionality, and overall customer experience on the product detail page.

Enhanced Product Description

A+ Content product descriptions contain more information on product features and use bulleted feature lists to answer shopper questions about the benefits of each item. These features are indexed by Google, giving A+ or EBC Amazon listings more traction in search engine results.

The perks of enhanced product descriptions include:

  • Custom headers and photos
  • Unique layouts for text and images
  • Feature lists and item comparison charts
  • Prominent display in the Product Description section
  • Mobile and voice-friendly product listings
  • Easy integration with Amazon Alexa

Brand Content

Enhanced brand content allows sellers to share the background of their brand, values, and product collections, which helps to build a connection with shoppers and stand out from the competition. The interactive experience and engaging FAQs boost consumer confidence and drive sales on the highly competitive Amazon platform.

This A+ Content includes:

  • Carousel display with seven modules and HD images
  • Full-screen background for desktop and mobile
  • Eye-catching image/text cards
  • 720p videos up to 3 minutes
  • Links to the brand store and more products
  • Noticeable location in From the Brand part of the detail page

How to Sign Up for A+ Content

A+ Content streamlines the process of improving product listings for higher traffic and conversions on the Amazon website and app.

If you want to take advantage of enhanced product descriptions and more interactive detail pages, you can sign up for A+ Content as a registered brand owner on Amazon. Then you will be able to use A+ Content on all ASINs under the registered brand, with a maximum of 20 pending submissions at the same time.

Visit to enroll in the Amazon Brand Registry and unlock all the A+ Content benefits. Otherwise, Amazon Exclusive and Launchpad sellers can access A+ content without going through the brand registry process.

A+ Content

A+ Content is a feature of a professional Amazon Sellers accout that helps enhance your product descriptions, video, and images...

A+ Content is a feature of a professional Amazon Sellers accout that helps enhance your product descriptions, video, and images...


A-to-Z Guarantee

What is Amazon's A-to-Z Guarantee?

The A-to-z Guarantee is a feature of Amazon customer service that protects buyers in the marketplace when products don't match their descriptions or don't show up on time.  

The A-to-z guarantee is available for customers who cannot resolve purchase issues with 3P Amazon sellers on the platform. Buyers can log in to their Amazon account and request a refund directly from their account. 

When Amazon shoppers purchase products from third-party sellers and buyers receive defective products (or no products at all), the A-to-z guarantee can protect their purchase and provide a refund where they find third-party sellers to be at fault for the issues. 

A-to-z Guarantee Basics - How it Works

Amazon implemented its A-to-z guarantee to ensure buyers from third-party sellers receive the products they ordered online — in exactly the condition that third-party sellers advertise them in Amazon product descriptions and sponsored ads. 

The platform uses the A-to-z program to restore buyers whose products arrived defective and those that do not match the product description that prompted their purchase. They want to ensure buyers on Amazon receive the exact products and services they order in a timely fashion and that they arrive to customers in tip-top shape and in working condition. 

How the Amazon A to Z Guarantee Protects Buyers

It's important for Amazon shoppers to note that not all products and services will be eligible for a refund under Amazon's customer service guarantee. The e-commerce service provider will only intervene when buyers and sellers cannot agree on how to resolve issues with products that didn't arrive, or those that did not meet the customer's satisfaction. 

Amazon lists covered conditions for buyers to request a refund using the customer-centric A-to-z guarantee program on their website

It is up to buyers to complete a refund request and respond to all requests from Amazon during the refund process. Buyers who don't respond to all Amazon customer service requests may have their refund requests for the purchase of defective or missing products delayed or denied if they don't complete all required steps. 

Amazon will refund customers who have issues with their purchases from third-party Amazon sellers if something goes wrong with their purchases. 

How Do I Request a Refund From Amazon Using The Guarantee?

The A-to-Z guarantee works to provide buyers with a full refund of their purchase price for items bought on the Amazon store that don't meet Amazon standards or products that never arrived. Customers who claimed the package that is shown as "shipped" by the seller hasn't arrived may be eligible for refunds. 

Some customers are eligible for a full refund if their products don't arrive on time, if products arrived damaged, or if there was an issue with the return using the Amazon marketplace. 

Other protected customers may be eligible for a refund (minus platform restocking fees) if their order arrives on time, but they are still unhappy after confirmation of receipt. The final decision of whether to issue a refund under the guarantee is up to the discretion of Amazon's customer service department. 

The product cost, original shipping cost, and return shipping costs are eligible for a refund in approved cases where items bought from Amazon 3P sellers show up as damaged, defective, or did not match the product description. 

Steps to Request a Refund

Buyers have 90 days from the product's delivery date to request a refund for damaged, defective or missing products purchased from third-party Amazon sellers through the A-to-z program. 

Contacting the seller to resolve any purchase-related issues is the first step before buyers request a refund through their Amazon account. 

The A-to-z program issues refunds for covered products and services purchased from 3P sellers on the platform. It does not cover products purchased through the Amazon Global Store or Marketplace items delivered by Prime. 

What Products and Services Do They Cover Under Amazon's Customer Service Guarantee?

Sometimes, the A-to-z guarantee covers claims for property damage or personal injury claims for buyers who received defective products that caused a physical injury. Property damage and personal injury claims require more research and can take longer to resolve than other defective product refund requests. 

Buyers who have had no success in resolving issues with third-party buyers can request a refund under the Amazon A-to-z guarantee after waiting for the seller's response for 48 hours. 

Amazon customer service will verify that buyers have tried to resolve their purchase issues with sellers and intervene when buyers and sellers cannot reach a resolution.


Did your Amazon order arrive damaged, defective, or not at all?

Click here to request a refund from Amazon under the A-to-z program. 

A-to-Z Guarantee

The Amazon A-to-Z Guarantee is a protection for customers when they purchase items from third party sellers. This means that not only...

The Amazon A-to-Z Guarantee is a protection for customers when they purchase items from third party sellers. This means that not only...

Private Label

A/B Testing

A/B testing on Amazon product pages allows for content optimization by comparing two ad versions to see which one resonates more with the target audience. The A/B test method, sometimes called a split test, is used by many major companies but is especially popular on Amazon as it supports better click-through rates and higher conversions.

Essentially, A/B testing gives sellers the confidence to choose the right content and ads that make their product listings stand out in the highly competitive Amazon landscape. However, A/B testing on Amazon is a special feature limited to qualified sellers who enroll in the Amazon Brand Registry and have at least one ASIN with sufficient traction.

How Does Amazon A/B Testing Work?

There are several split testing tools out there, but Amazon has its own "Manage Your Experiments" option that sellers must use for A/B tests on Amazon. This experimental tool for registered brand owners supports split testing with two versions, assigned randomly to visitors on the same page.

This testing period should last about a month so the results can influence smarter marketing decisions. With these insights, sellers can change content to reflect the ad variation with the most conversions.

For example, an A+ Content seller on Amazon could achieve ad optimization by A/B testing two different images and headers for the same product.

Sellers should focus on the ad version that has a higher click-through rate (the percentage of visitors who click on the item from search results) and conversion rate (the percentage of visitors who purchase the product after seeing the ad and listing) during the A/B test.

What Are Amazon A/B Test Benefits?

Once the experimental testing is complete, Amazon ads and product listings can be updated and finalized to drive more consumer engagement and sales.

The key benefits of A/B testing on Amazon product pages include:

  • Higher click-through rates
  • Stronger conversions and sales
  • Better keyword rankings for more sales
  • Optimized content and advertisements 
  • Unique insights into consumer behavior

Amazon A/B testing is available through Seller Central resources for registered brands using A+ Content features.

A/B Testing

The idea of split testing is to evaluate different content, images or pricing for your product on Amazon in order find out which improves...

The idea of split testing is to evaluate different content, images or pricing for your product on Amazon in order find out which improves...



The Amazon A9 algorithm is responsible for the way products look in the Amazon search engine, which is powered by AI. Every time you use Amazon's search bar to look for an item, the A9 algorithm is working in the background to bring up the Amazon search engine results.

Some of the key factors that influence this algorithm include product inventory, titles, photos, videos, descriptions, reviews, and A+ Content. The most successful Amazon sellers take this A9 algorithm into account when optimizing listings to drive traffic and sales through high search rankings.

How Does Amazon A9 Algorithm Work?

There are more than 12 million items for sale on Amazon, and the A9 algorithm plays an important role in determining the product ranking order in the Amazon search engine. Much like Google's algorithm, the A9 Algorithm uses keywords to determine which results to display first. 

However, unlike Google, Amazon A9 not only uses relevant keywords but also sales conversions to determine rankings. By promoting product listings with strong sales, Amazon can increase traffic and conversion rates, starting a cycle as the products that sell more rank higher and so on.

How To Rank With Amazon A9 Algorithm?

The keys to success with Amazon's AI-powered search engine and A9 algorithm definitely include high volume keyword searches, which are more likely to rank, although they need to be relevant for each product. Sometimes, keywords with a lower search volume and fewer competitors are even better as they can propel a product listing up the ladder faster.

Once the required keywords are in place throughout the product page, the sales conversion rate should be factored in for the best chances of success with the A9 algorithm. A persuasive, optimized product listing with easy-to-read descriptions and keywords, plus a reliable sales history to back it up, is the ideal combination to be picked up by the A9 algorithm.


A9 is a developer of search engine as well as search advertizing. A9 is also a former subsidary of Amazon.

A9 is a developer of search engine as well as search advertizing. A9 is also a former subsidary of Amazon.


ACoS (Ad Cost of Sale Ad Spend/AdRevenue)

What is Advertising Cost of Sale?

The Advertising Cost of Sale (ACoS) is a measurement of how much is spent on advertising relevant to the overall amount made from sales of the product.

It is measured comparatively in dollars and can be understood by a simple formula:

Ad spend : target sales.

Unpacking the ACoS

To understand the ACoS, it is useful to think about the cycle of advertising and sales. For a product to be ‘out there’ in the marketplace, it needs to be brought to the public’s attention. This is why advertising is important.

Amazon advertising costs money, and you need to know how much you can afford to spend on advertising. This will be determined in relation to the overall budget for the production and sales of the product.

Having done market research, you should be able to get quite an accurate picture of the sales of your product. When you calculate the return on this, you can get an idea of how much you can afford to spend on advertising.

So, the ACoS becomes the advertising spend relative to the revenue received from target sales.

You should aim for a low ACoS, because that is indicative of an overall higher profit.

Relevance of ACoS

It is important for a product to have an ACoS to inform the advertising campaign for sales on Amazon.

The Advertising Cost of Sales allows you to track costs. It gives an indication of projected sales and the profit that may be generated. It can also indicate the amount that you can afford to spend on advertising.

It is advisable to avoid over-spending on advertising, as this may cut into the profits on the product.

Working out the ACoS

Working out the ACoS can be understood as:

Amount spent on advertising divided by the overall revenue x 100

So: Ad spend / total revenue x 100

For example:

Let’s assume that ad spend = $100 and total revenue = $500

$100 / $500 = 0.2 x 100 = 20.

Things to remember about the ACoS

You should aim to target a specific ACoS, because this will give a relatively accurate picture of projected sales in relation to the advertising budget.

The lower the Advertising Cost of Sales will result in more profit overall, if the sales meet the projected numbers.

The ACoS needs to be worked out in relation to Amazon PPC, because advertising is only paid when customers click on the product.

A higher Advertising Cost of Sales means that more advertising is possible, which equals more exposure of the product and, theoretically, a greater number of sales. The result of this should be a higher profit. This does depend on the sales being as high as projected.

The Advertising Cost of Sales works according to the total sales, so the profit may seem to be profitable. However, it doesn’t consider the expenses into account.

ACoS (Ad Cost of Sale Ad Spend/AdRevenue)

You may be wondering how to measure the success of your advertising campaigns. One way is with Amazon Ads' average cost per sale (ACoS)...

You may be wondering how to measure the success of your advertising campaigns. One way is with Amazon Ads' average cost per sale (ACoS)...


AGL (Amazon Global Logistics) Freight

What is Amazon Global Logistics Freight?

Amazon Global Logistics Freight (AGL) is a cross-border logistics and shipping service built into one of the world's largest and most profitable global e-commerce platforms. This global shipping option connects Amazon Marketplace Sellers, Amazon Business Sellers, Amazon customers, and Fulfilled by Amazon FBA services to global shipping options.

Amazon provides global ocean and air freight services to help sellers ship products and cargo to distributed fulfillment centers worldwide.

They provide logistics support via ocean and air to help top Amazon sellers to reach wider customer bases and generate more e-commerce revenue. 

Many Amazon sellers who have seen their revenue increase with international sales could not sell products to customers in supported countries without the help and support of Amazon Freight services.  

The combined efforts of Amazon Global Logistics Freight and FBA services make it possible for sellers to ship their products worldwide with the support of one of the largest and most efficient logistics giants we've ever seen.


How Does Amazon Global Logistics Freight Work for Amazon Sellers?

When Amazon sellers reach global customers, they often have to rely on third-party fulfillment centers to pack, ship, and track their international packages. 

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) offers cross-border logistics services to Amazon sellers with international customers and global shipping needs. 

Customers using Amazon's worldwide logistics services can manage their shipments from start to finish in the Amazon Seller portal. The Amazon Seller portal gives sellers the opportunity to take care of the following cross-border shipping-related tasks. 

  • Shipping Quotes
  • Estimated Transit Times
  • Book Shipments
  • Make Payments 
  • Track Shipments

What Countries Does Amazon Global Logistics Freight Ship To? 

Amazon Global Logistics Freight offers cross-border logistics services for Amazon sellers in several countries. 

New users of Amazon Global Logistics may qualify for up to an eight percent discount during their first 60 days of onboarding. 

Cross-Border Logistics Services by Amazon

Amazon Global Logistics offers the following freight services for international package delivery. 

Standard Ocean Freight Services - Amazon ships Full Container Loads (FCL) for Amazon sellers at a discounted rate using ocean-faring vessels and boats. This is the slowest international logistics option offered by Amazon. 

Fast Ocean Freight - This expedited transit service ships Full Container Loads (FCL) and Less than a Container Loads (LCL) using fast ocean-based shipping. 

Air Freight - Amazon's air freight services operate between the mainland of Hong Kong and China. They also service The United States, The European Union, and Japan. 

Amazon Air Freight is the fastest cross-border logistics option for point-to-point international delivery. They include value-added services from point-of-origin to local FBA fulfillment centers at the product's final destination. 

Value-Added Services for Amazon Global Logistics Freight Users

Full-service freight solutions for global Amazon sellers include the following value-added services.  

Local pickup services - Pickup services are available for shippers sending packages to fulfill customer orders placed from abroad. 

Palletization - Amazon associates strategically place goods on pallets that forklift drivers and Amazon associates transport across distribution warehouses. Built-in palletization services make it easy to fulfill orders and provide global shipping support for Amazon fulfillment centers at distributed locations. 

Labeling, Customs, and Insurance - sellers don't have to worry about adding labels or postage to international packaging. The Amazon Global Freight team handles labeling and cargo insurance services. They even provide customs clearance support for sellers at the point of origin and at the package destination. 

What Are The Benefits of Using Amazon Global Logistics Freight?

One of the primary benefits of using Amazon's cross-border logistic services is that sellers can see a noticeable increase in revenue by selling marketplace products to international e-commerce buyers. 

Amazon sellers who use their global freight solutions for shipping products internationally gain access to a strategically distributed network of fulfillment facilities that deliver products to customers around the globe. 

Sellers can reduce their costs for inventory transportation when they join Amazon's global logistics network, which can deliver products to customers in as little as one day. 

Amazon offers discounted rates for shippers to join their worldwide shipping program. AGL users can book and track shipments online any time of the day or night by logging in to their Seller Central accounts. 

How to Set Up An Amazon Global Logistics Freight Shipping Account

Setting up your freight shipping account with Amazon is easy! Amazon sellers using their proprietary selling software on Seller Central and third-party sellers using Vendor Central can log in to the platform. 

Once sellers log in to their seller account and connect it to FBA services, they can choose Amazon Global Logistics Freight shipping options as an add-on service. 

Click here to learn more! 

AGL (Amazon Global Logistics) Freight

The Amazon Global Logistics Freight Terms are part of the AGL freight program, which means they only apply to shipments transported...

The Amazon Global Logistics Freight Terms are part of the AGL freight program, which means they only apply to shipments transported...



What is

Amazon is an internet-based technology company that specializes in e-commerce, online publishing, web services, and logistics. Its founder, Jeff Bezos, opened its headquarters in Seattle, Washington, USA in 1994.

According to Britannica, Amazon's website fields much of the world's website traffic through its gigantic network of distributed servers worldwide. Its proprietary AWS cloud-based computing platform is just one of the many products and services it uses to power its global business model.

Amazon started out selling books and is now one of the world's leading book publishers, retailers, and e-commerce sellers of digital media using its Amazon store and Kindle reading devices.

Amazon is a technology company that sells consumer products among its vast offerings of products and services, which include worldwide logistics and cloud computing services for small, medium, and enterprise-sized businesses.

It also operates the Amazon Associates affiliate program, which generates third-party revenue for e-commerce retailers and associates who publish content on third-party websites.

Amazon went public with its first initial public offering in May 1997. Its current stock price places them among the ranks of top-performing international technology and service brands like Apple, Microsoft, and Google.

Amazon Products and Services

Amazon Web Services is a cloud-based platform that offers computing power and web space for online retailers and brands. Top US brands like Netflix rely on Amazon's S3 and EC2 services for delivering content to millions of subscribers on their streaming platform.

Automated fulfillment services for fulfillment by Amazon started in 2006. Since then, Amazon has become one of the world's leading logistics solutions providers.

Amazon's most recent mergers and acquisitions include gaining the health-based supermarket chain Whole Foods Market in 2017 and the i-Robot company we know for its self-vacuuming Roomba devices.

Statista reports Amazon's net sales revenue at $469.8bn USD in 2021. Economic experts estimate Amazon's brand value at around 705.65bn USD.

Who Shops on

Amazon is a retail e-commerce giant that has customers around the globe. While over half of its online store sales originate in the United States, Amazon also has loyal customers who shop with the online e-commerce leader from Amazon Prime has over two hundred million active monthly subscribers worldwide. Loyal Prime customers shop online with Amazon at least once and sometimes more than twice monthly. Amazon is one of the US-based companies with the highest overall customer satisfaction ratings of American companies nationwide.

Their Average Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) is a nationwide measure that shows how satisfied customers are with the service they get from US brands. They provide customer satisfaction index ratings for public and private US brands. Amazon's most recent ACSI rating.

Benefits of Selling on

With headquarters in Seattle and over 100 million customers worldwide, Amazon is the world's largest online retailer. It also offers AWS cloud services to its vast clientele in a wide variety of disciplines including e-commerce, technology, artificial intelligence, and finance.

Amazon sellers on the e-commerce marketplace platform benefit from selling their products and services to a ready-made base of built-in customers around the world. Sellers join the platform by paying a nominal monthly fee and listing their products to customers shopping Amazon online.

Sellers who join the platform and make a high number of sales can list their products on Amazon's Best Sellers page, which features short-term lightning deals and offers Amazon shoppers 7-Day deal discounts on their favorite products and services.

Along with being an e-commerce giant, cloud-services provider, and top logistics provider, Amazon makes it possible for first-party and third-party sellers to market their products and services to their expansive customer base inside Amazon, and on third-party websites outside of the platform.

This means that ads for popular products and services being sold on Amazon show up on other popular websites and extend the potential reach of sellers on the marketplace.

Fulfillment By Amazon

Amazon sellers can advertise to millions of customers they wouldn't normally reach in countries around the world. They can also partner with Amazon fulfillment services. When sellers partner with FBA, they can pack, ship, and deliver their orders to countries around the world.

Subscribing to FBA services connects Amazon sellers to international buyers and Amazon takes over the customer service and secure delivery of packages overseas. Amazon fulfillment services ship and mail packages to distributed fulfillment centers worldwide using Amazon's proprietary network of airplanes, cargo ships, and ground-based delivery vehicles.


Amazon is an internet-based technology company that specializes in e-commerce, online publishing, web services, and logistics. Its founder..

Amazon is an internet-based technology company that specializes in e-commerce, online publishing, web services, and logistics. Its founder..

Marketing Agencies


What is an API? 

Application Programming Interfaces (API) are an integral part of today's computing technology that allows thousands of software programs and applications to communicate with each other. Client-side applications send data information requests to server-side applications. 

Servers use a vast network of protocols to understand the request and return the best matching results using data and algorithms similar to Google searches. 

Before the invention of APIs, it limited software programmers in their ability to have thousands of different software programs work together to help programmers, business owners, and leisure users connect their favorite essential applications to each other for maximum productivity. 

API Basics

APIs communicate with each other via client and server-side programs. Software developers design client-side and server-side applications to perform essential functions inside their relevant software packages.

Client Applications - Send authentic requests to servers. 

Server Applications - Send responses to client-server requests. 

Both application sets work together to respond to user inquiries with the best matching answer, data, or website. 

What are the Most Popular APIs in Use Today? 

There are many API types available for software developers and people who need to solve technology-related business issues. Using APIs allows remote applications to work together on carrying out simple and complex tasks for API users. 

The most popular APIs in use today include the REST API, which connects thousands of user-friendly applications via cloud-based integrations online. 

REST API - Representational State Transfer APIs operate using a defined set of functions that allow them to exchange HTTP data without saving data between requests. 

The REST API functions much like a web browser by answering API requests without having to render results as a complete webpage. 

Benefits of Using APIs

Besides extending the functionality of software applications and programs, using APIs can speed up the process of software development. 

A speedier software development process can help business owners and Amazon sellers keep pace with the speed of technology and update their accounts with the latest features that make it easier for Amazon to find, engage with, and purchase Amazon products online. 

REST APIs are stateless, which means software developers rely on them because they integrate seamlessly into many existing software programs. 

API Integrations are built-in API features that automatically update data transfers between clients and servers. 

Amazon sellers can use API integrations like the AWS API to connect their Amazon Seller Central accounts with third-party data tools for product tracking, sales reporting, managing inventory, and customer service requests.

APIs disseminate critical information across a wide variety of mobile and desktop programs. Software developers can connect APIs with the software that powers mobile devices for Android and iOS users.


They can also link with websites on desktops and laptop computers that sync protocols across portable and home-based devices. 

Is There More Than One Type of API?

Yes! There are a wide variety of API types. Enterprises and large corporations develop APIs for internal use and solving business data problems that require multiple software programs to connect for organizing and analyzing data. 

They developed other APIs for public use. There are also developer-only APIs designed to solve complex technology problems. Below, we summarize the most common API types used to solve software development and business technology problems. 

Private APIs

Private APIs are leveraged by large enterprises like Amazon to connect internal business systems with reporting data. They developed these proprietary APIs for exclusive use in enterprise-sized organizations and limit access to the organizations' information technology teams and employees. Most private APIs are funded by companies internally and don't require paid access. 

Public APIS 

There are public-based systems that anyone can access. These APIs are not exclusive to corporations or single users. Anyone can connect to a public API with the understanding that they must adhere to the API protocols, including paying a fee to connect to paid API services. 

Composite APIs 

When businesses and software developers encounter complex software issues that require the use of multiple software programs written in different languages, they can use Composite APIs to address the issues. Composite APIs combine two or more API functions to solve complex technical issues.  

People who use APIs know how to leverage this technology, which allows a wide variety of different software types to communicate with each other by following a set of prescribed protocols. 

Amazon APIs for Amazon Sellers 

Sellers looking for proprietary Amazon APIs will find there are many options available to choose from. Amazon sellers who want to take advantage of using Amazon APIs to create customer engagement and product sales can research API integrations for managing Amazon sales, Amazon ads, and other integrated features of Amazon. 


APIs are the building blocks that allow developers to integrate different pieces of software in order for them work together seamlessly...

APIs are the building blocks that allow developers to integrate different pieces of software in order for them work together seamlessly...

Service Providers

ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number)

What is the Amazon Standard Identification Number?

The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) is a code made up of 10 digits, comprising numbers and letters, that identifies a specific product on Each code is unique to the product and is the means of identifying it.

Understanding where the ASIN comes from

When a product is put on Amazon, it needs to be identified, so that the platform knows what it is dealing with and so does any potential customer. The seller must also know which product is which.

When you enter the product, Amazon will generate the ASIN. A new code will be created automatically only if there isn’t the same product already on Amazon.

The ASIN is the means by which a product can be tracked and sales measured and recorded. A product cannot be listed on Amazon unless it has a code.

To find the ASIN

The Amazon Standard Identification Number is listed on the detail page of each product in the Amazon catalog. To find the code, you need to go to the pace and look for it under the ‘product details’ section.

The ASIN (or ISBN for books) may also be found in the product detail when you search for it in your browser and locate the URL.

Things to remember about an ASIN

Similar products may be given the same ASIN. Before putting something on Amazon, make sure there isn’t a similar product with an ASIN.

If your product is identical to another on Amazon already, then you must use the existing ASIN.

Every product has an ASIN, except for books that have an ISBN. This is a code made up of numbers that is unique to each title. Amazon recognizes this and the ASIN is identical to the ISBN if a book is listed on Amazon.

If a product is available on the different Amazon marketplaces, it may be assigned a different Amazon Standard Identification Number.

ASIN vs Barcodes

A barcode is a code of numbers and letters that is unique to each product. It is represented by bars and spaces. It is placed on the product so that it is accessible. Most retailers read the barcode to find the price of the item, as this is the reference that is used on the system.

An important difference between a Barcode and ASIN is that the barcode is an internationally recognized code, while the ASIN is specific only to the Amazon catalog.

The ASIN relates to a product but is not necessarily unique. In fact, similar products in the Amazon catalog can be merged and given the same ASIN.

ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number)

How does Amazon make sure that there's no mistake when ordering from their site? The answer is simple - every product has an 10 digit...

How does Amazon make sure that there's no mistake when ordering from their site? The answer is simple - every product has an 10 digit...


Account Health

Amazon Account Health is a Seller Central page that keeps track of seller performance to ensure accounts meet Amazon policies and standards. This is an important resource for monitoring your selling account and avoiding seller suspension from avoidable mistakes.

Sellers are encouraged to regularly check their Account Health pages because Amazon monitors for compliance and may take action when seller metrics fall short.

What Does Amazon Account Health Page Do?

As an overview of selling account performance, the Amazon Account Health page lets you know how your sales are tracking toward targets, as well as any issues that need to be resolved to continue selling without interruption. If your account falls off-target, this will be flagged in the Account Health dashboard, and you will receive a notification of what needs to be reviewed.

In rare cases of extremely poor performance ratings, seller accounts may be deactivated right away. There is an appeal option that requires a plan of action for resolving the ongoing issues to regain selling privileges.

What is an Account Health Rating?

The key metrics for Amazon Account Health include:

  • Order defect rate
  • Cancellation rate
  • Late dispatch rate
  • On-time delivery rate
  • Valid tracking rate
  • Return dissatisfaction rate
  • Invoice defect rate

These metrics all go into the Account Health Rating (AHR), which considers the severity of outstanding violations and the positive impact on the customer experience. Amazon continues to update this rating to ensure it reflects current selling policies, and the easiest way to keep a good account rating is by addressing any policy violations quickly.

Accounts rated at risk or critical could be deactivated if compliance is not improved. Amazon sellers should strive for overall compliance with all policies to prevent risky ratings and possible account deactivation.

How to Deal with Account Health Violations

Amazon knows that sometimes things happen and circumstances change that are out of your control, which is why sellers can review violations and complaints within the Account Health page.

If you see any issues in your Account Health, you can view details about product policy compliance, as well as a detailed history of removed listings and images. This page tells you the current status of flagged content and the necessary next steps before you can resume selling that particular item.

How to Avoid Seller Suspension

On the Amazon Account Health dashboard, you will see one of three seller account statuses:

  • Active - there are no major violations, so you can continue selling with payments processed normally.
  • Under review - you can still sell, but Amazon will temporarily hold funds until account review is complete.
  • Suspended - sales are not permitted and payments are temporarily withheld.

To minimize the chance of seller suspension, review and respond to any violations on the Amazon Account Health page sooner rather than later. Regular review of Account Health is essential in case you need to appeal a removed listing or deactivated account.

Account Health

Your Amazon Store Performance is determined by three different metrics. The first one, customer service percentage reflects how well...

Your Amazon Store Performance is determined by three different metrics. The first one, customer service percentage reflects how well...

Marketing Agencies

Ad Daily Budget

Defining an Advertising Daily Budget

An advertising Daily Budget is the amount of money spent in one day on advertising for a product or service. The amount can be set specifically, which assumes a regular rhythm of sales. It is also possible to set an average daily spend over a period, which can be adjusted if sales rise and fall.

Advertising daily budget as an average

The daily budget will run for the duration of a campaign. However, because sales rise and fall, the advertising daily budget should be set as an average of daily spend on advertising over a week.

If you are looking at the idea of an average daily spend, the amount of the daily budget may be less on one day or higher on a day or two. You will need to project sales for one week and then work out what the weekly budget should be and divide it by seven. This sets a daily budget.

For example

If your daily budget is- $8.50, the weekly average will be 7 x %8.50 = $59.50. However, the actual weekly costs may look like this:

Sunday                 $7.50

Monday               $8.50

Tuesday               $9.50

Wednesday        $10.00

Thursday              $6.50

Friday                    $8.50

Saturday               $9.00

The daily advertising budget has varied, but the week still costs the same as though an average of $8.50 is projected.

Daily budget vs lifetime budget

There are two time periods over which an advertising budget can be set: lifetime and daily.

An advertising daily budget can be quite restricting because you need to set it quite precisely and it needs to be revised every week.

A lifetime budget, on the other hand, looks at the average spend over the lifetime of a product or service. This means that there may be quite a lot of flux in the amount spent each day.

The daily budget relies quite heavily on a steady rhythm of sales, but it also allows you the flexibility in the long run to change the amount spent on advertising week-by-week.

Setting the advertising daily budget as part of the overall budget

A useful way to look at setting your advertising daily budget is to look at your whole budget for the campaign for that particular item. Divide this by the planned time period over which the campaign will run. This will give you quite a clear picture of what a daily budget should be.

Because there are often hidden costs, it may be useful to set a daily budget that is lower than this price. This will also allow you to change the advertising daily budget if sales decline, and you need to increase advertising, or if sales rise more quickly than projected, and you can afford to cut back on some advertising.

Ad Daily Budget

The Ad Daily Budget is an important tool for managing your advertising campaigns. It helps you set a daily limit on how much money can...

The Ad Daily Budget is an important tool for managing your advertising campaigns. It helps you set a daily limit on how much money can...


Ad Impressions

What are Amazon Ad impressions? 

Amazon Ad impressions are key metrics that tell Amazon sellers how many times they have displayed a seller's ad on the screen to shoppers.

The more impressions sellers get, the more likely Amazon shoppers are to be interested in their products or services. 

Customers who return and repeatedly view ad information are more likely to return to buy the item when their buyer's journey is complete. Use Amazon ad impressions as an inbound marketing tool to reach more customers already looking for the products and services you sell online.

One bonus of using Amazon ads this way is that the content in your ads can walk customers through their buyer's journey step-by-step, leading to an increase in conversions as they gain trust in your Amazon business. 

Amazon Ad Impressions Generate Brand Awareness

Whether customers click on your Amazon ads and buy your products the same day, one thing is for certain, the more Amazon shoppers see your ads and become familiar with your brand, the more likely they are to develop enough trust and make a purchase from your Amazon store. 

Mastering the techniques behind Amazon advertising is one of the best ways for Amazon sellers to generate more Amazon ad impressions and boost sales on Amazon's global platform. 

Boost Amazon Ad Impressions

Understanding the stages of the buyer's journey is one free marketing strategy Amazon advertisers use to provide online shoppers with value-added information that helps them progress to the final stage of their buyer's journey, which is completing a purchase. 

According to HubSpot, the three stages of the buyer's journey include the awareness, consideration, and decision-making stages. Advertisers who want to increase their ad impressions should create targeted and keyword-researched ads that answer the questions buyers have for each stage in their journey. 

Customers in the beginning stages of their journey have likely just realized they have an issue they need to resolve and will begin researching online to find solutions to their problem.

For example, a customer whose vacuum cleaner just stopped working will probably search online for keywords like "vacuum cleaner repair near me" or "new vacuum near me."

Keyword targeted searches will return the best results for customers that match their query. Most search engines will return Amazon ads and Amazon product listings at the top of their search page. This is exactly where Amazon advertisers want their products to show up! 

Amazon Advertising Basics

Make it easy for customers to find the products and services you offer using Amazon's built-in advertising features. Potential customers see ads on product listing pages and search results pages. 

The following are a few tips from Amazon advertising experts that can help Amazon sellers increase their Amazon ad impressions. 

Pay-per-click Advertising on Amazon

Product ads, product descriptions, and product details pages should all contain relevant descriptions and the same keywords to appear at the top of Amazon search results. Use pay-per-click advertising with well-researched keywords to boost your ad impressions. 

If these listings don't match, your ads are less likely to be shown to potential customers looking for products matching your keywords. 

Optimizing your Amazon ads to cover each stage of the buyer's journey can educate your customers about the benefits of using your products and services, provide key specifications and pricing, and fill customers in on sales or deals such as including free shipping with their purchase. 

Cost-per-click Advertising on Amazon

Boost your Amazon Ad impressions by creating new cost-per-click campaigns that are filled with quality content to attract the attention of buyers searching online for your product's keywords. 

SEO experts say when you're ready to advertise, start by using about 40 keywords. Gradually expand your keyword targeting as you learn to understand your buyer's behavior and what keywords they used to create an impression on your product pages. 

Using a combination of automatic targeting and manual targeting ads for sponsored products will help you narrow down the best keywords to drive your traffic to your product pages and increase your Amazon Ad impressions. 

Ad Impressions

Impressions are a great way to tell how often your ad has been seen. Keep this number in mind when you're looking at the numbers on...

Impressions are a great way to tell how often your ad has been seen. Keep this number in mind when you're looking at the numbers on...

Private Label

Ad Orders

Ad orders on Amazon refer to a wide range of advertising options offered by the e-commerce company for sellers of all sizes. Amazon PPC ad orders are advertising requests submitted by sellers who want to increase their product and brand visibility on the platform to ultimately boost sales. Ad orders are customizable and vary based on seller preferences.

What Are Amazon Ad Types?

As an Amazon seller, you have the choice of nine different advertising product categories to put on your ad order. You can tailor ad duration, maximum spend, and content to promote the best results with engaging, informative advertising.

Here are the different products for ad orders on Amazon to consider for impressive ad optimization.

Sponsored Products

Self-service Amazon PPC ads highlight individual items, with ads appearing on product pages and search results. ACOS, or advertising cost of sale, is used to track the success of this Amazon ad option.

Sponsored Brands

Ad orders on Amazon often include sponsored brand spots too, as these cost-per-click ads can feature several products with a custom headline and brand logo, ensuring brands are visible in shopping and search results.

Sponsored Display

Rounding out the most popular sponsored ad orders are display ads, a self-service option that automatically generates creative content targeted toward Amazon visitors with relevant interests.


This advertising option is a free way for brands to share their story and connect with consumers, as Amazon features product portfolios across several pages and sellers.

Audio Ads

Amazon audio ad orders secure spots on the free Amazon Music tier, which can be heard on traditional desktop and mobile as well as Echo and Fire TV.

Video Ads

Incorporating video ads into Amazon ad orders may come at a slightly higher cost than normal Amazon PPC, but it's well worth it for many sellers as these ads are part of streaming TV and appear on IMDb TV too. 

Custom Ads

When a custom ad order comes in, account executives from the Amazon Ads department create one-of-a-kind advertising solutions incorporating text, imagery, and video.

Amazon Attribution

While Amazon PPC ads remain a top priority for direct advertising on Amazon, there's also this attribution product that evaluates the impact of non-Amazon ads on Amazon product performance.

Amazon DSP

The demand-side platform is ideal for easy Amazon ad orders as sellers can take advantage of programmatic advertising to invest in the ideal display, audio, and video ad placements.

To order Amazon ads and explore all the available options, visit

Ad Orders

You can set up your Ad Order by answering some questions about the product you're advertising. For example, how much money is safe to...

You can set up your Ad Order by answering some questions about the product you're advertising. For example, how much money is safe to...


Ad Spend

What is Amazon Ad Spend?

Ad spend is an Amazon marketing metric that helps sellers figure out how much of their marketing budget they spend on Amazon ads. Third-party and first-party Amazon sellers create targeted marketing campaigns to promote their products and services to online shoppers. 

Amazon sellers have an allowed budget amount for marketing that they can use to spend more of their marketing budget on advertising products that have higher sales ranks and click-through rates. 

Amazon is a global e-commerce marketplace that also acts as a publisher. It shows relevant product ads to customers using keyword searches to shop online. Since Amazon is also a publisher, it can promote third-party and first-party ads to customers shopping online inside the Amazon marketplace on third-party websites outside of the proprietary network. 

According to Statista, Amazon's total ad spend was over 19 billion dollars in 2021. 

"Ad spend" is a key marketing metric that shows Amazon advertisers and sellers how much money they spend on ad variations. Amazon sellers use different versions of product pages to advertise them on the Amazon network. 

Amazon advertisers launch marketing campaigns featuring digital ads to promote their products and services in the global e-commerce marketplace. Digital ads can contain combinations of audio, video, images, or text. 

How Amazon Sellers Calculate Amazon Ad Spend

Advertisers use data from Seller Central for third-party advertisers and data from Vendor Central for first-party advertisers to learn which products have the highest sales rank and click-through rates. Savvy marketers use their branded ad spend budgets to promote the best-performing versions of their advertisements to promote on Amazon. 

Sellers on Amazon's platform choose their daily budget amounts based on how much they can afford to spend on advertising costs. 

Amazon marketers add money to their ad accounts based on their marketing budgets. Variations of ads can include slight or drastic changes that make a difference in click-through rates (CTR) and sales. 

Fit Small Business reports that Amazon Prime has at least 75 million subscribers in 2022 and they project this number to grow steadily. These millions of subscribers represent potential buyers of products found through automatic and manual ad campaigns for branded products on Amazon. 

Over half of Amazon Prime subscribers spend at least $100.00 a month (or more) shopping on Amazon. 

Amazon Advertising Options 

Amazon has a few different options where sellers use their ad spend to launch targeted marketing campaigns that show up in Amazon product listings in the marketplace and in Google keyword searches. 

The following are examples of Amazon's most popular digital advertising options they recommend for new advertisers on the platform. 

Sponsored Ads - Recommended for new Amazon sellers. Uses automatic and manual targeting to create cost-per-click keyword search-based Amazon marketing campaigns. 

Sponsored Display Ads - Generated from the product detail page, this real-time Amazon marketing solution uses first-party insights to display advertisements to customers at the best time in their buyer's journey. 

Automated Ad Targeting - Amazon's Seller Central and Vendor Central have automated ad targeting options that show ads to customers based on first-party shopping data and return relevant product listings to customers interested in those items. 

Manual Ad Targeting - This built-in Amazon ad feature uses manually entered keywords in product descriptions to drive traffic to product listings.


Advertisers on Amazon have a unique opportunity to showcase their products and services to customers searching for them on Amazon and even outside of this massive e-commerce ecosystem. Amazon ads can appear in a wide variety of different locations online.

Ads can appear on desktop computers, laptop computers, mobile devices, and tablets within the Amazon marketplace and third-party websites. 

Advertisers on Amazon can showcase their products and services to customers searching for them on Amazon and even outside of this massive e-commerce ecosystem.

Amazon Ad Spend Best Practices and Formulas 

Follow Amazon's recommended marketing strategy for promoting your products and services across this e-commerce platform. They recommend starting with sponsored ads set for automatic targeting to identify the best keywords for reaching customers that searched for similar products online. 

The next step is to set up manual campaigns using the best keywords discovered in automatic targeting. 

Once sellers have mastered using sponsored ads for manual and automatic marketing campaigns, they can move on to the more complex steps of adding video, display, or custom ad campaigns to their Amazon marketing toolkit. 

Return on Ad Spend - ROAS is a key marketing metric that Amazon uses to let marketers know how much return they are getting for their ad spending investment. 

Advertisers calculate ROAS by dividing the total ad spend amount by the number of total ad sales. 

Ad Spend

Ad Spend is the amount that you determine to spend for the entire campaign on that particular ad.

Ad Spend is the amount that you determine to spend for the entire campaign on that particular ad.

Business Buyers

Ad Status (Campaign Status)

Amazon Marketing Best Practices 

The Amazon ads feature is a built-in feature of Seller Central. It offers intuitive and easy-to-use automated ad options that help sellers on the platform reach the right buyers at the right time with the right content. 

Keeping track of your ad status and campaign status are important best practices for Amazon sellers and Amazon marketers to implement. Checking the status of your Amazon marketing campaigns using Seller Central and the built-in campaign monitoring tools can give sellers a birds-eye view of how their marketing campaigns are being displayed on Amazon and if they are showing up in Google search results. 

A quick glance at your ad status or campaign status will tell you when your campaigns have been approved for marketing on Amazon. Your campaign dashboard can also tell you where your ads are showing up on Amazon and if any of your ads are stuck in a pending or paused status. 

What is Amazon Ad Status?

They show Amazon Ad Status in the Campaign Manager of your Seller Central account. Amazon status codes provide key information for Amazon sellers about how their Sponsored Ads or Sponsored Display campaigns are working. 

The Amazon marketing team provides Amazon ad status to help sellers manage their campaigns more efficiently. Amazon sellers can access the current status of their Amazon ad campaigns by logging into the Campaign Manager of Seller Central. 

Who Can Advertise On Amazon?

Businesses of all sizes can benefit from advertising their products and services on Amazon's global marketplace and third-party websites featuring over 12 million active products for customers to choose from. 

Amazon offers sellers on its platform the ability to run ads using built-in advertising and marketing tools in Seller Central. Advertisers on Amazon can promote their products and services on the e-commerce platform for as little as $10.00 a day. 

Amazon Ad Status Codes 

The amount of information new marketers are required to learn in order to master Amazon marketing can be overwhelming. Marketing your products and services on Amazon is easier when you understand Amazon ad status codes and how they affect your marketing strategy. 

Amazon ad status codes tell Amazon sellers what state their ads and marketing campaigns are currently in. It's important for Amazon sellers to keep track of their Ad Status codes and their Amazon Campaign status to analyze marketing data and make important decisions about budgeting and optimizing Amazon marketing campaigns. 

Ad status codes are available for Sponsored Ads, Sponsored Display Campaigns, and other Amazon ad types. Click here for examples of Amazon Ad Status codes that show up on Amazon marketing campaign reports. 

How to Check Campaign Status on Amazon

Professional sellers on Amazon's global e-commerce platform can log in to their Seller Central account to learn the status of their Amazon Marketing Campaigns. Sellers can review their marketing dashboards to learn whether their Amazon ad campaigns are currently pending, delivered, paused, or in progress. 

Amazon Campaign Status Codes 

A quick glance at the campaign status codes in your Amazon Campaign Manager can provide important information about your Amazon ads that tell you if you need to take action on ended campaigns, add money to out-of-budget campaigns, or that your latest campaign delivery attempt was a success. 

When sellers log into their Amazon accounts to review the status of their ad campaigns, they may see one or more of the following campaign status codes. 

The following explains Amazon campaign status codes in brief detail. 

Delivering - A status code that shows delivering means that your Amazon ad campaigns are active and displaying your ads on Amazon and third-party sites. 

Scheduled - Your Amazon ads have been placed and are set to start delivering on the next scheduled date. 

Ended - Your Amazon Ad campaigns are no longer displayed because the end date of the campaign has expired. Changing the end date or duplicating the campaign with a new date can resolve this issue. 

Out-of-Budget - When your Amazon marketing budget is running low or empty, this can affect your Amazon ads. An "out-of-budget" status code tells sellers that their marketing balance is below the threshold. In most cases, adding more money to your Amazon marketing budget by logging in to Seller Central will return your ads back to the "delivering" state.


These are just a few examples of the campaign status codes on Amazon that tell marketers what state their Amazon ads are currently in. 

If you're having trouble with your Amazon campaigns and none of the status codes displayed answer your questions, contact Amazon advertising support to get your Amazon ad campaigns back on track. 

Ad Status (Campaign Status)

Ad Status in Amazon is shown in your Campaign Manager account . There are multiple statuses that your AD campaign will show.

Ad Status in Amazon is shown in your Campaign Manager account . There are multiple statuses that your AD campaign will show.


Ad Targeting or Product Targeting

What is Product Targeting or "Ad Targeting" on Amazon?

Product targeting is a marketing technique used by Amazon sellers to boost their product visibility based on a specific demographic.  Statistics show that higher product visibility in product listings, customer reviews, and strategic locations inside and outside of Amazon's billion-dollar e-commerce platform results in higher click-through rates and increased product sales for Amazon sellers. 

Using built-in Amazon marketing features for product targeting helps sellers target customers using keyword searches to find specific products in the e-commerce marketplace. 

Amazon automated product targeting and ad targeting to make their database of over 12 million products more user-friendly for customers looking for products to buy online.


Amazon sellers can use product targeting for sponsored display ad campaigns and for sponsored product ads. 

How to Use Product Targeting for Sponsored Display Ads on Amazon

Product targeting for Sponsored Display ads shows online shoppers' similar or complementary product search results based on the category they are searching in. 

When sellers use product targeting with Sponsored Display Ads, Amazon customers in the e-commerce marketplace can see relevant products that match their search queries. They also see automatically generated Amazon deals and savings badges that help drive impromptu buying decisions. 

Product targeting can help sellers boost their products showing on Amazon's best sellers list when they appear in conspicuous places across the platform and on third-party websites. 

Sellers help their Amazon product listings stand out by organizing their products by best-selling products and star ratings. Amazon also recommends that sellers add A+ content to product listings to increase views, clicks, and sales. 

Where Are Product Targeting Ads Displayed on Amazon?

Sellers can market their products in strategic locations on the Amazon platform. Because Amazon is also a publisher, ads published on their platform can be displayed on third-party websites outside of the Amazon marketplace or Amazon store. 

One of the main benefits of using ad targeting is that Amazon automates ad placement making it easier for customers to find and buy products. 

The following are examples of where product targeting ads are displayed. 

  • Shopping Results Pages - Customers see keyword-based search results that feature ads with product targeting activated on Amazon's shopping results pages. 
  • Next to Customer Reviews on Product Listings - Targeted products stand out when they appear next to top-rated customer reviews inside Amazon product listings on the platform and on third-party websites like Google. 
  • Product Detail Pages - Customers searching for top-rated products can find targeted product information on product detail pages for similar products listed on Amazon. Product sales increase when customers opt to purchase the products and services displayed in targeted ads placed by Amazon.

How to Use Product Targeting for Sponsored Products 

Sponsored Products show individual product listings in Amazon's search results. Amazon marketers use product targeting for sponsored products and the Campaign Manager to learn which products are trending in the marketplace by researching product ASINs. 

ASIN research can also tell sellers what their competitors' best-selling products are and give insights on how to set up similar targets to improve product click-through rates and boost their Amazon profits. 

Amazon product targeting benefits individual sellers and stores when their best-selling products appear in category search results next to similar results from popular and well-known brands from successful Amazon sellers.

The product targeting process uses ASIN numbers to target specific products already selling in the marketplace.  

What is an Amazon Standard Identification Number Used For? 

Once sellers have completed the steps required by the Amazon Brand Registry, they gain access to all the free built-in marketing and seller tools connected to the Amazon Store. This includes gaining access to creating ASIN-based product listings. 

New Amazon sellers may have heard the term ASIN. The Amazon Standard Identification Number is a unique alphanumeric identifier that differentiates the over 12 million products currently listed on Amazon's Marketplace by assigning each product its own unique identifier. 

Amazon recommends using Sponsored Products listings with ASINs as an affordable cost-per-click solution when you advertise before using other types of paid advertising to boost engagement and sales. It drives brand awareness and increases engagement. 

According to Amazon, sellers who used its Sponsored Products Ads with targeting features to manage performance see more than a forty percent increase in sales after activating this built-in marketing feature that uses its proprietary ASIN system to identify products. 

They make Sponsored Product marketing tools available for professional sellers, vendors, and authors to promote individual product listings and services on the Amazon marketplace. 

The first step to tapping into Amazon's global e-commerce network, where millions of customers engage, is to create an Amazon seller account. 

Ad Targeting or Product Targeting

With product targeting, you can place sponsored ads in other ASIN pages and search results for your products.

With product targeting, you can place sponsored ads in other ASIN pages and search results for your products.

Business Buyers

Affiliate Marketing

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing uses a third-party marketing strategy for promoting products and services on third-party sites and Google. Websites, blogs, and social media channels use affiliate marketing for monetization of their public channels. 

Marketers who promote other people's products and services across their online channels can earn thousands of dollars in commissions when shoppers make purchases based on their recommendations or links. 

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Affiliate marketers use specialized website tracking URLs called "affiliate links. " Affiliate links track customer behaviors.

These links record key customer behaviors and track the buying paths that eventually lead to them making a purchase online. 

They pay affiliate marketers set commission rates on third-party products and services when customers buy or subscribe through strategically placed affiliate links. 

There are tons of affiliate marketing programs available for people who own their blogs and websites to join and generate passive income. Most affiliate marketing programs require new marketers to complete an application and either approve or deny their request to join affiliate marketing programs. 

Brands partner with third-party publishers who promote their products and services via links, ads, blog posts, product descriptions, and product reviews on their sites. 

Third-party affiliates promote their products and services when affiliate marketers post affiliate links describing the use and benefits of their products on websites, blogs, and social media channels. The result is often a noticeable boost in the sales of third-party advertisers. 

Affiliate marketers also notice an increase in their passive income when they make qualifying sales via affiliate links. 

Amazon operates one of the largest global affiliate marketing programs via their Amazon Associates affiliate marketing program. 

How can Amazon Sellers Benefit from Affiliate Marketing?

Amazon sellers can benefit from affiliate marketing programs like Amazon Associates to increase their revenue and generate an additional passive income stream. Sellers can place affiliate links for products and services in Amazon product listings and earn commissions when people make purchases based by following the path to purchase through their affiliate links. 

There is a potential benefit for everyone when affiliate marketers promote third-party products and services across their online channels. 

Customers benefit from affiliate marketing when they find deals and discounts on their favorite products and services on other websites, apps, and social media channels. Marketers benefit by increasing their website traffic and passive income when website visitors complete qualifying purchases through their affiliate links. 

Brands and Amazon sellers benefit when they see an increase in revenue from products and services marketed on websites across many industries. 

Amazon Associates Affiliate Marketing Program Details

The Amazon Associates program is one of the largest affiliate marketing programs in the world. Amazon Associates earn commissions when customers make purchases of qualifying goods, services, free trials, and subscriptions covered under the program. 

One of the biggest perks of joining Amazon Associates is that they don't require affiliates to maintain their own Amazon Store or manage inventory.

Marketers generate passive income 24 hours a day when Amazon shoppers make qualifying purchases, buy new memberships, start new subscriptions, and take advantage of free trials like Amazon Prime. 

Amazon Associates earn qualifying commissions based on the current rate offered for each product and service in the e-commerce marketplace. Top Amazon Affiliates have earned up to $20,000.00 per year in additional passive income from third-party Amazon sales. 

Click here to review the Amazon Affiliate Commission Rates Per Product provided by Amazon's Operating Agreement Support. 

How to Become An Amazon Affiliate 

Amazon sellers are also eligible to join Amazon's global affiliate marketing program to boost their passive earning potential. E-commerce sellers and content creators can sign up to become an Amazon Affiliate on the Amazon Associates sign-up page. 

They require new affiliate marketing applicants to provide details about what products or services they want to promote on Amazon. 

New affiliates provide information on their potential online sales channels and on how they will promote third-party sales content. Amazon has a similar commission-based affiliate marketing program available for digital influencers. 

Click here to learn more about the Amazon Influencers program. 

Amazon Associates cannot promote affiliate marketing products offline. They are required to adhere to the standards set forth in the Amazon Associate guidelines.


Violation of the guidelines set forth by Amazon can cause suspension of affiliate marketing privileges or closure of your Amazon Associates account. 

Once they approve associations, the affiliate marketer posts products across approved websites, blogs, and social media channels with products listed in Amazon's proprietary ASIN system. Associates earn commissions based on the fee structure assigned by Amazon for product sales, subscriptions, and trials. 

Click here to apply to Amazon's global and highly profitable affiliate marketing program.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is an increasingly popular way for people to market their products on Amazon. A reseller pays affiliates a commission...

Affiliate marketing is an increasingly popular way for people to market their products on Amazon. A reseller pays affiliates a commission...



What is an Algorithm?

An algorithm is a set of computer protocols that follows specific mathematical rules for categorizing information requests and delivering relevant search results to customers and internet website browsers.

Many of the products, services, and companies we use rely heavily on algorithms to match end users with the results of server-based queries that filter through millions (or billions) of possible results to return the best match for the query.

One of the most popular algorithms we know of worldwide is Google's search-based algorithm that links millions of user queries with the best individual answers to their questions.

How the Amazon Algorithm Works for Sellers

The Amazon e-commerce giant is another widely known and widely used algorithm that uses complex mathematical equations for responding to customer search queries on its gigantic global e-commerce platform, determining the best routes and times for order fulfillment and package delivery, and deciding which products and services to feature on its most popular pages that get the most website hits.

Understanding how Amazon's proprietary algorithms work and how to optimize product listings for increased visibility in Amazon searches is one of the strategies Amazon sellers use to boost sales and views. The A9 algorithm is responsible for ranking products in Amazon search results.

It works like Google's algorithm by answering and responding to queries based on a keyword search.

It is in the best interest of Amazon and the platform's best sellers to promote the best listings for the highest rated and best-selling products on the platform to increase profitability for the company itself and individual brands.

For example, products listed on the Amazon's Choice page represent those with the highest customer satisfaction levels, the fastest delivery rates, and the products that sell the largest quantity on the platform.

Amazon assigns products to categories based on the data reported by its internal algorithms.

Sellers who want to boost sales and profitability on Amazon can spend time tweaking their marketing strategy and investing more time in Amazon keyword research that helps drive traffic and product sales by adding the keywords shoppers use to find products and services in the categories they sell in.

How the Amazon Algorithm Works for Customers

Customers spend less time aimlessly searching for their favorite products and services on Amazon when their queries filter through the Amazon A9 or A10 algorithm.

Amazon's algorithms deliver the best search results to customers based on built-in computational factors in the algorithm that include product relevancy, keyword searches, and the best matching products most likely to satisfy their query.

Amazon's Choice connects the best sellers on the platform with buyers seeking vetted products with a history of outstanding sales performance and customer satisfaction on Amazon.

The more popular a product or service is with buyers on the platform, the more likely it is to appear at the top of Amazon keyword searches, resulting in increased product sales for Amazon sellers with top-selling products.

What are the Latest Versions of Amazon's Algorithm?

Enormous technology companies like Amazon and Google are continuously updating the parameters of their algorithms and the results of these complex math equations are returned to customers and end users.

The latest versions of Amazon's algorithms include the A9 and A10 algorithms.

Amazon hires highly skilled and trained software developers, computer programmers, and information technology specialists as members of its DevOps teams that make critical computer-based updates to and its proprietary algorithm that drives billions of dollars in sales annually.

Amazon A9 Algorithm

Amazon's A9 algorithm takes product-based keyword searches to the next level by adding the highest converting product sales into its keyword search-based algorithm. Customers searching for specific products benefit from the results of these artificially intelligent-powered searches.

Technology experts say that Amazon's A9 and A10 algorithms are one of the keys to this technology giant's success and large sales numbers.

Amazon A10 Algorithm

The Amazon A10 Algorithm can execute more ranking features than its predecessor. A10 increases the efficiency and execution of keyword-based searches by ranking products based on computation factors for customer experience, product reviews, seller authority, and sales history.

Ranking these additional factors ensures that customers searching its giant catalog will get matched with the best products and services.

Amazon's algorithmic processes are helping them to become one of the top e-commerce retailers and logistics providers in the world. According to research, over half of Amazon's customers visit the online retail giant to price products and services and make purchases based on top recommendations.

Using algorithm-powered technologies helps Amazon get it right with customers, vendors, partners, and brands more often than not when they make key business decisions based on verifiable data.


Algorithms are complex mathematical equations used by search engines like Amazon to determine the ranking of results. The more relevant...

Algorithms are complex mathematical equations used by search engines like Amazon to determine the ranking of results. The more relevant...


Amazon Coupons

What are Amazon coupons?

Amazon coupons are the electronic equivalent of a voucher that entitles an individual to a discount of a certain amount on the price of a product. These are unique to Amazon and only relevant to products in the Amazon catalog.

Understanding how coupons work

In order to make a product more attractive and to boost sales, discounts can be offered. These can be a ‘blanket’ discount, offered as a general reduction of the price of the cost price of a product. However, the discount can also be offered on individual sales. These discounts are made available in the form of coupons or vouchers.

Coupons are made available in hard copy in newspapers and magazines, or perhaps in catalogs. The customer would literally cut out the coupon and present it when they pay for the product.

Amazon Coupons are virtual

Amazon coupons function in the same way ad 'traditional' coupons, but are a ‘soft’ version of a traditional coupon and can be redeemed virtually when a product is bought from Amazon.

These coupons can be used in two ways:

They can be redeemed immediately when the product is bought.

They can also be ‘clipped’ and saved for future use.

Finding Amazon Coupons

All coupons offering a discount are indicated in the price box for each product in the Amazon catalog. There is also a dedicated coupon page, where all of these vouchers are listed. The coupons are also reflected in your shopping cart on Amazon.

Advantages of Amazon Coupons

Advertising is the key to boosting sales of a product. There are different ways in which to advertise a product and offering a discount is one of them.

Discounts can be offered as a percentage taken off the listed price, or as a dollar value. The latter appears to be more popular with customers as they can literally see the discount, rather than having to calculate it.

Specifically chosen audiences can be targeted by individual discounts and exclusive coupons. These are especially helpful for Private Label Amazon Sellers looking to build a brand due to it's boost in conversion percentage.

Things to remember about Amazon Coupons

As attractive as coupons may seem, there are sometimes hidden costs involved. With coupons offering discounts on the platform, Amazon charges a price for each coupon redeemed. This means that the price paid on each Amazon Coupon must be factored into the costs of each item.

There may be some extra costs associated with Amazon coupons, but they also offer the chance to add to traffic and boost sales, which can lead to a boost in the ranking of the product on Amazon. Coupons should be factored into the overall cost of advertising for an item.

Amazon Coupons

Amazon coupons are the electronic equivalent of a voucher that entitles an individual to a discount of a certain amount on the price of a...

Amazon coupons are the electronic equivalent of a voucher that entitles an individual to a discount of a certain amount on the price of a...


Amazon Sales Rank

What is Amazon's Sales Rank?

Amazon's sales rank is one of the platform's most important metrics in the global e-commerce marketplace. Sales rank tells buyers and sellers how popular a product is on Amazon. 

Amazon assigns a ranking to active products in the marketplace that are sold at least once. It's important to note that they don't include products that aren't currently selling or products never sold in the metric. 

Sales rank has a range that falls between one and one million. The lower the number, the higher the ranking. For example, a product ranking #2 outranks the same product in that category listed at #200. 

Amazon sales rank is one of the key metrics Amazon sellers reference to gauge how well their products are selling in the global e-commerce marketplace using current sales and historical data. 

How Do Sellers Use Amazon Sales Rank?

Vendors and sellers also know Amazon's proprietary sales metric as "Best Sales Rank." Amazon assigns every product on its marketplace a ranking based on sales performance. This rank shows which products are selling the most in each category. 

Amazon updates its sales rank every hour.

Sellers using Amazon's platform can get an overview of their products compared to their competitor's products by tracking sales rank. 

They use this ranking to make business decisions, including which products to add to inventory and which products to dedicate their Amazon ad spend budget to. 

How is Sales Rank Calculated on Amazon? 

They rank Amazon sales in ascending order, with the products at number one being the most popular. Sales ranks help Amazon sellers identify how well their products perform against their e-commerce competitors and help drive business decisions. 

Amazon sellers use the sales rank metric to discover which products outperform their competition in the Amazon marketplace. A glance at their sales rank can tell them which products are doing well. They can also see which are underperforming in each category. 

The goal of sellers is to have their products ranked in the top 100 products by category. 

Products ranked above 100 qualify for Amazon's "Best Seller" tag. 

High-ranking products will have the bright orange "Best Seller" tag highlighted on their product descriptions. This tag automatically tells Amazon shoppers that this is one of the best-selling products in the marketplace within their search category.

Products can show up with different rankings in different categories. A high-ranking product in one category can have a lower ranking in another.

**Shows how well a product is selling related to other products within the same category.

Factors That Contribute to Amazon Sales Rank

They don't calculate sales rank in real-time. Experts sellers have discovered that Amazon uses its proprietary algorithm to calculate sales rank and can only speculate about what sales data Amazon's algorithm uses to calculate the final number. 

High-performing sellers with top-rated products on the marketplace say they keep close tabs on the following key factors they believe contribute to their sales ranking.


Product Sales - Keep track of current and historical product sales to help drive future inventory decisions. 

Competitive Products - We can infer that sellers with a high number of competitive products on Amazon's Best Sellers list outperform other marketplace sellers in these categories. 

Price Changes and Promotions - Tracking historical price changes and promotions can tell sellers which price points their customers prefer. 

How Can I Improve My Amazon Sales Rank? 

Amazon Best Sellers are the top selling products in the marketplace with the highest sales rank. Sellers who want to see their products featured in these coveted rankings can choose to focus on one or multiple products within Amazon's marketplace categories. 

Sellers can strive to achieve high rankings in many product categories. The following is a short list of a few of the platform's most active sales categories. 

Amazon Best Seller - Example Categories 

  • Beauty and Personal Care
  • Electronics
  • Home and Kitchen
  • Office Products
  • Sports and Outdoors
  • Video Games

Find a complete overview of Amazon's selling categories here

Benefits of Boosting Your Amazon Sales Rank

Amazon sellers can use the sales rank metric to find in-demand products selling on the Amazon Marketplace and Amazon Business. They can also infer important information about products and services using competitor benchmarking. 

Note competitor sales in the category where you want to improve your rank. Update product listings to include SEO content that generates more traffic to your product listings. Proactively answering frequently asked questions about the product or services you're selling on Amazon makes it easier for customers to complete the buying process without leaving your listing.

Marketplace sellers looking to make strategic purchases and business partnerships can find Amazon stores or individual sellers with a consistently high sales rank for strategic partnerships or deals. 

Amazon Sales Rank

Amazon's sales rank is one of the platform's most important metrics in the global e-commerce marketplace. Sales rank tells buyers and...

Amazon's sales rank is one of the platform's most important metrics in the global e-commerce marketplace. Sales rank tells buyers and...

Service Providers

Amazon Search Algorithm

The term Amazon algorithm refers to the mathematical model used by Amazon to rank products in its search engine. Similar to how major search engines like Google and Bing function, Amazon’s online store uses an algorithm to calculate where on the search engine results page (SERP) a specific product should appear.

Amazon’s searchable store uses the A9 algorithm to analyze the keywords a seller uses to describe their product. This decides the product's rank, meaning where in the SERP it appears. This point system for rankings rewards the seller for applying relevance and appropriate volume of usage to their keywords. It also rewards the seller for conversions. 

Conversions help the retailer determine keyword relevance. That’s because if a seller uses irrelevant keywords to draw many visitors, those visitors won’t remain on the seller’s page for long nor will they buy the product sold on that page. Accuracy in description and keyword usage helps drive conversions.

When appropriately applied, utilizing the correct keywords, grammar, and accuracy in product descriptions wins a seller the Amazon Buy Box without having to advertise.

Choosing Relevant Keywords

The keywords chosen by a seller should accurately describe their product using the keywords that a buyer uses. To learn which keywords to use, research which keywords competing businesses use and apply those accurately to your own listing.

Balance these highly searched keywords with lower-volume keywords that your competition uses less or not at all that still prove relevant to the product. To do this, you might describe an aspect of the product that other sellers ignore or provide high-level detail that other sellers don’t.

Increasing Conversions

Amazon makes more money when its third-party sellers make sales, so the e-retailer wants its sellers to do well. Use the internal Amazon sales tools to research keywords and create optimal use of them in the product listing. While competitive pricing strongly influences each customer on Amazon, so does product information and accuracy.

How To Optimize Your Amazon Product Page

The A9 algorithm looks for keywords in the title, bullet points, and description. Use more than one keyword phrase, called long-tail keywords, on the overall page. Most products use a minimum of three to five keywords, but not all in one place.

Optimizing The Title

In the title of your product page, use your main keyword with your product name utilizing natural language. Avoid keyword stuffing, which refers to the practice of using multiple keywords in a single line of text or paragraph.

Bullets Help Optimize Text

Listing the key points of the product in bullet format helps the reader skim the listing and learn about the product quickly. Include secondary keywords in these bullet points. Only include relevant bullet points and include one keyword per bullet point.

Optimizing the Product Description

Write an expansive product description without repeating information. Use each keyword in the description, scattered about the text. Avoid including sentences that don’t add to the description because you used them just to include a keyword. People don’t have a lot of time to read anything anymore, so make it short and sweet with extreme accuracy.

Using Persuasive Sales Talk

Not every Amazon seller can afford to hire a professional copywriter or pro marketers, but you can learn the basics of great sales writing. Follow these tips to optimize your product description. Like the Bing and Google algorithms, Amazon considers grammar in its calculations.

  • Describe the problem that your product solves in straightforward terminology. Use illustrative writing to show how your product does the best job of solving the problem.
  • Focus on product benefits. How does a specific feature benefit the buyer?
  • Use active verbs in all of the text, instead of passive. A passive statement reads, “The hard drive is 2 TB. This is big so you can save a lot of files.” An active statement reads, “This computer offers a 2TB hard drive, letting you save many files locally.”
  • Describe the unique selling points of your product, so customers can quickly determine what makes your product different from other, similar ones.
  • Include what the marketing industry refers to as social proof. Social proof refers to reviews, endorsements, and recommendations. When other buyers say good things about your product, you need to call that to the attention of potential buyers.
  • Include a few high-quality images. Use good lighting and a solid white background to best showcase your product. Take at least one photo from a distance that shows the entire product without cutting any of it off. Take at least one photo that shows a close-up of each feature or product benefit described.

You can use the Amazon algorithm to your advantage to increase your sales conversions. Using these tips to create the best quality product pages possible, you can increase your sales on Amazon.

Amazon Search Algorithm

The term Amazon algorithm refers to the mathematical model used by Amazon to rank products in its search engine...

The term Amazon algorithm refers to the mathematical model used by Amazon to rank products in its search engine...

Business Buyers

Amazon's Choice

What is Amazon's Choice?

The Amazon marketplace uses its built-in algorithm technology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to feature the best-selling items in the Amazon store. Customers find Choice products by browsing their keyword searchable product database.

They highlight top-rated products and services tagged with the coveted "Amazon's Choice" tag that tells shoppers about top-performing products that offer discounts or deals.

Amazon recommends items via their Choice program that meet the standards of early or on-time delivery, receive high customer satisfaction ratings, and items returned less frequently than similar products within the same categories.

Benefits of Amazon's Choice for Sellers and Shoppers

Amazon customers shopping for their favorite products and services online can easily become overwhelmed or inundated by Amazon's vast catalog of over 12 million items. Customers can avoid shopping paralysis and overwhelm by having such a large product selection by shopping for the products and services featured on Amazon's Choice. These tried-and-true products regularly outperform similar products within their categories and receive the highest customer satisfaction ratings.

Amazon sellers who have their products tagged as "Amazon's Choice" can see a noticeable increase in click-through rates and product sales when customers feel comfortable buying products tagged with the choice label.

Customers automatically feel more comfortable buying products and services labeled with the choice tag since they know they've had a history of successful performance with many other customers who shop on Amazon.

Which Products Does Amazon's Choice Feature?

Before an item is eligible for the Amazon's Choice tag, there are specific requirements that products and services must meet. The following are examples of the parameters Amazon uses to select and feature products with the choice shopping tag.

Well-priced - Items that offer fair or discounted pricing for Amazon shoppers become eligible for the Amazon's Choice tag when they meet the additional criteria for immediate shipping, high ratings, product availability, and fast delivery.

Immediate Shipping - Amazon prides itself on delivering the best products with the least number of customer service issues and product issues (in the shortest amount of time.) Amazon sellers who offer well-priced products with immediate shipping options can find their products featured on Amazon's Choice when they consistently meet and exceed Amazon selling standards and customer expectations.

High Ratings - E-commerce products and services that receive high ratings in customer feedback modules and product reviews posted on Amazon are likely to be featured on Amazon's Choice. This is especially true when products are well-priced and ship out as early as the same day and arrive in good condition. Customers who receive their products faster and, as described, are more likely to leave satisfied reviews and higher ratings than products that are delivered late or not at all.

Product Availability - One of the most important requirements for being featured on Amazon's Choice is the availability of products. When customers choose choice products, they know the products are available in stock for immediate delivery and that they can expect their products to arrive early or on time with speedy delivery.

Fast Delivery - Amazon is one of the fastest shipping and logistics providers in the world. Sellers who regularly take advantage of immediate shipping options can find their products featured on Amazon's Choice when customers receive their orders through fast shipping channels that can deliver some products or services to them as early as the same day.

How Can I List My Products on Amazon's Choice?

Savvy sellers on Amazon who are looking to have their products listed on Amazon's Choice must adhere to the products and service standards listed above.

Consistently delivering high-quality products and services on time and achieving high customer ratings is the best way for Amazon sellers to qualify their products for Amazon's Choice.

This coveted badge issued by Amazon isn't able to be purchased. Sellers can not add it to products. Amazon's algorithm and performance reports use smart technology to identify products and services that meet their choice requirements.

The products and services that regularly outperform others within their category in terms of ratings, reviews, and product sales are more likely to be selected and featured on Amazon's Choice.

Amazon's Choice Alternatives

Sellers who are new to Amazon's e-commerce selling options or those who want to boost product sales to earn eligibility for Amazon's Choice can take advantage of some of the platform's other built-in sales and marketing tools to promote their products.

Sponsored Ads, listing products on Amazon's Deals page, and offering promotions on new products and services can generate more brand awareness, clicks, and sales for products that can eventually reach featured status when they outperform similar products in first-party and third-party sales on Amazon.

Amazon's Choice

The Amazon marketplace uses its built-in algorithm technology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to feature the best-selling...

The Amazon marketplace uses its built-in algorithm technology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to feature the best-selling...

Service Providers

Automatic Targeted Ads

What is Automatic Targeting on Amazon?

Automatic targeting is an Amazon marketing tool for sellers to advertise and promote sponsored product pages to customers in the marketplace. This easy-to-use Amazon ad feature uses a built-in algorithm to match Amazon search queries from customers shopping online with relevant product pages from sellers. 

Amazon matches your ads with product queries and provides recommended product suggestions for the customers who start these queries. 

The automatic campaign has a search term report feature that provides sellers with data about product performance in the marketplace and customer buying habits in specific categories. 

For example, if your Amazon store has a product with a high sales rank in health and beauty, Amazon will deliver shoppers searching for your highest-rated health and beauty products to your product description page to learn more. They match customer keyword search queries with keywords listed on top-selling products in the marketplace. 

Amazon's internal marketing team recommends that new sellers in the marketplace begin their advertising journey for sponsored or branded products by using automatic ad campaigns. The next step for sellers is to use manual campaigns when they are more familiar with how to enter keywords for marketing their products on Amazon and showing up in Google search results. 

Amazon advertising and Amazon marketing tools 

How to Use Automatic Targeting on Amazon

There are two types of campaigns available for advertisers in the Amazon marketplace — automatic targeting campaigns and manual campaigns. Amazon says getting started with automatic targeting is the fastest way to have your products discovered and sold in their marketplace. 

Amazon sellers can log in to Campaign Central and launch their first automatic campaign on Amazon in less than 10 minutes. 

Sponsored products with automatic targeting match products with queries. Automatic marketing is beneficial for users and sellers, makes the buying process easy, and shortens the buyer's journey. 

Amazon recommends running marketing campaigns for sponsored products for at least two weeks before making any changes or creating new campaigns. 

Once sales campaigns are up and running, they can learn about key product metrics, identify top-selling products, eliminate underperforming products and identify the best keywords to match customer queries and buying behavior. 

Sellers can switch to manual targeting after finding the best keywords identified by automatically targeted campaigns or use a combination of manual and automatic marketing tools to boost product rankings. 

Benefits of Using Automatic Targeting for Amazon Sellers 

Amazon's intelligent platform does most of the heavy lifting for Amazon sellers using automatic campaigns. As sellers enter the product information, the platform automatically takes care of algorithmic processes in the background that match product queries and recommended product suggestions, with users completing keyword searches to find and buy specific products online. 

Using Automatic vs. Manual Targeting Ads on Amazon

Using automatic targeting for advertising on Amazon is the easiest and fastest way for new sellers to market their products on Amazon. This is because the Amazon system does most of the work. 

Manual targeting gives Amazon sellers more control over how, when, and where their ads appear. Sellers choose well-researched keywords for product descriptions and targeted ad campaigns created by manually adding relevant keywords in manual Amazon marketing campaigns. 

Amazon makes it easy for new sellers to use its built-in marketing features. They help people using manual targeting to choose the best bid range for their products by offering a suggested bid range for each manually created ad. 

Another benefit of using manual campaigns is that sellers can set different bids for products in each category. 

Expert Amazon marketers recommend using both automatic and manual targeting campaigns simultaneously. They say using both marketing tools with sponsored ads can help sellers make the most of Amazon's automated advertising features. 

Amazon sellers can visit Campaign Central to manage automatic and manual campaigns. They can gain sales and product inventory insights by reviewing the Amazon marketing data in the following areas. 

The following built-in data reporting features tell Amazon sellers how their Amazon marketing campaigns are performing in the marketplace. 

  • Categories
  • Products
  • Brands
  • Features

Sellers can use the Campaign manager to create combined Amazon marketing campaigns, identify product trends, and make better decisions when bidding competitively on relevant keywords. 

Individual marketers using Amazon's marketing and publishing platform can run more than one marketing campaign at a time. Amazon recommends allowing campaigns to run for two to four weeks before making campaign updates or optimizing existing campaigns. 

Running an Amazon marketing campaign for two to four weeks gives marketers enough time to collect data about how well their products are performing against their competitors and to analyze customer buying patterns in the online marketplace. 

Automatic Targeted Ads

Automatic targeting is an Amazon marketing tool for sellers to advertise and promote sponsored product pages to customers in the...

Automatic targeting is an Amazon marketing tool for sellers to advertise and promote sponsored product pages to customers in the...

Service Providers

B2B (Business to Business)

What is Amazon Business-to-Business?

The Amazon Business-to-Business program operates much like their business-to-customer B2C seller program for non-professional sellers, with one key difference.

The target audience for Amazon business customers is other professional sellers on the platform who are seeking out the products and services they sell online. Business products and office supplies are popular sellers on the marketplace.

Amazon business sellers create business-to-business B2B accounts to sell e-commerce-based products and services to small, medium, large, and enterprise-sized businesses who shop on Amazon. Some individual seller accounts are eligible to be upgraded.

They designed the B2B program to make it easier for Amazon business sellers to market to other professional sellers who have access to professional tools built into the Amazon platform.

Who is Eligible to Use Amazon's B2B Services?

Businesses who are approved for a professional seller account can start selling B2B products to other e-commerce businesses by logging in to their Seller Central accounts.

Approved sellers can set up business profiles that introduce their target customers to the products and services they offer from their Amazon business profile.

Business customers can manage an ASIN-based catalog of approved products and services they can sell to other professional customers by performing keyword searches for business products and services on Amazon.

Unlike B2C sellers on Amazon who market their products and services to individual customers browsing the marketplace, B2B sellers have access to "business-only" tools that become visible to sellers in their Seller Central accounts upon approval.

Business customers on Amazon can accept quote requests and upload enhanced content to help professional Amazon customers easily navigate their products and services. Amazon professional sellers can add content that includes drawings, instructional materials, manuals, and policy information.

One of the best perks for Amazon B2B users is gaining access to deep discounts with business-only pricing and quantity discounts on millions of business products and services like office supplies, computers, and equipment or business services.

Amazon business sellers can also view and take advantage of selling offers and using special business promotion tools. Special business tools are built into the Business Central dashboard that is hidden from Amazon B2C sellers on the platform who use Seller Central.

Professional sellers can optimize B2B transactions and grow their sales by activating embedded B2B features in Business Central that include the following.

  • Special business prices
  • Quantity discounts
  • Selections and offers for bulk buyers
  • AI-based Product recommendations
  • Diversity and quality certifications

Amazon B2C vs B2B

The Amazon seller program allows millions of business-to-customer sellers to promote their products and services on one of the world's leading e-commerce marketplaces using embedded marketing and sales tools. B2C sellers focus on promoting and selling products to individual shoppers browsing the Amazon store and third-party websites where Amazon ad content appears.

Amazon B2B customers have similar access to selling tools and promotional materials as their customer-based counterparts. B2B sellers target professional customers shopping at the Amazon store for products and services that power their business.

Professional sellers on Amazon gain access to a hidden suite of tools for selling and marketing to other business customers when Amazon approves or upgrades individual seller accounts to Business Central accounts, which is the business version of Seller Central.

Business sellers on Amazon still have access to embedded selling tools, marketing tools, and fulfillment services by Amazon that make it possible for them to sell bulk products and services to Amazon business customers around the globe.

Who Are Amazon Business-to-Business Customers?

Business buyers who shop on Amazon run offline brick-and-mortar stores, schools, restaurants, and service-based businesses. Amazon business buyers include employees, office managers, procurement professionals, government institutions, and educational institutions who look for discounts and deals for the products and services they use online at Amazon.

Amazon business sellers can list their inventory, set the best pricing, and take advantage of free or reduced-cost shipping options offered by Amazon Business Prime.

B2B business customers also include non-profit organizations and non-profit buyers who are required to adhere to a strict set of purchasing standards when shopping for business-related products and services online.

Non-profit organizations need to buy in the bulk shop for products and services that meet their purchase requirements based on diversity certifications and strict purchasing parameters.

They keep personal shopping accounts and business accounts on Amazon separate so business buyers can easily switch between the two accounts and take advantage of business-only product features for pricing, selection, discount, and activating timesaving features like shipping and fulfillment services powered by Amazon Business Prime.

Business Prime customers have exclusive access to flexible payment options for small businesses along with special business-only pricing for accessing Amazon's global network of logistics and shipping services.

B2B (Business to Business)

The Amazon Business-to-Business program operates much like their business-to-customer B2C seller program for non-professional sellers...

The Amazon Business-to-Business program operates much like their business-to-customer B2C seller program for non-professional sellers...



What is BOGO on Amazon?

Offering a buy one, get one free offer is an easy way for Amazon sellers to encourage customers to buy their products and services on the Amazon marketplace.

BOGO is a built-in marketing feature of the Amazon marketplace. Sellers have access to create online sales promotions that get their products in front of more potential buyers and generate brand awareness.

Running paid promotions on Amazon is a great way for savvy brands to generate brand awareness and higher sales. Amazon recommends sellers create promotions when sales are slow in the marketplace and when introducing new products and services.

Benefits of Amazon Promotions for Sellers

Amazon advises sellers to post promotions in high-traffic places like social media networks to tell customers their favorite products and services are currently on sale.

Creating time-sensitive Amazon promotions helps sellers generate more sales in short periods. The e-commerce retailer recommends running different versions of online promos to figure out which promotions work best for your target audience.

Experiment with the length of promotions, texts, imagery, and posting locations and run A/B marketing campaigns to see which promotions generate the most sales.

* It is important to note that not all items in the marketplace are eligible for BOGO or "percentage off" promotions. Refer to the marketing guidelines in Seller Central to learn which items are eligible.

The following is an example of how to create Amazon promotions to increase sales.

How to Create a BOGO Promotion on Amazon

It is easy for sellers to create BOGO promotions using the marketing and sales tools inside of their Seller Central accounts. The steps for how to create a BOGO promotion on Amazon are listed below.

  • Log in to Seller Central and select the advertising menu.
  • Select the "Promotions" tab to begin creating a BOGO promo.
  • Choose the option of creating a "Buy one Get one" BOGO promotion.

When sellers select the BOGO promotion option, they will see options for setting up a buy one (or buy many) offer.

The next step is to set up the terms and conditions for the BOGO offer under "buyer purchases."

Example BOGO conditions include buy one get one or buy one get "many" options when customers purchase a minimum amount of the promoted product from the Amazon store.

The following are promotion examples.

Buy x Items, Get x Free

When customers choose this BOGO option, they have to purchase the minimum number of items required to receive the bonus item(s) for no additional charge.

Spend at Least X Amount and Get X Free

Customers who choose this promotion understand they are required to spend a minimum amount with the seller promoting the product or service to get their bonus items for free.

Buy X Quantity Get X Quantity Free

This BOGO promotion rewards Amazon shoppers with an equal amount of items for no additional charge when they purchase the required quantity from one seller.

Once sellers determine the "type" of promotion they want to run, the next step is to select promoted products. Sellers can create a new product or add products to the BOGO promotion from existing products in their ASIN product lists.

After setting the terms, conditions, amount, products, and bonus products Amazon shoppers get from taking advantage of BOGO promotions, Amazon sellers move on to scheduling the promotion for publishing live on the marketplace.

Sellers then review all promotion details for accuracy. Once they meet all the parameters for running the buy one get one promo, they can publish promotions for scheduling with a minimum four-hour lead time.

Sellers need to note that scheduling any BOGO promotions in Seller Central with less than a four-hour window will cause the promotion to remain in an "unpublished" status.

New sellers who are having trouble creating BOGO campaigns on Amazon should double-check promotional language and verify that promotions aren't outside of the 4-hour publishing window required for promotions to go live on Amazon.

Amazon requires promotions to have a lead time of at least four hours before they can publish live BOGO promotions in production from Seller Central.

Who is Eligible to Run BOGO Promotions on Amazon?

Approved sellers on Amazon who have access to Seller Central can use their dashboard to find out if they are eligible for running Amazon promotions. Eligible sellers will have access to run promotions and deals that drive brand awareness and sales.

Amazon approves seller accounts on the global e-commerce marketplace. Once approved, they can take advantage of running BOGO promotions, Amazon Deals, and Sponsored Ad campaigns.

These Amazon marketing features display products and services to customers shopping on Amazon using keyword searches.


Offering a buy one, get one free offer is an easy way for Amazon sellers to encourage customers to buy their products and services on the...

Offering a buy one, get one free offer is an easy way for Amazon sellers to encourage customers to buy their products and services on the...


BSR (Best Sellers Rank)

Everyone knows that the best sellers on Amazon are the ones with the biggest, most-reputable Seller Accounts. The more famous your brand is, the more trust customers have in making a purchase from a reliable source. But beyond that, how can you tell if your product is going to be a great seller on Amazon?

After all, not every item gets 5 stars from everyone. The way to identify whether your product is going to be a great seller is by understanding what makes some Amazon sellers so successful that they qualify for the Best Sellers Rank (BSR) on Amazon. 

What is the Best Sellers Algorithm?

The Best Sellers Algorithm is the algorithm that Amazon uses to rank and list new products. They do not set this algorithm in stone and is subject to change. The algorithm looks at several factors when ranking products, including how often customers buy from you, how much you’ve sold, and your reputation for quality.

How to Define the Best Sellers Rank on Amazon and Get More Customers

The bestsellers algorithm takes these factors into consideration when determining what products to list in the first place. But beyond just looking at how often people make purchases from you, Amazon also considers how often they buy from you and from other brands that you’ve listed.

Why Is the Best Sellers Algorithm Important?

At the heart of the best sellers, the algorithm is trust. Amazon wants customers to trust that when they click on a product from Amazon listings, they’re actually purchasing from the product’s true owner. If a customer purchases a product from an Amazon listing and later discovers that the seller is using a third party to list their products, that customer is likely to leave an unfavorable review. As such, you can see how this algorithm is critical to Amazon’s success. Without the trust that customers have in Amazon to rank and list the best items for sale, the company wouldn’t be able to function.

Best Seller Rank for Top Sellers 

The best seller rank is determined by Amazon based on sales data from a period. It's important to note that the rank only reflects how well your product is selling relative to other products in its category, not against all products sold on Amazon. So while an item with a high ranking may be doing better than usual, it doesn't mean it's any better or worse than any other product on the site.

To get your product ranked for bestseller status, you first need to create and submit accurate inventory reports every week. You also need to make sure that your listings are correctly categorized and optimized for search (including using keyword-rich titles and descriptions), have good images that represent both the product and what buyers will see when they browse through your listing, and meet all other customer satisfaction requirements as outlined by Amazon.
Finally, monitor your sale activity closely so that you can react quickly if something changes - like increased competition from another seller -and adjust tactics accordingly.

Boost Your Amazon Product Rankings

The bests sellers algorithm is a crucial part of the Amazon machine. It’s designed to rank products quickly and efficiently, and it relies on a lot of data to do so. The algorithm’s track record of success, along with the volume of sales committed to it, means it’s incredibly accurate at ranking products and predicting sales performance. The bestsellers algorithm can also be used to boost your shop’s rankings even more.

By understanding how it works and how you can tweak it to your advantage, you can maximize your chances of success. If your brand isn’t a household name yet, or you’re just an unknown quantity, you can still access the best sellers algorithm and benefit from the trust and confidence that comes with being a top-ranking seller on Amazon. We hope this guide helps you identify what makes products successful on Amazon and enables you to start marketing and selling more effectively.

If you're serious about becoming an Amazon seller, then you will need to create an Amazon seller's account. This is a necessary step if you want to sell your products through a popular e-commerce website. 

BSR (Best Sellers Rank)

Everyone knows that the best sellers on Amazon are the ones with the biggest, most-reputable Seller Accounts. The more famous your brand...

Everyone knows that the best sellers on Amazon are the ones with the biggest, most-reputable Seller Accounts. The more famous your brand...



What is a Barcode?

A barcode is a series of patterns, letters, numbers, and lines that identify and differentiate millions of manufactured products from each other.

Product barcodes are machine-readable and scannable, making it easy to identify products by scanning the barcode commonly found on the packages of the millions of products consumers purchase in stores and online.

We scan barcodes using barcode readers that communicate information about scanned products via computer outputs and data reports.

Businesses and service providers operating in the US have used barcodes as a way of identifying, categorizing, and tracking products since this machine-readable tag was created in the early 1950s.

There are many types of barcodes made for performing different functions and reporting critical product data.

One-dimensional barcodes are scannable by optical scanners and barcode readers. Two-dimensional barcodes can be read by digital cameras, smartphones, and mobile devices that can act as specialized bar code readers.

How Does Amazon Use Barcodes?

Amazon uses a system of barcodes and barcode scanners for labeling, scanning, categorizing, and tracking products sold in the marketplace. This online retail giant uses one-dimensional and two-dimensional barcodes to store data about the millions of products it lists in the Amazon product catalog.

Most US-based businesses also use barcodes and scanners to manage and track business-based inventory like computers, tablets, and other equipment issued to employees.

Optical scanners or other barcode readers tell sellers important information about the status of their products. Amazon sellers can find out which products are selling and outperforming others in similar categories in the marketplace.

They can also track sold and fulfilled products by ASIN or barcode to learn where those products are in the cycle of purchase and fulfillment.

Accessing product data and locations for millions of products at a glance makes it easier for Amazon and its professional sellers to provide pertinent order information to customers.

Manage Amazon Inventory with Barcodes

Barcodes facilitate easy tracking for customers and sellers to access worldwide delivery information. This feature helps ease the minds of anxious customers awaiting the products they ordered online.

Barcodes and barcode scanners come in particularly handy when customer orders are lost during the shipping process or delayed during the fulfillment cycle for back orders or product unavailability.

Fulfillment by Amazon relies heavily on the use of the barcode system to locate, track, and deliver millions of products and services purchased in the Amazon marketplace.

Amazon's e-commerce catalog houses over 12 million products in its global marketplace. These products are sold and shipped to customers in many countries around the world via distributed fulfillment centers operated by the logistics giant.

Installing barcodes and labels on products and services helps this e-commerce giant provide top-tier logistics and customer service to customers, sellers, and logistics providers around the globe.

Fulfillment by Amazon - Barcodes

According to Amazon, its vast network of e-commerce products and services is "barcode-driven." They track and label all the products managed by their marketplace using manufacturer-generated barcodes or barcodes generated by the Amazon ASIN system. They rely on barcode scanning and tracking to provide global shipping, logistics, and delivery services worldwide through their Fulfilled by Amazon service.

Amazon sellers who use Amazon fulfillment services can eliminate the step of creating and applying barcodes to their unlabeled products by subscribing to the FBA label service that will complete the steps on their behalf.

While sellers can track some products in Amazon's global marketplace and ship them using manufacturer barcodes, unlabeled products without an Amazon ASIN will need to have an Amazon barcode manually created and applied before they are eligible for fulfillment and shipping.

How Can I Get An Amazon Barcode?

Amazon sellers who have products or services that don't have an original manufacturer code can create and apply Amazon barcodes for product identification by logging in to their Seller Central account.

Sellers create barcodes for unlabeled products using the tools built into Amazon's Seller Central dashboard. They can create, print, and apply barcodes to tangible products and categorize them for shipping using the barcode system and the ASIN system that labels, tracks, and categorizes individual Amazon products.

Busy sellers who don't have time to create and apply barcodes to the products they sell on Amazon can subscribe to the FBA Label Service and have the labels created and applied by Amazon customer service and distribution center professionals along the fulfillment route.

It's important for sellers to note that not all products may be eligible for a printable Amazon barcode.


A barcode is a series of patterns, letters, numbers, and lines that identify and differentiate millions of manufactured products from each..

A barcode is a series of patterns, letters, numbers, and lines that identify and differentiate millions of manufactured products from each..



What is a Brand?

If you've ever identified a product or service by looking at the related text and images associated with specific brands, then you understand the power of brand marketing.

We identify our favorite products and services by the images, text, colors, and logos they display as beacons across their product and service offerings.

Some of our favorite brands are easily identifiable wherever we are by the signature colors, shapes, and brand messages they communicate across their marketing channels.

US-based brands like Apple, Nike, McDonald's, and Amazon are recognized worldwide, as they are top brands that have long since established a lasting foothold in their respective marketplaces.

Individuals starting new businesses as e-commerce retailers online often choose Amazon to promote and sell their products and services.

Amazon sellers benefit from having their products and services affiliated with one of the largest, most popular, and most easily recognizable brands that sell, ship, and deliver products to B2C and B2B customers worldwide.

Understanding The Amazon Brand

Amazon is one of the world's most popular brands. Founded by Jeff Bezos as an e-book retailer over 20 years ago, it has since been one of the most recognizable names known in households worldwide.

The Amazon brand is easily recognizable by its signature logo and is one of the world's highest-grossing brands that brings in billions of dollars in revenue each year.

Amazon stands beside other gigantic and internationally recognized brands that include Apple, Meta, and Microsoft.

We can find the Amazon logo in a wide variety of conspicuous locations that immediately tell customers, vendors, and potential partners that products and services are being delivered or fulfilled by Amazon.

The following are examples of places where US-based Amazon shoppers and sellers find this world-famous brand messaging displayed.

Amazon Brand Messaging

One of the keys to Amazon's global sales and marketing success is its use of branding to advertise and sell products available on the e-commerce marketplace.

Amazon Website - The Amazon website features the signature logo represented by the lowercase word "amazon" atop an image of an orange arrow pointing to the right that resembles a smile. It's easy to speculate that Amazon is communicating to its customers, vendors, and partners, that their happiness is Amazon's ultimate goal.

Amazon Marketing Materials - Along from appearing on the Amazon website and Amazon store marketing materials, we also find the Amazon brand, products, and logos sprinkled throughout third-party websites as ads and links that drive customers back to their e-commerce website to browse the marketplace filled with millions of products and complete their online buyer's journey by making a purchase.

Amazon Branded Vehicles - Nothing is more exciting than seeing an Amazon ground truck whizzing by loaded to the gills with packages. Customers and businesses get excited when they see the familiar logos on Amazon-owned vehicles, including airplanes that let them know their favorite products and services are in transit and on the way to them.

Amazon Packaging - The Amazon packaging creates a measure of excitement for anyone that sees its proprietary brand logo on their friends, neighbors, and their delivery packages. Amazon's logo is so powerful that it immediately inspires people to feel excited about the potential for receiving online Amazon orders or shopping on Amazon for others.

How to Build a Brand on Amazon

Amazon makes it easy for individual sellers to create an online presence through brand awareness campaigns, sponsored ads, promotions, deals, Amazon's choice, and Amazon bestsellers.

Amazon Brand Management Tools

Amazon lends its brand credibility to professional sellers and business users on its gargantuan platform. Savvy sellers who want to grow their online e-commerce business understand the value of partnering with one of the world's most influential technology and e-commerce brands to boost their sales and marketing efforts online.

The Amazon suite of professional offerings includes brand protection for Amazon sellers and brands who need protection on third-party websites.

The Brand Registry helps brands establish credibility with Amazon shoppers and customers on third-party websites seeking the products and services they offer.

Amazon's registry allows individual brands to register for protection related to copyright, counterfeit products, and automatic reporting features that help customers and business shoppers verify brand authenticity.

Sellers on Amazon's global e-commerce platform can register for Brand Registry protections for small, medium, large, and enterprise-sized brands and read program terms and conditions by visiting the Amazon website.

The Amazon Brand Registry website or related Amazon brand customer service associates can explain the brand registration process to new brands as well as the benefits and services that come with partnering with one of the world's most influential technology, logistics, and e-commerce brands.


If you've ever identified a product or service by looking at the related text and images associated with specific brands, then you...

If you've ever identified a product or service by looking at the related text and images associated with specific brands, then you...

Private Label

Brand Registry

What is The Amazon Brand Registry?

Amazon designed its brand registry program to help protect brands selling on its global e-commerce platform. This technology and e-commerce giant says that it strives to be one of the customer-centric brands on earth.

Its customer base includes a network of first-party and third-party sellers on its marketplace, small-to-medium-sized businesses who rely on its publishing tools for sharing content across the web, and enterprise-sized businesses who use a combination of all of its services to promote, sell, and fulfill products and services with the help of one of the largest technology companies on the planet.

The Amazon Brand Registry encompasses a built-in suite of tools that empowers sellers to create a trustworthy shopping experience for Amazon shoppers who rely on the company and its sellers to deliver a wide variety of trusted products and services.

Amazon Brand Protection Report - 2022

Amazon's Brand Protection Report published in June 2022 shows that the company invested close to a billion dollars in employing expert investigators, data scientists, and software developers who protect the privacy and transactions of brands, customers, and Amazon sellers on its gigantic platform.

The Brand Protection Report for 2022 goes on to say that Amazon thwarted over 2 million attempts by "bad actors" attempting to create sales accounts on their platform.

Their strict vetting process for Amazon sellers, products, and services and their ASIN tracking system makes it difficult for people with bad intentions to join its platform and bring down the quality of products, services, and customer satisfaction levels while shopping on Amazon.

Automated brand protection tools help curb counterfeit attempts and steer customers towards purchasing authentic products from brands and sellers.

Click here to read the full Brand Protection Report.

How Does Amazon's Brand Registry Work?

The Amazon Brand Registry saw a 40% increase in registrations from 2020 - 2022. Their proprietary registry currently has at least 700,000 brands enrolled for its automatic brand protection features.

Built-in brand protection includes Amazon's "Report a Violation Tool" where brand owners can track suspicious activity and report violations against their brands on the Amazon marketplace and third-party websites.

The Brand Registry features machine learning controls that make brand protection more precise through the use of technology.

Amazon reports that brands who subscribe to its registry noticed almost a 25% reduction in brand infringements since 2020.

How the Amazon Brand Registry Protects Brand Owners

Amazon's proprietary Brand Registry is a brand protection tool available for brand owners who sell products and services online. They provide services for sellers and brands who use the Amazon store for promoting and selling products and also for brands who sell products outside of the giant e-commerce platform.

Amazon says brands who register with Amazon's registry can manage and protect their brands and intellectual property rights on Amazon.

Trademarks - Enrolled participants in Amazon's Brand Registry gain access to brand trademark protection, which covers brand names, symbols, and designs used in e-commerce communications.

Patents - Brand owners who sell patented products on the Amazon marketplace and third-party websites gain access to patents with exclusive invention rights when they become members of Amazon's Brand Registry.

Copyrights - When brands register with Amazon, they gain easy access to copyright protection for literary and artistic works. The Amazon Brand Registry protects creator rights and ownership of books, images, and films.

Amazon Brand Registry Features

Amazon sellers who enroll for their brand registry become eligible for Automated Protections that are built into the registry. The following are examples of some features Amazon brands benefit from by enrolling in the registry.

Report a Violation Tool - Amazon sellers can use this automated protection to report suspected issues and IP infringement against their branded products to the Brand Registry programs.

Transparency Tool - The transparency feature of the Brand is another built-in feature of the Amazon selling platform which helps protect sellers and brands from counterfeit products being listed and sold on the platform.

Project Zero - A feature of Amazon Brand Registry that helps Amazon and sellers on its platform to detect and remove counterfeit products from circulation. Visit the Amazon Brand Registry website for more information about how this proprietary project benefits Amazon sellers.

Counterfeit Crimes Unit - The Amazon Counterfeit Crime Unit is a protective feature that allows law enforcement to investigate suspicious transactions on the platform when they are reported by an individual Amazon seller.

Approved sellers gain access to the Brand Registry tools above upon registration.

Brand Registry

Amazon designed its brand registry program to help protect brands selling on its global e-commerce platform. This technology and e-commerce.

Amazon designed its brand registry program to help protect brands selling on its global e-commerce platform. This technology and e-commerce.


Buy Box Equity

What is Buy Box Equity?

When you list an item on Amazon, you are giving the public access to buy your product. Buy Box Equity is an ownership stake in Amazon that some sellers hold. Sellers who hold these coveted boxes have their products boosted for customers shopping in the e-commerce marketplace. Amazon selects sellers with top-rated products, high sales, and positive customer reviews to take part in the buy box program. What some sellers don't know is that they could lose their equity.  

How Does Buy Box Equity Work for Sellers on Amazon?

There is a limited inventory of products on Amazon that are eligible for Buy Box equity. When someone clicks through and makes a purchase on your listing, this can increase the "buy box" equity for that product. Essentially, what this means is that if another buyer wants to purchase the same product as listed by you (within a certain timeframe), they'll have to fight it out with you to get it - which gives you an advantage over other buyers since there's less competition.

What Are the Benefits of Having High Buy Box Equity on Amazon?

If a product has high Buy Box Equity, it shows Amazon that there is a strong demand for the product. As a result, Amazon may place a higher priority on shipping and selling the product than on other products. If a seller has high Buy Box Equity and their products have good reviews from customers, they may command more sales prices for their products.

What Are the Risks Associated With Having Low Buy Box Equity on Amazon?

The risks associated with having low Buy Box Equity on Amazon are:

-You may not receive as many orders from Amazon as you would if your box had a higher buy box equity.

-Your sales prices may be lower than they could be if your box had a higher buy box equity.

How Can You Increase Your Buy Box Equity on Amazon?

Some ways of increasing your buy box equity on Amazon include the following. 

Increasing the number and quality of products you offer for sale - ensuring that your products are well-curated, high-quality, and relevant to the market needs/wants of your target audience. 

  • Use effective marketing strategies to promote and sell your products. 
  • Offering discounted prices on items frequently sold in bulk or as part of bundles.
  • Focusing on customer reviews and feedback when deciding which items to put into production

What Are Some Other Tactics Sellers Employ To Increase Their Buy Box Equity on Amazon?

Some sellers use a variety of tactics to increase their Buy Box equity on Amazon. Some sellers will place more items in their Buy Boxes, while others may focus on optimizing the titles and descriptions of their products to improve buyer sentiment. Some sellers may make connections with buyers through private messaging or social media platforms to forge stronger relationships and drive sales.

Is There a Way To Reduce the Risks Associated With Low Buy Box Equity on Amazon?

There is no guaranteed way to reduce the risks associated with low Buy Box equity on Amazon. However, some strategies that might help include improving product quality and offering more compelling deals. Using Amazon marketing tools to increase brand awareness through paid advertising or creating a comprehensive product listing can also boost sales rankings and improve buyer confidence in buying from the platform.  

How Can Sellers Lose Buy Box Equity on Amazon?

Sellers can lose their buy box equity if they do not meet Amazon's performance thresholds, which depend on the category and size of the seller's inventory.

If a seller falls short of these requirements for three consecutive months, Amazon may remove their box and instead offer it to other sellers in that category.

When a seller puts their product into the Buy Box on Amazon, they get preferential treatment when displaying their products. Sellers who have a high percentage of buys from customers through the buy box receive more visibility and potential sales commissions from Amazon.

How Can I Get Buy Box Equity on Amazon?

Getting equity depends on specific circumstances and Amazon's Buy-Box policies

Visit the Amazon website to learn more. 

Buy Box Equity

When you list an item on Amazon, you are giving the public access to buy your product. Buy Box Equity is an ownership stake in Amazon that..

When you list an item on Amazon, you are giving the public access to buy your product. Buy Box Equity is an ownership stake in Amazon that..


Buy Box- BB

What Is a Buy Box on Amazon?

A "Buy Box" is an ad on Amazon that allows sellers to list their products with a guaranteed position in the search results for specific keywords. Sellers use Buy Boxes to boost sales and generate awareness on Amazon's global e-commerce platform. 

Benefits for Amazon Sellers Using Buy Boxes

Amazon sellers use Buy Boxes to offer many benefits, including increased sales and faster order fulfillment. In addition, buyers may be more likely to buy products in a seller's category if they believe the product is from an established brand or retailer. Sellers can also use Buy Box preferences as a means of competition by promoting products that fall into certain boxes more often than others. Savvy Amazon sellers are finding creative ways to boost their products with boxes. 

Is It Expensive To Promote Boxes on Amazon?

The cost of promoting Buy Boxes on Amazon largely depends on the individual pricing strategies that Amazon adopts, and how much effort you use to promote your boxes. A modest investment (typically around $10-$20 per box) will go a long way in promoting your product on Amazon.

How Much Should I Spend on Amazon Marketing?

Assuming that you want to generate visibility for your Amazon listing and increase sales overall, setting aside a budget of $10-$25 per day should be sufficient. Your Amazon marketing budget depends on your business, product, and goals. 

Why You Should Use Buy Boxes To Promote Your Products on Amazon

There are a few reasons to use Buy Boxes on Amazon. The first is that they can help identify products that customers may be interested in buying and increase sales. These boxes also help earn an extra commission on those items, which can add up quickly. If you're selling physical products, using Buy Boxes can ensure that your items reach more customers through automated sorting and search results.

How To Create a Buy Box on Amazon

To create a buy box on Amazon, follow these steps:

1. Log into your account and click "Your Account" at the top of the page.

2. Click "Manage Your Orders." This will open a new window where you can view and manage your orders.

3. On the left side of this window, under "Orders," select "Create a New Order."

4. Enter the following information into the fields in this form: Name: Buy Box for [title] (required) Next, complete your Buy Boxes description. 

Features of Amazon Buy Box

–Customers can choose what products they want to buy from

–The Buy Box is a feature on product pages that lets customers know if a particular product is available at the time of purchase through

How To Set Up a Buy Box With Seller Central

To set up a buy box in Seller Central, go to Settings > Sales & Orders. Click the Buy Boxes tab and select Add a new buy box. Enter the name of your buy box (e.g., Cars), choose whether buyers need an account, and click Add.

What Are Other Types of Amazon Ads Available for Third Party Sellers?

Third-party sellers can run Amazon ads to promote their products on the Amazon website and in the Kindle Store. Ads are available in a variety of formats, including text, photos, and videos.

What Types of Amazon Ads Are Available for First Party Sellers?

Amazon ad types available to first-party sellers include:

Search Ads: These ads appear when you type a specific term into the Amazon search bar and then select an item from your product list. They can generate leads or traffic to your store. You can place these ads on any site page and in any category, including international categories.

Display Ads: These are large, full-page images that sit alongside searched results on the main pages of Amazon’s website (e.g., for products sorted by bestsellers). 

How To Open an Amazon Seller Account

To open an Amazon Seller account to create boxes, visit the Amazon Seller Central website and click on "Create Account." Complete the required information in the form and click on "Next Step." Review your submitted information and confirm your details. Once verified, you will create a new seller account with personalized settings.

Buy Box- BB

A "Buy Box" is an ad on Amazon that allows sellers to list their products with a guaranteed position in the search results for specific...

A "Buy Box" is an ad on Amazon that allows sellers to list their products with a guaranteed position in the search results for specific...



What is the cost of goods sold?

The cost of goods sold is the label given to the actual costs incurred during the production of a certain product. It refers to the total amount of money spent to produce an item in relation to the amount of money that is earned from the sale of the same item.

Relevance of cost of goods sold

In any marketing enterprise, it is essential to keep track of the monies at every stage of the process. Selling an item on Amazon is not simply about putting an item in the catalog and then waiting for the sales to happen. You need to keep careful track of all expenses and income.

Understanding the costs, expenses, and income means you will not only be able to keep track of sales but also be able to make educated sales projections and work out exactly how much your profit is.

One essential piece of information you need to understand is exactly how much it costs you to produce your goods wholesale.

What costs of goods sold includes

Cost of goods sold includes every single amount of money spent on anything to do with producing an item or that can be listed on something like the Amazon catalog.

The details of these expenses vary from product to product but can include expenses such as the raw materials from which something is made; the cost of purchasing a product for resale, or which may be refunctioned; packaging, and presentation.

Intangible costs

The production of any goods needs something to be done with the raw materials, or an existing item to refunction it for sale. This involves labor, which must also be included in the cost of sales.

There are some intangible costs that facilitate the process of producing the goods, but which are not identifiable costs. These include overheads and marketing. These are not included in the cost of goods sold.

Working out the cost of goods sold

The amount that is spent to produce goods should be balanced against the amount of income generated by the goods.

There are some details about the nature of what is paid for to produce some goods, but the formula generally works to work out the cost of goods sold for most products.

The formula that is generally used is:

Goods available for sale (beginning inventory + purchases) – ending inventory = cost of goods sold

The beginning inventory refers to the value on hand to begin with.

Purchases refer to any costs incurred to get the goods to the place where they can be sold.

Ending inventory refers to the final value after sales.

For example:

Beginning inventory = $12,000

Purchases = $32,000

Cost of goods available for sale = $44,000

Ending inventory is $11,000

Then the calculation is:

$44,000 - $11.000 = $33.000

The total cost of goods sold is $33,000.


The cost of goods sold is the total amount your business paid as a cost directly related to the sale of products...

The cost of goods sold is the total amount your business paid as a cost directly related to the sale of products...


CPC (Cost per click)

With so many advertising options available for Amazon sellers, it’s important to understand how different types of advertisements work. Cost-per-click pricing is one advertising model that can be challenging to understand from the get-go. If you are not familiar with this type of payment structure and how it applies to your ads, read on for an explanation of cost per click and its advantages.

Rather than paying a set fee for advertisements no matter how many times they are viewed, you instead pay a set price per click. So if you have a set budget for advertisement costs, understanding the cost per click will help you choose where and when it makes the most sense to advertise your product.

What is Cost-Per-Click Advertising on Amazon?

A cost-per-click advertising model on Amazon charges you each time someone clicks on your ad. You can think of the cost per click (CPC) as cost per action since the action is taken (a click on your ad). A cost-per-click model is different from other advertising options in that its success is measured by the number of clicks on your ad, not the number of impressions it generates.

When your ad appears on a search engine or social media platform, an impression is counted each time someone sees it. So if your ad is viewed 10 times, but no one clicks on it, you don’t have to pay for any of those impressions. With cost per click, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

CPC for Amazon Marketing

In order to understand the advantages of using cost-per-click (CPC) advertising, it’s helpful to dive into what CPC advertising is. As described above, a cost-per-click structure charges you each time someone clicks on your ad. In this sense, your success is measured by the number of clicks on your ad, not the number of impressions it generates.

CPC advertising essentially allows you to bid on a keyword to appear at the top of search results for that keyword. The amount you’re willing to pay per click will determine where your ad appears in relation to other ads on the page. While you won’t know the exact amount of each click until the campaign has ended, you can use estimated figures based on the current market in order to create a budget for your campaign.

When Should Amazon Sellers You CPC Advertising?

Overall, the cost per click is a great strategy for sellers who have a set budget for advertising and would like to maximize their return on that investment. You can choose the amount you’re willing to spend per click and then track your results to determine if it is worthwhile to continue with the campaign. If your goal is to generate more sales quickly, however, cost per click may not be the best option.

Because this is an auction-based system, you don’t have control over where your ad appears, and it may not be at the top of the page where most customers would see it. If you have a specific product or product keyword that is generating a lot of interest, however, cost per click could be the best option for you. Customers are clicking on your ad because they are interested in what you’re offering; it’s up to you to close the sale.

Create an Amazon Seller Account for CPC Marketing 

Cost-per-click advertising is a great way to maximize the return on your advertising investment. This type of bidding system allows you to bid on keywords and see how much you’d be charged each time someone clicks on your ad. You can track your results to see if this method is successful for you. While cost per click may not be the best option for every Amazon seller, it can be a great strategy for sellers who have a set budget for advertising and want to maximize their return on that investment.

In order to start selling your products on Amazon, you first need to create an Amazon seller account. Once you have your account set up, you will need to gather the information required for listing and shipping products. This includes product specifications, images of the product, and packaging details.

CPC (Cost per click)

The CPC advertising model is a media buying approach in which advertisers are only charged when an actual click on their ads...

The CPC advertising model is a media buying approach in which advertisers are only charged when an actual click on their ads...


CPM (Cost-per-mil)

Amazon has a cost-per-mil program with which sellers can sell on the site. This means that they will take a certain percentage of your sales price each time a buyer purchases an item from you. You see, as an Amazon seller, this is how the site knows you are genuine and your items are of high quality.

If your prices are too low or if you are not collecting any leads, then it might not be worth your while to participate in the cost-per-mil program. Think about it like this, there is a cost attached to being listed on Amazon. If you do not want to pay that cost, it may not be worth your while listing your goods for sale there. So think twice before deciding to participate in the cost-per-mil program with Amazon because it might have some hidden costs for sellers.

What is Cost-per-Mil on Amazon? 

Cost-per-Mil (CPM) is a metric that Amazon uses to measure the cost of advertising on its platform. CPM measures how much it costs you to display an ad on your page, as opposed to the amount of revenue you generate from click-throughs or sales.

Sellers might put products in categories on Amazon by using keywords and other factors like the product's popularity. For example, a seller might place books about cooking in the cooking category if they're selling cookbooks. Additionally, sellers could group items together based on similar features or characteristics (e.g., all kitchen knives would be placed in the Kitchen Tools & Gadgets category).

What Happens When Sellers Join the Cost-Per-Mil Program? 

When you join the Amazon cost-per-mil program, you agree to provide Amazon with regular shipments of products in order to receive discounted rates. The rate that you receive is based on how much product you send and varies depending on which category your products fall into. You will also be required to fill out an inventory management form each month so that Amazon can keep track of what items are being shipped and when they're expected to arrive. If there are any discrepancies between what is reported by customers and inventory levels, then Amazon may contact or invoice you for delayed deliveries or overages.

This program has several advantages for consumers: it allows them to stay up-to-date with current trends; saves money because products are delivered at a discounted price compared not purchased outright; helps sellers build long-term relationships with their customers by providing consistent service; keeps warehouses stocked with appropriate amounts of stock so that orders can be processed quickly.

When Can You Join the Cost-Per-Mil Program? 

If you are interested in joining the Amazon Cost-Per-Mil Program, you need to be a Prime member. This program allows members to earn money for each item that they purchase from You can make 10 cents per eligible item that you buy, which is added to your normal shipping charges.

The program is typically available for items sold by third-party sellers on Amazon, and it does not apply to certain categories or brands of products (for example, groceries). To qualify for the cost-per-mil bonus, all items must meet the following criteria:

1) Be shipped via standard shipping and arrived within 2 days of being ordered; 
2) weigh no more than 4 pounds; 
3) be purchased using your primary account with a valid credit card; and 
4) have been inspected and are in original condition.

Is the Amazon Cost Per Mil Program a Good Fit for My Business?

The Amazon cost per mil (CPM) program is a great option for businesses that are looking to reach new customers and increase their sales. The CPM program allows you to pay Amazon to run ads on its website, which will then generate leads for your business. Once a lead has been generated, you can contact them directly or sell them an item through your online store. Benefits of the CPM program include increased visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs), more click-throughs from ads, and higher conversion rates due to better targeting of the ad campaigns. CPM clicks from ads are charged based on how many times they are clicked rather than how much time they remain viewable for less risk. 

CPM (Cost-per-mil)

CPM (Cost-per-mil) is an advertising method that you pay one price for 1000 views of your ad. To calculate CPM, you'll use...

CPM (Cost-per-mil) is an advertising method that you pay one price for 1000 views of your ad. To calculate CPM, you'll use...


CTR (Click through rate)

What is Amazon Click Through Rate?

Click through rate (CTR) is a metric that measures how often users click on the link in an advertisement or email to visit the destination page. It's important to note that CTR considers both clicks from people who view the ad or email and those who open it.

A high CTR shows effective marketing campaigns that are attracting customers to your website or landing page.

The higher the CTR, the more likely someone is to convert into a customer. However, there are many other factors that affect your Click Through Rate, so make sure you're measuring all of them correctly before declaring success!

How Does Amazon Measure Click-Through Rate?

The click-through rate (CTR) is the percentage of visits to a website that results in an action, such as purchasing a product or filling out a form on Amazon. 

Amazon uses this figure to measure how effective its advertising campaigns are for sellers. They calculate it by dividing the number of clicks on an ad by the total number of times they displayed it to e-commerce shoppers. 

Amazon CTR Formula: clicks ÷ impressions = CTR

What Happens if I Have a High Click-Through Rate?

If your click-through rate (CTR) is high, this means that many people are clicking on your ads. This could mean that you're targeting the right audience or that your ad is interesting and relevant. If you continue to have a high CTR, it may be worth considering increasing the price of your ad space or investing in more creative content.

What Does It Mean if My Click-Through Rates Are Low on Amazon?

If your click-through rates are low on Amazon, you may not be attracting enough customers to pages where you have ads running. You can try increasing the budget for your ad campaign, adding new targeting options, or trying different advertising formats (such as video).

Is There a Certain Type of Amazon Content That Has Higher Click-through Rates?

Some Amazon content with higher click-through rates includes products listed as “Best Sellers,” those that are promoted through paid advertisements, and those with a high number of customer reviews.

Better-Selling Products Typically Have Higher Customer Satisfaction Ratings Than Lower-Selling Products on Amazon.

Typically, higher-selling products have higher customer satisfaction ratings on Amazon. This may be because customers are more satisfied with purchases they feel confident about - i.e. items they believe are of high quality. Lower-selling products are likely to receive less feedback than higher-selling products, which can lead to dissatisfaction among buyers.

Amazon Best Sellers are products that have sold well on

How Can I Get My Products on the Amazon Best Sellers Page?

There is no guaranteed way to achieve on Amazon's best sellers list, but marketing efforts and selling prices can help increase your chances. Many factors influence how products rank on Amazon's bestsellers page, including sales volume, product ratings and reviews, and competing products.

How To Increase Click-Through Rates on Products With Low Ratings on Amazon

There are a few ways that you can increase ratings for products on Amazon. One way is to add high-quality images and descriptions to your product listings. Another way is to offer customer refunds if the product does not meet customer expectations. Finally, make sure that you have accurate information about your product available in the listing so that potential customers can accurately judge its value.

One way to increase your click-through rate on Amazon is by creating effective titles and subtitles for your products. Titles that are attention-grabbing and keyword-rich can help boost click-through rates. Making sure your product photos look professional can also improve the chances of customers clicking through to purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many items sell on Amazon each day?
A: As of March 23, 2019, Amazon reports that they have sold over 5 billion items on their site.

Q: What percent of Amazon's revenue comes from its bestsellers?
A: Amazon's bestsellers account for about 40% of all revenue.

Q: What factors influence a product's likelihood of becoming a bestseller?
A: Many factors influence a product's likelihood of becoming a bestseller. Some of the major ones include reviews from consumers, sales numbers, and competition.

CTR (Click through rate)

This measures how effective an ad is for attracting customers, AKA, clicks. The higher this number, the better! Clicks ÷ impressions = CTR

This measures how effective an ad is for attracting customers, AKA, clicks. The higher this number, the better! Clicks ÷ impressions = CTR



What are Amazon Categories?

A category within Amazon is a specific class of products grouped into one. There are many subcategories within each category. On Amazon, there are 33 categories. However, not all of them are categories a seller can just jump in and sell on. Many have selling guidelines with a few categories specific to Amazon or their partners only. Each category houses many additional subcategories within.

How Amazon Categories work for Sellers

Amazon categories are a great way for sellers to organize their products by topic. This can make it easier for buyers to find the product they're looking for, and it can also help you rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

When creating your Amazon categories, be sure to select a specific focus or objective of your product. For example, if you sell kitchen knives, you might choose knife-related categories such as chef's knives, steak knives, etc. You could also create subcategories within these main categories based on different uses or purposes - like kitchen shears specifically designed for cutting fruits and vegetables.

Once you've created your Amazon category structure, be sure to add all of your products into those appropriate spots using the Add Product feature on Seller Central. This will automatically populate information about each item such as its price and seller rating (if applicable). You don't need to manually enter this information every time; simply click the Update button once everything looks correct.

How to Manage Product Categories on Amazon

Sellers can add products to different categories on Amazon by using the "Add to a Category" button on product pages. This will allow sellers to organize their items into specific Marketplace Categories, like Home & Kitchen, Clothing, or Toys & Games. Once you've added a product to a category, it will be listed under that category's subcategories. You can also create custom listing templates for each of your Marketplace Categories in order more easily categorize and list your items.

One common mistake that Amazon sellers make is categorizing their products using the wrong keyword. For example, an Amazon seller might choose to sell textbooks using the keyword "book," when they should have chosen a related keyword like "education" or "learning." Another common mistake that Amazon sellers make is not optimizing their listings for search engines. By optimizing their listings, they can help increase traffic to their product pages and generate more sales opportunities.

One way to determine which products to put in specific categories is by considering what their primary functions are. For example, if you sell items that can be used as decorations or gifts, then you will put those products in the category of "decorations." If, on the other hand, your product is meant for use outside of the home (like a tool), then it would likely belong under one of the other main categories such as "household," "tools," or "outdoor activities."

Category Limits for Sellers

Are there any limits to how many categories an Amazon seller can create? There are no explicit limits to the number of categories an Amazon seller can create, but it's generally recommended that you limit yourself to around 10-15 different categories. This will help ensure that your products are found by customers more easily and reduce the amount of time you need to spend on marketing campaigns.

There are many ways to optimize content for a specific category. Some tips include keyword research, creating titles that accurately reflect the topic, and using keywords throughout the text. Additionally, it can be helpful to create infographics or lists that are easy to browse and contain key points related to the topic.

How Sellers Create Categories on Amazon

When you create a clearly defined category selling your products, it can make it easier for potential buyers to find what they are looking for. It also gives you a way to better organize your products and make them more accessible.

To create a category on Amazon, go to the "Categories" section of your account and select the "+" sign in front of the "Create a New Category" box. Type in what you would like to call your new product category and then press the "Create Category" button.


A category within Amazon is a specific class of products grouped into one. There are many subcategories within each category...

A category within Amazon is a specific class of products grouped into one. There are many subcategories within each category...



Amazon offers sellers a simple and effective way for buyers to support local businesses by purchasing from them at a reduced cost or for free. With over 1 million business listings on Amazon alone, it is easy to see why many entrepreneurs choose this platform to promote their company and sell its products. However, not all businesses can use Amazon's extensive network of marketing resources. Below, you will learn what a coupon is and how to use them on Amazon.

What is a Coupon?

A coupon is a discount code that you can use on Amazon. The code is unique to your account and can only be used on the items that you have discounted on Amazon. When customers buy an item from Amazon, they can use the code on the product page to get a reduced price. This is especially useful for smaller businesses that don't have a huge inventory to sell.

Customers can also redeem your Amazon coupons for cash or gift cards, which can then be used at local businesses or sent as a gift to friends and family to use on the Amazon Marketplace.

How Sellers Use Coupons on Amazon

When selling on Amazon, one of the most important aspects you need to manage is your price. This is why sellers often find it helpful to have coupons available for their products. When a buyer clicks on a coupon code, the discount will be applied automatically at checkout.

However, there are some things to keep in mind when using Amazon Coupons: First off, make sure that your product qualifies for the coupon. Amazon offers various types of discounts, such as Lightning Deals and Prime Day Promotions, which only apply to select items.

Secondly, remember to take advantage of all applicable discounts — including generic coupons and promo codes from other merchants - so that you can maximize your sales potential. And finally, remember not to overprice your item by incorporating too many unwanted or unnecessary reductions into your pricing structure; this could lead buyers away from buying from you altogether!

Amazon coupons work in a similar way to eBay coupon codes, with the main difference being that Amazon refers to them as Seller Promotions. When you create or add a listing to your seller account, you will be able to select from a variety of Seller Promotions that you can use on your items.

Sellers can choose from promotions such as free shipping for orders over $50, 20% off for first-time buyers, and 2-day shipping on eligible items. You can also enable promotional discounts through Feedvisor (which is an Amazon subsidiary) by inputting your promo code into the "Promotional Discount" field when adding an item to sell.

Pros and Cons of Using Amazon Coupons

Many entrepreneurs find that using coupons makes their business more efficient and effective. For example, if you use a coupon for an item that costs $50, you would expect to pay $40 for that item and $10 for shipping. However, with Amazon’s free two-day shipping, you don’t have to pay any extra cost for the privilege of delivery.

Furthermore, shipping costs are often a reflection of the price of the item. If you choose to purchase a cheaper item, then you will have to pay more for the privilege of free shipping. With that in mind, here are some of the benefits of using Amazon coupons: More options and deals to find discounts. Easy and quick way to get discounts at local businesses. Helps promote your brand name. Helps you save money on inventory in the long run.

With these coupons and deals, you can promote your products and get them at reduced prices from customers who are shopping on Amazon. Both sellers and customers will know the current price, the discounted price, and the available gift cards. Keep in mind that these deals are only visible to customers who are logged into their account.

After you have created these deals, make sure to optimize your page for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Pay-per-click) ads to get more results from these key audiences.

The key to taking advantage of using coupons on Amazon is to create an Amazon seller account.  


A coupon is a special code made of letters and numbers and can be digital or in print. This code allows a seller to offer...

A coupon is a special code made of letters and numbers and can be digital or in print. This code allows a seller to offer...


DDD (Delivered Duty Paid)

If you're an Amazon seller, you might wonder why you need to pay a duty fee when you ship things from your home. After all, duty is charged on the number of goods that arrive in the possession of customs authorities. But in some countries, including Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom, duty is levied for shipping services provided by third parties rather than on the service itself. These third-party shippers pay duty when they ship an order rmade by a customer.

In other words, if you provide a package delivery service through a third-party company or individual and that company wants to sell products via your company's website without charging them a commission or markup, they'll have to pay a sum called "delivery duty." These charges are usually based on how many miles the package costs plus 5% for handling and inspecting it. If you operate as an importer or exporter with no brick-and-mortar presence in any country, this also applies to you.

What Is Delivery Duty Paid for?

As the name suggests, delivery duty is charged for the service fee paid by the recipient when the goods are delivered. Typically, this fee is equal to the cost of delivering the package to its destination. For example, if you deliver a package that weighs 100 pounds to the United States and the total price of the delivery and the duty is $30, you will pay $3 for the service fee and $29 for the delivery. But if the package costs $100 to deliver, you only pay $2 for the service.

How Much Does Delivery Duty Cost on Amazon?

As you might’ve gathered from the name, the price of delivery duty ranges from zero to 100 percent of the total cost of the shipment. The rates are set by the government of the country where the shipper is registered to operate as a third-party shipper. The table below lists the approximate cost of delivery duty in various countries around the world.

How to Pay For Delivery Duty Paid

If you operate as an importer or exporter with no brick-and-mortar presence in any country, this also applies to you. Some countries require that the goods must be imported or exported through a registered warehouse, which costs money to store goods and creates a cost to store them.

If you don’t charge for storage and handling, then you don’t have any additional costs to pay. But in other countries, where you’re required to collect customs as soon as the goods reach your destination, you have to pay a specific fee when you ship through a third-party shipper. To avoid paying any additional fees, it’s best to arrange for your goods to be stored at a customs warehouse that’s not connected to your own facility.

When Does Delivery Duty Have to Be Paid?

Delivery duty is usually calculated according to the “actual delivery” method. This means that the amount charged is based on the distance the package must travel to reach its destination. For example, if you have to deliver a package to a city of 100,000 people, you would charge that city $100 for the privilege of delivering the package. In most cases, the payment deadline is 30 days after the goods are shipped. But in some cases, the payment deadline is 90 days after the goods are shipped.

What Can You Do With the Fee You Earn From Delivery Duty Paid Shipment?

Delivery duty alone is not a good reason to collect a customer’s money. In some cases, the customer may also be charged a “handling” fee when you deliver the goods. For example, if you have to deliver a package that weighs 100 pounds to a city of 100,000 people, you might have to pay $3 to the city government for each delivery.

What If My Company Doesn't Pay Any Duties on Shipment Deliveries?

If you’re an importer or exporter with no brick-and-mortar presence in any country, this applies to you. In this case, you don’t have to pay any duties when you ship goods through a registered warehouse. You only have to pay the duty when you ship the goods directly to the customer.

DDD (Delivered Duty Paid)

The DDP (Delivery Duty Paid) agreement places all responsibility on the seller. They are responsible for shipping costs and...

The DDP (Delivery Duty Paid) agreement places all responsibility on the seller. They are responsible for shipping costs and...


DS (Drop Shipping)

What is Drop Shipping on Amazon?

Drop shipping is an Amazon business model in which an online store does not have any physical inventory, but relies on customers ordering products directly from the store. The store then ships the products to the customer's address, usually for a fee.

Benefits of Using Amazon Dropshipping

There are several benefits for sellers using Amazon drop shipping. Perhaps the most significant benefit is that it can be very profitable. Dropshipping on Amazon can allow you to generate a substantial income from your product sales, without having to invest large amounts of money in setting up a retail business. Dropshipping on Amazon allows you to control all aspects of your products' distribution and marketing, which can make running your business more manageable.

How to Drop Ship on Amazon

Amazon is an online marketplace that allows customers to buy and sell products. Customers can search for items by category (clothing, toys, home goods) or by specific product. Amazon also offers a seller's account that allows merchants to upload products for sale and manage their inventory.

Drop shipping is a marketing strategy where companies offer products for sale without ever having to stock or own the products themselves. Buyers on Amazon pick up the product from a third-party seller and then ship it directly to their homes. This allows Amazon to avoid any associated costs like shipping and handling, which reduces their overall margin.

To drop ship on Amazon, first, create a list of the products you want to sell. Next, find manufacturers who have similar products to what you're selling and contact them about dropping shipping your product onto their website.

What Products Are Eligible for Drop Shipping by Amazon?

Products that are eligible for drop shipping by Amazon include books, electronics, and clothing.

What Products Are Ineligible for Drop Shipping on Amazon

Some products that are not eligible for Amazon drop shipping include items with fragile packaging or perishable goods.

Drop shipping vs Fulfillment by Amazon

Drop shipping is when a business sells products without having to carry any inventory. Instead, the seller simply ships the products to customers who buy them directly from the supplier. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service that helps businesses sell and deliver their products through Amazon’s network of warehouses.

What is Fulfillment by Amazon?

Fulfillment by Amazon is a service that allows customers to order goods online and have them shipped directly to their homes. The company takes care of all the logistics, from shipping the products to tracking your package until it arrives at your doorstep. This convenience makes FBA an ideal option for customers who don’t have time to shop online and wait for their items to arrive in the mail.

Dropping shipping on Amazon will vary depending on the product and seller. For sellers who want to sell unique and hard-to-find items, dropshipping may be a better option than using FBA services. However, many sellers on Amazon's platform are reaping the benefits of using services fulfilled by Amazon that include packaging, shipping, customer service, and signature Amazon logos on delivery items. 

Amazon recommends using FBA services in most cases to save time and money. The seller can also get products to customers faster. Amazon sellers who choose drop shipping can learn some tips on how to drop ship on Amazon.

Can I Use Amazon Drop Shipping Services Without a Seller Account?

To use Amazon drop shipping services, you first need to create an Amazon Seller Account. After creating your account, you can then sign in and start creating products.

Am I Eligible To Create an Amazon Selling Account To Use Drop Shipping Services or Fulfillment by Amazon?

You are not eligible to use Amazon's drop shipping or fulfillment by Amazon services if you have an account with another online retailer that sells through FBA. You must create a new Amazon selling account to use these services.

How Can I Create a New Amazon Seller Account?

You can create a new Amazon seller account by following these steps:

1. Go to Amazon and create an account.

2. Login to your Amazon account and select "Create a new seller account" from the top navigation bar. 

DS (Drop Shipping)

Drop Shipping is when a product is shipped direcly from the manufacturer to the FBA warehouse. If you are purchasing product from...

Drop Shipping is when a product is shipped direcly from the manufacturer to the FBA warehouse. If you are purchasing product from...


Duty Tax

What is Duty Tax on Amazon?

Amazon is a global e-commerce platform. It taxes sellers on their worldwide sales, regardless of where they sell the item. When you sell an item on Amazon and send it to a customer in another country, the seller is still required to pay taxes on that sale. 

Duty tax is the tax charged by the government on items that are sourced and sold by Amazon. When an item is ordered from Amazon, the company assigns a product code to it.

They will normally add this tax amount to Amazon sellers' local value-added tax (VAT).

Fortunately for Amazon sellers, there are many ways to reduce or avoid paying duty taxes. 

  • For example, you can use shipping companies that offer international shipping services rather than shipping with Amazon or using FBA services. 
  • Sellers can also designate certain countries as “non-residential zones” so that only those customers who live in these zones are eligible for your products and services. 
  • Finally, sellers can apply for exemption from income tax or VAT by completing an application with the relevant government authority.

This code is used to determine the applicable duty tax

They calculate the duty tax as the difference between the manufacturer's sale price and the price Amazon sells the product at. 

Are Amazon Sellers Required To Pay Duty Tax?

Furthermore, while certain items that are imported may be subject to other taxes (e.g., value-added tax), duty tax is typically only charged on a purchase’s final price – which does not apply to most products sold on Amazon.

When Do Amazon Sellers Have To Pay Duty Tax?

Amazon sellers have to pay duty tax when they sell goods that are subject to customs and import taxes.

This includes items such as clothes, shoes, electronics, and more. Amazon sellers pays the duties on these sales even if the buyer is not in a country that imposes such taxes.

Depending on the item sold, the Amazon Seller may also be required to complete an export declaration or get an EIN (Employer Identification Number) from the IRS. Failure to do so can cause fines and/or imprisonment. So Amazon sellers need to stay up-to-date with current tax laws and regulations so they don't run into trouble down the road!

One of the most important aspects of being an Amazon Seller is knowing your duties and responsibilities. This includes paying taxes, filing state tax returns, complying with freight regulations, and maintaining accurate inventory levels. 

Sellers are responsible for adhering to the Amazon Marketplace rules and guidelines that impact their business operation.

Are There Any Exemptions to Duty Tax for Amazon Sellers? 

Amazon sellers are required to pay sales tax on all items that they sell, regardless of where they sell those items. Sales tax is required on Amazon-owned websites and on other third-party Marketplace e-commerce websites like eBay and Etsy.

Sellers who have a physical presence in a state but do not make any sales through their website or Marketplace account will be subject to standard statewide rates for retail purchases. 

Amazon sellers with physical stores may also be subject to local and state sales tax.


What Duty Tax Exemption Are Amazon Sellers Eligible For?

There are a few exemptions to duty tax that Amazon Sellers may be eligible for. These include products returned within 30 days, products sold through third-party vendors with an established relationship with Amazon, and prescription drugs.

Amazon sellers registered for the Amazon FBA program may also be eligible for duty tax emeptions, including the following. 

Manufacturing supplies  

Foreign goods sold through AmazonWire 

Inventory held for sale on an auction site like eBay or Etsy 

Amazon understands that buying online can be convenient and fast. That's why the Amazon website provides easy-to-use tax calculators for international shoppers. 

To calculate your duty taxes payable on imported goods sold through your Amazon account, simply use the DUTY CALCULATOR below:

Amazon Duty Calculator Tool for Sellers 

The Amazon Duty Calculator Tool is a great resource for sellers who need to estimate the customs and duties that may be applied when sending products to international markets.

The duty calculator tool accounts for different product types, country of origin, shipment values, and more. 

Duty Tax

Duties are a type of taxation that can be imposed on the export and importation of goods. Duties area percentage based off of the value...

Duties are a type of taxation that can be imposed on the export and importation of goods. Duties area percentage based off of the value...


EAN (European Article Number)

What is a European Article Number?

A European article number (EAN) is a unique 10-digit identifier for consumer goods and services sold in the European Union. The first two digits identify the country of origin, while the EASA authority assigns the remaining eight digits and handles the ACG scheme.

These unique nine-digit numbers identify products as extensions of UPCs. EANs help retailers and manufacturers keep track of product sales and inventory. Tracking EANs makes it easier for Amazon to fulfill orders and provide customers with accurate information about product availability.

Types of European Article Numbers

There are three types of European Article Number (EAN): the first is a 14-digit number divided into two parts, the second has an 8-digit part and a 2-digit part, and the third has just one digit.

Why Do Products Need a European Article Number on Amazon?

The European Article Number (EAN) is a unique product identifier assigned by the European Union. We can find this number on most products sold in Europe. Amazon uses algorithms, UPC codes, and product numbers like EANs to track inventory. 

Products need a European Article Number (EAN) when they are to be marketed in the European Economic Area.

How does Amazon use European Article Numbers?

Amazon, the company that uses drones to deliver packages because they are cheaper and more efficient than traditional methods, uses EANs to differentiate its products from those sold by competitors based in the United States. The European Union requires that all consumer goods have standardized article numbers, so Amazon is implementing this policy globally.

Q: Are There Other Uses for EANs for Amazon Sellers?

There are several other uses for EANs, including scanning codes and product identification numbers.

Q: How Can You Find Out What an Article Number Is for a Product on Amazon?

You can view the article number for Amazon products on their product pages. 

Q: Can You Use EANs on Your Products?

Yes, you can use EANs on your products.

Are There Any Disadvantages to Using EANs?

One potential disadvantage of using EANs is that they can be more difficult to decipher for users who aren't familiar with them. Some merchants may find it more difficult to process transactions in EAN-based formats.

When you purchase items on Amazon, they will give you an item's ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number). This number is unique to each product and can track the sales and inventory of that product. 

Amazon uses European Article numbers for its products. These numbers differ from the ASINs because they show where they manufactured a product. 

Q: How Can I Get a European Article Number on Amazon?

The easiest way to get a European article number (EAN) on Amazon is to use the EAN Lookup tool.

EAN Lookup Tool on Amazon

The EAN lookup tool on Amazon is a search bar that allows you to look up an EAN number quickly. 

Are There Any Exceptions to the Requirement for a European Article Number on Amazon Products?

There are a few exceptions to the requirement for European Article Numbering on Amazon products:

-Some products may not require an EAN code, such as books and DVDs.

-Some products that are available both in Europe and the U.S., such as electronic devices, do not require an EAN code because they ship using two different barcodes - one for distribution within Europe and one for sale in the U.S.; these items will have only a product title rather than a specific EAN number associated with them (for example "B0012456262").

Do I Have To Register My Amazon Products With the EU Trademark Office?

No, you do not have to register your Amazon products with the EU trademark office. However, if you intend to market or sell your Amazon products in the EU and use distinctive trade dress, then you will need to comply with the relevant intellectual property rights protection laws of the EU.

How Can I Create a Seller Account on Amazon and Start Selling My Products?

To create a seller account on Amazon, you'll first need to create an account. Then, click the "Sell on Amazon" button in the top right corner of your homepage and follow the instructions. 

EAN (European Article Number)

EAN (Eurpoean Article number) is also referred to as the International Article number. It is a barcode system that has been standardized...

EAN (Eurpoean Article number) is also referred to as the International Article number. It is a barcode system that has been standardized...


EBC (Enhanced Brand Content)

What is Enhanced Brand Content on Amazon?

Enhanced brand content EBC on Amazon is a marketing feature that allows sellers to present enhanced content as product listings on the marketplace. Bolder text and larger images help sellers grab their customer's attention and increase sales. Not all sellers on Amazon are eligible to use EBC content, which Amazon also calls "A+ content. Before sellers can generate enhanced product listings that feature more engaging and detailed product listings and promotions on the marketplace, Amazon must verify them as authorized first-party or third-party sellers who subscribe to Amazon's Brand Registry.

What is Amazon's Brand Registry?

Amazon's Brand Registry is a service through which brands and businesses can register their trademarks with Amazon and take advantage of enhanced services offered by the e-commerce giant. The Brand Registry offers brands the ability to manage their trademarks, protect their intellectual property, and gain visibility on Amazon. It also gives customers the opportunity to find and purchase products that are associated with registered trademarks and reduces the likelihood of buying counterfeit or fraudulent products online.

Sellers that use Amazon's Brand Registry program can manage their own listings on Amazon and add enhanced brand content to increase product clicks and views, and drive more sales through top-notch content. The Brand Registry helps e-commerce sellers on Amazon and third party websites to protect, market, and scale their brands. 

Click here to learn more about the Amazon Brand Registry. 

Benefits of Using A+ Content or EBC for Amazon Sellers

Using A+ content helps brands to produce more robust and engaging product listings when they gain access to members-only features in Seller Central. Sellers can create and manage product pages, and track their sales performance. Using EBC with enhanced audio and visual content adds value for shoppers. It also offers brand owners the ability to add Amazon keywords to their products, which can help boost traffic and sales.

A+ content is Amazon's designation for high-quality reviews and content that helps you make informed buying decisions.

EBC vs. A+ Content

Enhanced branding content (EBC) provides a richer, more immersive shopping experience for shoppers on Amazon. EBC includes audio and video components that can take your product listings to the next level by enhancing your brand's voice and creating a more compelling buying environment.

Sellers who use enhanced branding features in their product listings can expect increased visibility, better conversion rates, and deeper customer engagement when shoppers browse through their product pages on Amazon. A+ content on Amazon is content that has been verified and approved by Amazon as being of the highest quality. This means that the content has been checked for accuracy, completeness, and adherence to Amazon's guidelines.

A+ content is Amazon's highest quality rating and it is given to products that have passed a series of tests and reviews.

- Amazon ensures that all the products that carry this label are of the highest quality and meet all the requirements of the A+ rating.

- The A+ rating helps sellers rank higher in Amazon search results, and it also attracts more buyers.

A+ content is high-quality, well-written content that has been reviewed and rated by Amazon customers as being excellent.

What Are Amazon's A+ Content Guidelines?

There are a few items that sellers cannot promote as A+ content. These include false, misleading or defamatory statements; items that infringe on the intellectual property rights of others; and materials containing obscene, profane or pornographic material.

Sellers must also ensure that all products they promote as A+ Content meet Amazon's other guidelines for selling online, such as being safe to buy and available in multiple languages.

What Are Some Advantages of Promoting A+ Content?

Having more professional-looking and attractive product listings are just a few of the benefits for sellers who promote their products with enhanced brand content on the Amazon marketplace. 

Promoting A+ content on Amazon can have several advantages. These include attracting more buyers and ranking higher in search results. Additionally, using high-quality content can help you build trust with customers and make it easier for them to buy from you when they engage with top-quality content that has been Amazon approved. 

Amazon A+ Content Guidelines for Sellers

EBC (Enhanced Brand Content)

Enhanced brand content EBC on Amazon is a marketing feature that allows sellers to present enhanced content as product listings on the...

Enhanced brand content EBC on Amazon is a marketing feature that allows sellers to present enhanced content as product listings on the...


EFN (European Fulfillment Network)

What is the European Fulfillment Network on Amazon?

The European Fulfillment Network on Amazon is a program that allows sellers to store their inventory in a local fulfillment center and sell their products to other European stores that use the same inventory pool. It acts as an extension of FBA services. This allows the sellers to have more control of their inventory and distribute it more efficiently throughout Europe.

How does the European Fulfillment Network work on Amazon?

To take part in the European Fulfillment Network, sellers must first create an account with Amazon. Once they have created their account and set up their inventory, they can then join the network by registering with one of the participating stores. After registration is complete, sellers will be able to transfer their inventory directly to that store’s fulfillment center.

What are the benefits of using the European Fulfillment Network on Amazon?

There are a number of benefits to using the European Fulfillment Network on Amazon. Most importantly, this allows sellers to have more control over their inventory and how it is stored. This can allow them to Sell products to other EU stores with ease, increasing their chances of making sales and generating additional revenue. Additionally, using the EFN can help sellers reduce costs associated with fulfillment by having one centralized location where orders are placed and products are shipped. Finally, by partnering with an EFN provider, sellers can take advantage of extra resources such as marketing support or customer service should they need it.

How does the European Fulfillment Network on Amazon help to improve delivery times for customers?

The European Fulfillment Network allows sellers to have their products stored in a local fulfillment center, which can help to improve delivery times for customers. This is because the center will have access to a large inventory of products and can quickly fulfill orders. Additionally, by using the EFN providers’ marketing and shipping resources, it may be possible for sellers to achieve lower delivery times than if they were directly fulfilling orders themselves.

What are some of the unique features of the European Fulfillment Network on Amazon?

One of the unique features of the European Fulfillment Network on Amazon is that it allows sellers to have control over their inventory. This can help to improve customer satisfaction and reduce costs associated with fulfillment. Additionally, by partnering with an EFN provider, sellers can take advantage of resources such as marketing support or customer service should they need it.

How can small businesses benefit from using the European Fulfilment Network on Amazon?

Small businesses that are looking to take their business online can benefit from using the European Fulfilment Network on Amazon. This is because the network allows sellers to access a large inventory of products and take control over their inventory, which can help improve customer satisfaction. Additionally, by partnering with an EFN provider, small businesses may be able to take advantage of resources, such as marketing support or customer service, should they need it.

The European Fulfillment Network on Amazon is a service that helps online retailers in the European Union to fulfill orders from It allows participating retailers to ship products directly to Amazon's customer base in the EU.

This saves them time and money as they no longer have to process orders and handle returns themselves.

How Does the EFN Network Delivery Packages Internationally?

The European Fulfillment Network on Amazon is a network of warehouses across Europe that is responsible for fulfilling orders from EFN is a network of warehouses and delivery centers across Europe that helps Amazon to deliver goods to customers in Europe more quickly and efficiently.

EFN Delivery Methods

EFN Network Delivery Packages Internationally uses a variety of delivery methods to ensure that your orders reach you on time. These methods include: postal service, courier service, and international shipping.

How Much Does It Cost to Use the European Fulfillment Network on Amazon?

EFN charges its participating retailers a flat fee for their membership in the network. This fee is fixed and depends on each retailer's size: it ranges from €200 to €5,000 per month.

Click here to create an Amazon seller account.

EFN (European Fulfillment Network)

The EFN, or European Fulfillment Network, allows current Amazon Europe Stores sellers to store their inventory in a local fulfillment...

The EFN, or European Fulfillment Network, allows current Amazon Europe Stores sellers to store their inventory in a local fulfillment...


EXW (Ex Works)

What is Ex Works on Amazon?

Ex works EXW is a term used by Amazon sellers and other global sellers who choose to have the financial responsibility for package delivery and shipping placed on the customer. Under the EXW agreement, a seller finances and delivers the order to the customer's door. The cost of shipping is then borne by the buyer.

The main benefits of using the EXW shipping option are that the seller does not have to deal with any packaging or logistics, and buyers can save money by paying for delivery instead of buying items online and having them shipped.

When a seller selects the EXW shipping option, it is important to ensure that all of the necessary details are included in the listing. These include specifying a delivery location and date, as well as including contact information for both buyer and seller.

If any of these details change after an order has been placed, buyers need to be notified immediately so that they can adjust their shipping arrangements. Sellers who have questions about using the EXW shipping option on Amazon or any other global marketplace, please reach out to your seller account team using the Seller Central dashboard.

What are The Benefits of Using Ex Works for Amazon Sellers?

There are a wide variety of benefits for Amazon sellers who choose Ex works shipping. The following are examples.

Benefits of Using Ex works 

1. Reduced freight costs - Shipping costs can be exponentially high. Having the customer pay for shipping can drastically reduce costs for sellers.

2. Increased production efficiency - Placing the responsibility of shipping on the customer gives sellers more free time to increase production efficiency and spend less time on buying shipping.

3. Elimination of customs and duties - Buyers are responsible for paying all associated shipping and transport costs. This includes - customs, duties, packaging fees, freight fees and all other associated costs agreed upon between the buyer and seller.

Are there any Disadvantages to Using Ex works?

There may be some disadvantages for sellers who choose Ex Works shipping. The following are examples.

Disadvantages of Using Ex Works 

1. Increased customer wait times - If the buyer does not receive the product within the specified timeframe, they may contact Amazon to ask for a replacement or a refund. This can increase customer wait times and lead to decreased sales volumes.

2. Risk of lost packages - When using Ex works shipping, it is important that both buyers and sellers are aware of any changes in delivery date or location as these could lead to a package being left at an incorrect address or lost in transit altogether.

How do you set up an Ex Works order on Amazon?

Sellers can browse the available products and choose the one they would like to sell. They will then enter in the required information, such as product description, price, shipping time, and payment method details. After completing this step, they will need to create a listing ad and await sales inquiries from buyers.

The terms and conditions for the customer to assume responsibility for transport and shipping costs are included in seller product listings. Buyers and sellers can communicate about shipping costs and requirements using Seller Central.

Can I use Exworks if I am a small business or individual seller?

Amazon doesn't limit the use of Ex works shipping to medium and large businesses. Ex works can be used by small businesses or individual sellers.

What happens if I need to change my shipping information after submitting my ex works order?

If the seller needs to make any changes to their shipping details after submitting their ex works order, they should contact Amazon and request a modification. After making these modifications, sellers will need to resubmit their original ex works order in order for it to be approved. Overall, ex works shipping is a convenient and affordable way for buyers and sellers to transact business. However, there are some risks involved that must be taken into account when setting up an order. If you're looking to use ex works shipping, be sure to review the guidelines provided above before beginning your listing ad.

EXW (Ex Works)

Ex works EXW is a term used by Amazon sellers and other global sellers who choose to have the financial responsibility for package delivery

Ex works EXW is a term used by Amazon sellers and other global sellers who choose to have the financial responsibility for package delivery



Exporting Products on Amazon

An export on Amazon is an item that is exported from the U.S. and sold to a foreign country or transferred as part of a business transaction outside of the U.S. An export on Amazon can include items such as books, music, movies, and software fulfilled by FBA export services.

Exporting is the act of shipping goods or services outside of one's country for sale. The benefits of exporting include increased economic stability, job creation, and revenue potential.

Exports create jobs by increasing economic stability and generating revenue potential. They also promote job growth through the transfer of technology and skills abroad, which in turn creates more jobs in related industries.

The most common exports are consumer goods, food and agricultural products, machinery, and equipment.

What is FBA Export on Amazon?

FBA Export is a service that allows sellers to export their products to Amazon from their own warehouses.

This service eliminates the need to go through a third-party wholesaler and also cuts down on the time spent on the customs documentation. It also ensures that your products reach Amazon's global customer base quickly and with no problems.

How FBA Exports work For Sellers

FBA Export is an Amazon service that lets you sell products from your own Amazon store. It allows you to export your products to Amazon's international marketplaces, like the UK and Germany.

Sellers using FBA export serviceswill need to create a product listing, add product details, set the correct shipping and tax rates, and create a shipping label. Once everything is set, Amazon will take care of the shipping and handling and sellers will also have to pay Amazon's commission on the sales made.

You will need to create a Seller account, upload your products, set shipping and payment policies, and get started selling!

What are FBA Export Fees on Amazon?

FBA fees are a charge that Amazon charges for its service of importing products into the United States. They are a percentage of the value of the product that is exported. The fee varies depending on the product category and the country of origin.

These export fees are a compulsory charge that Amazon charges to exporters for handling and exporting their products. Global sellers who want to increase their Amazon revenue can benefit from using the worldwide logistics shipping network that can deliver their products almost anywhere in the world for a small fee.

What is Global Selling on Amazon?

Global Selling is a feature that allows Amazon sellers to sell their products to buyers across different countries. Where sellers from different parts of the world sell on Amazon and have their products fulfilled using Amazon FBA and Amazon export services.

Merchants can set up an Amazon account and start selling globally with no additional investment. The only thing sellers need to take advantage of global selling is a seller account, a shipping address in one or more countries, and a sales tax registration in the country where you are selling your products.

Benefits of Global Selling

  • Sellers from different countries can sell their products to global shoppers on Amazon.
  • Sellers get a bigger share of the global e-commerce market with a low investment.
  • Makes it easier for buyers to purchase international and exotic products from all over the world in one location.

How to Export Products on Amazon

First, sign up for an Amazon Export account. Next, you will need to create a product listing. Then provide the required information like the product name, description, price, and images.

You can also add a product category if you want.

Finally, add your product to the shopping cart and proceed to checkout. Once you have placed your export order, Amazon will take care of the rest!

Step-by-Step Instructions to Export a Product

Follow these simple steps to export products on Amazon:

  1. In Amazon Seller Central, click on "Products" in the navigation bar.
  2. Under "Products to Export," select the products that you want to export.
  3. On the product detail page, click on the "Export" tab.
  4. Enter your shipping information and click on "Go."
  5. You will now see a confirmation message and a tracking number.

Click here to create an Amazon seller account.


An export on Amazon is an item that is exported from the U.S. and sold to a foreign country or transferred as part of a business transaction

An export on Amazon is an item that is exported from the U.S. and sold to a foreign country or transferred as part of a business transaction


FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon)

What is Fulfillment by Amazon - FBA?

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a packing and shipping service offered by Amazon that helps sellers to fulfill and distribute the products they sell on the Amazon platform. FBA takes care of all the logistics, from shipping the product to customer service.

Sellers just need to focus on marketing and selling their products and maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction. Using FBA services helps sellers deliver top-tier experiences to customers from purchase to delivery. It is easy for Amazon sellers to get set up for FBA services.

How Do Amazon FBA Fulfillment Services Work?

Fulfillment by Amazon is a service that lets sellers manage products, inventory, and shipping with the help of Amazon warehouse associates and fulfillment center technology. Amazon fulfillment centers manage the flow of products from suppliers to customers.

Amazon sellers keep the profit generated from the products that are sold through the Amazon fulfillment system. They are only responsible for paying the FBA fees that apply to the picking, packing, and handling of their products by Amazon distribution. Fulfillment by Amazon is a great option for small businesses and entrepreneurs who want to take advantage of selling and using the global logistics solutions provided by the world's biggest e-commerce marketplace without a headache.

What are The Benefits of Using Fulfillment by Amazon?

Smart sellers can manage their entire e-commerce store using Amazon's built-in network or marketing solutions, FBA logistics solutions, and customer service options. FBA takes the focus off of tracking and managing inventory for sellers.   Picking orders, packing shipments, and providing customer service is handled by Amazon associates. Amazon warehouse and fulfillment center associates use a system of barcodes, ASIN numbers, and robotics technology to pack and deliver products to customers all over the world. 

Amazon sellers can set their own prices for their products and services, while excited customers get the benefit of receiving speedy deliveries in signature packaging that displays Amazon's familiar smiling logo. When customer service issues arise or customers are dissatisfied with their orders for any reason, sellers have the added advantage of having their customer support inquiries fielded by Amazon's customer service team, which is one of the best in the business.

Amazon Fulfillment Center Delivery

Amazon Fulfillment FBA services ensure that your products arrive at your customers doorsteps safely and on time. It also eliminates the need to handle any customer service issues yourself. Sellers can be sure of reliable, quick, and on-time delivery, no matter how big or small the order is.

Amazon operates FBA services using a network of distributed fulfillment centers around the globe that track packages every step of the way until they reach their final destination. Sellers using FBA services can also track the order status online to stay updated on the progress and monitor performance.

Can I use Fulfilment by Amazon on my website?

Amazon sellers aren't the only group of people who can use their FBA  shipping services. Sellers outside of Amazon who are enrolled in Brand Registry services can also take advantage of FBA shipping.

Is it necessary to use Amazon Fulfilment by Amazon to sell on amazon?

No, it is not necessary to use Amazon Fulfilment by Amazon to sell on Amazon. However, it is a great idea as it offers a number of benefits that you may find useful. For example, it allows you to take care of all the logistics of your sales operation from one place, including shipping and order processing.

How to Get Started with Fulfillment by Amazon

There are a few things that you need to do in order to get started with Fulfillment by Amazon: The first thing new sellers should do is create a Seller Account in Seller Central. Next, choose a few products to sell on Amazon and enroll in FBA services. After you've successfully enrolled in FBA services, add more products to your FBA tab and set your shipping and handling fees.

You're ready to generate satisfied customer reviews and ratings based on selling top-notch products and using FBA services that guarantee some of the best shipping, handling, and delivery times around the globe.

Click here to create an Amazon Seller account.

FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon)

The process of sending products to Amazon and having them fulfilled from that fulfillment center is called FBA (Fulfillment byAmazon)...

The process of sending products to Amazon and having them fulfilled from that fulfillment center is called FBA (Fulfillment byAmazon)...


FBM (Fulfillment by Merchant)

What is Fulfillment by Merchant FBM on Amazon?

The Fulfilled by Merchant FBM process is when the seller uses Amazon as a platform to sell the product, but packages and ships the product to the buyer. Amazon calls this shipping process 'Merchant Fulfilled Shipping or Fulfilment by Merchant.

In fulfillment by merchant shipping, the Seller is responsible for managing issues with product purchases on their own instead of having these issues handled by Amazon associates like sellers who use FBA services.

Why would I choose Fulfillment by Merchant over Fulfillment by Amazon?

There are several reasons choosing Fulfillment by Merchant may be preferable to using Fulfillment by Amazon. First, merchants can save on shipping costs through use of Amazon's global customer base and shipping capabilities. Second, merchant products are typically available for purchase instantly, eliminating the need for product sampling or wait times associated with traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Finally, with FBM, you have the ability to track your shipments in real-time, giving you a clear understanding of the status of your order throughout the entire process.

Sellers with small amounts of inventory may benefit from using FBM options over paying the costs of FBA services.

What is a Fulfillment Center?

A fulfillment center is a physical location where associates pick, pack, and ship products to customers.

FBM vs. FBA Services for Amazon Sellers

There are many different services offered by FBA for Amazon sellers, but the most common ones include:

- Product packaging and shipping

- Order processing and fulfillment

- Returns management

Amazon recommends packaged products should be able to withstand a three-foot drop test unharmed.

Amazon requires its sellers to maintain high shipping metrics and a high level of customer satisfaction in the following areas.

  • Account Health
  • Late Shipment Rate
  • Handling Time - Confirm Shipment
  • Ship by date to avoid late shipment penalties.
  • Pre-fulfillment cancel rate - under 2.5% - rolling 7-day time frame.
  • Valid Tracking Rate
  • Fewer customer contacts
  • Higher seller ratings
  • Fewer A to Z claims

On-time Delivery Rate is one of the most important metrics Amazon sellers using FBM services need to track. It is important for sellers using FBM services to select the best shipping option to get packages delivered to customers on time in the allotted timeframe.

Sellers with a small volume of merchandise to pack and ship can update their shipping preferences in Seller Central. Those with larger volumes of packages to deliver in more locations should consider using FBA services that include protections and discounted shipping services.

FBM Requirements for Sellers

FBM shippers are required to match or exceed Amazon's return policy.

Amazon allows you to accept returns within 14 days of delivery, as long as the item(s) is in the same condition that you received them. You also have seven days to cancel a purchase after it has been placed. Pre-paid labels cover returns that fall under the policy.

This service is included with buy shipping services. These labels are supplied to sellers and customers for free as an included service. They help control the customer experience while adhering to Amazon shipping standards set for all.

Answer customer questions within 24 hours to avoid being penalized.

Fulfillment by merchant FBM for Amazon sellers

Sellers enter FBM into their Amazon Seller Central account. FBM manages and fulfills orders for sellers on behalf of Amazon. Sellers receive all proceeds from the sale, minus returns and fees paid to FBM.

How do you choose between FBM and Vendor Fulfillment?

Choose between FBM and Vendor Fulfillment based on the services offered, seller preferences, and shipping needs.

Fulfillment by Merchant Alternatives 

Fulfillment by Merchant Alternatives is a program through Amazon that allows sellers to outsource their shipping and packing needs. This service is especially beneficial for small businesses that do not have the manpower or resources to fulfill orders on their own.

Sellers can choose from a variety of fulfillment by merchant alternatives providers, including USPS, UPS, FedEx, and DHL. Each provider has its own pros and cons; for example, USPS rates are lower but delivery times may be longer than with other carriers. Sellers can also opt to use multiple providers in order to maximize efficiency and avoid potential shipping delays.

FBM (Fulfillment by Merchant)

The Fulfilled by Merchant process is when the seller uses Amazon as a platform to sell the product, but packages and ships the product to...

The Fulfilled by Merchant process is when the seller uses Amazon as a platform to sell the product, but packages and ships the product to...


FC (Fulfillment Center)

What is an Amazon Fulfillment Center?

Amazon fulfillment centers are large distribution warehouses where packages bought and sold on Amazon are processed by associates. To date, Amazon operates a network of over 100 fulfillment centers distributed around the globe to pick, pack, fulfill, and distribute customer orders using their high-technology systems that include a combination of human, robotics, and artificially intelligent efforts. 

What are the physical characteristics of an Amazon Fulfillment Center?

Amazon's fulfillment centers are massive networks of packages, people, and technology. Some distribution centers are as large as 750,000 square feet, which are large enough to house the enormous volume of packages ordered on Amazon each day. They name fulfillment centers after the closest international airport to keep logistics simple. Over half of businesses use FBA services to pick, pack, and ship their orders using FBA services in Amazon fulfillment centers using conveyor belts and robot technology. They operate fulfillment centers using a system of barcodes and product identifiers that track packages from ordering to delivery.

Robots collect information about the ordered items and automatically begin the fulfillment process.

  • Scan barcode
  • Check damages
  • Shelve
  • Scan barcode shelf
  • Stowing

The shelves automatically move with the support of floor robots that move them and assign containers to associates who scan them using barcodes. Robotic systems suggest where to store the products using digital and physical matching technology like palletizers that take the place of forklifts. They store large items in non-sortable fulfillment centers to increase workflow and improve logistics management. After scanning the item, the system will assign the correct packaging and tape options using the patented Amazon SLAM method.

SLAM - Scan, Label, Apply, Manifest

Amazon Fulfillment Centers are large, warehouse-style buildings that come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can hold a large variety of products. They are used for storing and shipping products for Amazon sellers who subscribe to FBA services and Amazon Prime customers.

The buildings are typically air-conditioned and have plenty of parking space for associates that handle the bulk of Amazon's shipments. They also have a large storage area with high ceilings used to store and process products in an easily accessible fashion. Amazon reports that its fulfillment centers feature large open spaces and well-lit environments where employees can work safely. 

Who are the Primary Customer Segments Served by Amazon Fulfillment Centers?

The primary customer segments served by Amazon Fulfillment Centers include small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) sellers that serve customers who order and purchase products on Small and medium-sized businesses can include mom-and-pop shops and entrepreneurs who are starting their own e-commerce businesses.

 What is the typical process flow within an Amazon Fulfillment Center?

  • The process begins with receiving the order from the customer shopping the marketplace. 
  • Amazon associates and robot technologies locate order items using barcodes and product identifiers. 
  • They then inspect orders to ensure that it meets all the requirements and matches what the customer purchased online. 
  • The products are then packaged and shipped to the customer according to their designated shipping speed. 
  • The customer receives their package and may then decide to return it if they are not satisfied.

Amazon Fulfillment Centers are typically located in rural areas with good internet connectivity. They are usually built in remote, secluded areas to minimize the chances of theft or disruption. Amazon equips its centers with advanced robotics and sensors to handle large quantities of orders quickly and efficiently. They have large warehouses that can accommodate large orders of products. The warehouses were also well-lit and ventilated with high walls, security cameras, and armed guards to keep the environment safe.


The technology used at Amazon fulfillment centers is mainly robotics, automation, and software to carry out various packaging, shipping, and customer service-related tasks. Fulfillment centers handle customer service issues and product returns when Amazon sellers choose FBA shipping for managing their product inventory.

The technology used at Amazon fulfillment centers is a combination of robotics and artificial intelligence. It uses robotics and its own internal tracking system of barcodes featuring ASIN numbers, ISBNs, and UPC codes to manage the stocking and packaging of the items. Fulfillment centers use artificial intelligence tools for the accuracy of inventory and order fulfillment.

FC (Fulfillment Center)

An Amazon FC (Fulfillment Center) is where sellers will ship their products to in order for Amazon to distribute to the buyers while...

An Amazon FC (Fulfillment Center) is where sellers will ship their products to in order for Amazon to distribute to the buyers while...


FNSKU (Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit) 10 characters

What is a Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit - FNSKU on Amazon?

Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit (FNSKU) is one of Amazon's many product identification numbers that helps the platform, Amazon sellers, and Amazon customers to keep track of products and merchandise on the global e-commerce marketplace. They recommend that every seller using FBA services uses an FNSKU to track inventory from listing to delivery.

What is an FNSKU Used For?

An Amazon Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) is a unique identifier for a product sold on Amazon that is also known as an Item Number, a Stock Number, and a Brand Number. It helps in tracking inventory, shipping, returns, customer service, and other operations related to the products sold in the marketplace. 

FNSKU numbers are a vital part of Amazon's sales ecosystem and make it easy for seller to track sales and fulfillment data for products sold on Amazon. Having access to an FNSKU can tell sellers a wide variety of information about their products, including when they were sold, who bought them, and where they are in the fulfillment and distribution cycle. 

Amazon FNSKU vs. ASIN Number

Many new Amazon sellers confuse the FNSKU number with the Amazon ASIN number, which is another one of Amazon's proprietary tracking numbers for tracking inventory housed on the platform. While these numbers serve a similar purpose, the primary difference between an ASIN and an FNSKU is that each and every product in the Amazon marketplace has its own unique ASIN that differentiates it from other products. An ASIN number is a unique number to identify individual products. This number can be connected with any seller on Amazon who sells the related product. The FNSKU number is a number that is assigned to only one product and one seller.

Benefits of FNSKU for Amazon Sellers

While some Amazon sellers believe it is tedious or time-consuming to assign a tracking number to every item listed on the Amazon marketplace, using FNSKU's for inventory tracking has many benefits for sellers and can be helpful for tracking lost orders. Using the FNSKU helps Amazon track issues with fraud or counterfeit merchandise. For example, if another seller attached to the same ASIN may be selling counterfeit merchandise.

This unique identifier quickly tells Amazon and marketplace buyers which merchant sold the merchandise and who will receive the penalty or be blacklisted from the site. FNSKU's come in handy for sellers when it comes to winning bids and FBA services, where they can track their top-selling products and manage product inventory. The best benefit of using the FBSKU number on Amazon is that it helps them resolve seller-related issues with individual products being sold by multiple sellers.

How to Create an FNSKU on Amazon

New sellers on Amazon will need to create an Amazon account on Seller Central and set up their products for fulfillment by Amazon also known as "FBA Services."

FBA services is a partnership between Amazon, platform sellers, distribution centers, and customers. Amazon designed its internal fulfillment system to make buying and selling worldwide a win-win situation for all parties involved. Using FNSKU to track Amazon inventory doesn't have to be complicated. 

  • Once your seller account is created and set up for FBA services, sellers can add a few products via their Seller Central dashboards.
  • Add the FNSKU code by editing the "FBA Product Barcode Preference" information in the "inventory management" section of your dashboard.
  • Select "Amazon Barcode" and update the information to see your new FNSKU.
  • Next, you will need to create a product.
  • Add the FNSKU code to the new product.
  • Finally, you will need to set the product price and add the customer's shipping information.

Amazon sellers who use the FBA process will have Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit barcodes generated. Sellers place these labels on their product so Amazon associates fulfilling their purchases in fulfillment centers using FBA services can easily identify, pick, and pack the correct product for shipping to your customer. Your FNSKU will be noted in your seller's catalog with the other identifiers for the products and it can be attached to an ASIN. 

Click here for more information on the Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit.  

FNSKU (Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit) 10 characters

Amazon sellers who use the FBA process will have Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit barcodes that sellers place on their product...

Amazon sellers who use the FBA process will have Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit barcodes that sellers place on their product...


FOB (Freight on Board)

FOB Basics for Global Shipping

A wide variety of global shipping options make it easier for buyers and sellers to connect through global marketplaces like Amazon and other international e-commerce platforms. Freight on Board, Free on Board, or (FOB) is a shipping term used by global shippers to show that the receiving party is liable for the shipment after they pick it up from the agreed-upon location with the seller.

Amazon takes part in this global shipping program that allows sellers to cover partial costs of shipping an item to customers in another country.

What is Freight on Board on Amazon?

Freight on board is the portion of a shipment's value paid to transport goods from their origin point to the final destination.

This cost typically includes both the shipping and handling fees associated with transporting an item and any tariffs or taxes levied along the way. 

The freight on board calculation usually considers these costs, so both sellers and buyers can be reimbursed or charged for their total share of packing, shipping, and transportation expenses.

How Amazon Ships Freight

We famously know Amazon for its logistics and the ability to deliver packages almost anywhere in the world on time. The reason for this global efficiency is Amazon's globally distributed shipping network which includes its own fleet of ships and cargo planes that deliver merchandise to Amazon customers worldwide. There are several types of freight that sellers can transport on an Amazon cargo ship or plane. This includes items such as packages, furniture, and machinery that can take from a few days to a few weeks to ship. 

Amazon Freight Costs

Freight costs on an Amazon cargo ship are higher than they would be at your local shipping terminal. This is because the freight costs associated with transporting goods via sea are typically significantly more expensive than those incurred during terrestrial transport. Container size, shipping destinations, and local customs laws can all affect the cost of global shipping for Amazon sellers. 

The maximum size container that an Amazon cargo ship can transport varies depending on the type of freight that is being carried. However, most vessels can transport loads up to 20-foot long and 8-foot wide containers.

There are several shipping restrictions that apply to freight on an Amazon cargo ship. These include limitations on the weight and dimensions of items being transported, as well as mandated safety requirements that sellers and shippers must adhere to during packaging and transport.

Benefits for Amazon Sellers Using Freight on Board Shipping?

There are several benefits that Amazon sellers can receive by using freight on board shipping. These benefits include increased efficiency and reduced logistics costs. It is often possible to expedite shipments in order to meet customer demand more quickly using Amazon FOB and FBA shipping services. Sellers using international shipping options should know the risks associated with global shipping. Some potential risks include potential damage to the shipment before it reaches its destination where the buyer takes responsibility for the shipping, as well as maritime accidents which can cause loss of life or injury.

The number of crew members required to operate an Amazon cargo ship typically depends on the vessel's size and type. However, most vessels typically require a minimum of three crew members in order to function properly.

How long does it take for an Amazon cargo ship to deliver a shipment to its destination?

The average time it takes for an Amazon cargo ship to deliver a shipment to its destination is typically between five and forty days and varies depending on what is being shipped and the shipping destination. This global timeframe can also vary depending on the type of freight that is being transported and the vessel's current schedule. 

How to Use FOB Shipping on Amazon

Eligible sellers can visit their Seller Central account to set up Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) shipping services to pack and ship their items to customers. Sellers who want to take advantage of FOB shipping options must follow the requirements set by Amazon to split the cost of global or domestic shipping with sellers. Visit the Seller Central or FBA website to learn more about these shipping options for Amazon sellers. 

FOB (Freight on Board)

A wide variety of global shipping options make it easier for buyers and sellers to connect through global marketplaces like Amazon and...

A wide variety of global shipping options make it easier for buyers and sellers to connect through global marketplaces like Amazon and...


First Party Seller (1P) as above

1P(1st Party) E-com sellers sell their brand directly to Amazon, and then Amazon ships the product to the consumer.  There are many benefits to selling your product directly on Amazon.

First Party Seller (1P) as above

1P(1st Party) E-com sellers sell their brand directly to Amazon, and then Amazon ships the product to the consumer. There are many...

1P(1st Party) E-com sellers sell their brand directly to Amazon, and then Amazon ships the product to the consumer. There are many...


Fulfillment Fee (FBA Fulfillment Fee)

What are FBA Fulfillment Fees?

FBA fulfillment fees are a fee that Amazon charges to businesses that use their FBA service to ship and deliver products to Amazon customers.The fee is determined by the weight of the package and the distance it has to travel. FBA fulfillment fees help Amazon cover the costs of shipping and handling, as well as the associated costs of providing customer service.

FBA Fee Categories

There are different fee categories and structures. 

Multi-Channel Fulfillment Orders are orders that are fulfilled through more than one channel, including but not limited to online, catalogs and brick and-mortar stores.

Gated Orders in a Multi-Channel Fulfillment Order that fall within the following weight categories will be charged a lower fulfillment fee:

Orders that weigh more than the specified limit, or orders not meeting weight category requirements will have an increased fulfillment fee according to the table below:

Weight Category Fee Limit (lbs) Up to 20 $4.99 21-50 $6.49 51+ $7.99 Products

 Category Weight Fees

  • Books
  • Category 1 (up to 20 oz) $0.99
  • Category 2 (21-50 oz) $1.49
  • Category 3 (51+ oz) $2.99

Shipments from Amazon fulfillment centers will also have an additional handling fee, which is determined by the distance the package has to travel. Examples of other FBA fees sellers can expect to pay include some of the following. 

  • Fulfillment Fees for Amazon Flexible Shipments Weight Category Fee Limit (lbs) Up to 20 Fees
  • Long-term Storage Fees
  • Return Processing Fees

How much does an FBA fulfillment fee typically cost?

FBA fulfillment fees vary, but they typically range from around 2% to 5%.

How do FBA fulfillment fees impact the price of a product?

The fee generally impacts the cost of goods sold (CGS) and, to a lesser extent, gross margin. Generally speaking, more expensive products will have higher fulfillment fees associated with them. This can impact both the initial price that they offer a product for sale as well as its eventual profitability given its greater costs in terms of production and shelf space.

Benefits of Paying FBA fulfillment Fees for Sellers

There are more pros than cons for sellers who choose FBA services or FBM. The main benefits of charging an FBA fulfillment fee include:

  1. Eliminating the need to handle and ship products directly from the manufacturer, as Amazon associates handle this process in fulfillment centers. They also handle customer service. 
  2. Implementing a more efficient, automated system that can handle larger volumes of orders increases seller income potential. 
  3. Ability to collect fees upfront rather than having them build up over time -Providing a revenue stream that can be dedicated to growth and expansion

How to Estimate FBA Fulfillment Fees

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the fees that will apply will vary depending on your individual situation and business model. However, there are a few tips that can help you work out an approximate fee:

1) Calculate your CGS - This is arguably the most important step in calculating your FBA fees, as it allows you to determine how much of each product's cost falls under fulfillment costs. To do this, simply take your total sales revenue (after subtracting any affiliated costs like marketing or shipping) and divide it by the number of products sold. This will give you an idea of how much each product costs you to produce and ship, as well as your average fulfillment cost.

2) Calculate your gross margin - Gross margin is simply the percentage of revenue that remains after associated costs are taken into account. To calculate it, divide your CGS by the total sales price of all products in your inventory (before taxes and discounts). This will give you a better sense of how profitable each product is relative to others on your list.

3) Consider adding an FBA fee offset - If one or more products on your list are less profitable than others, it may be worth considering charging an FBA fee offset on these products. This will help to cover the costs associated with fulfilling these items and make them more attractive for sale in your store.

For a rough estimate of your FBA fees use an FBA fee calculator.

Fulfillment Fee (FBA Fulfillment Fee)

FBA Fulfillment is a wonderful way to take some of the stress out of selling on Amazon. However, it does come at a cost. Usually, it's...

FBA Fulfillment is a wonderful way to take some of the stress out of selling on Amazon. However, it does come at a cost. Usually, it's...


GTIN (Global Trade Item Number)

What is a Global Trade Item Number on Amazon?

Global Trade Item Number or "GTIN" is a unique identifier assigned to individual products on the Amazon catalog pages. They use these numbers to make sure that product listings match the products sold on Amazon.

Amazon GTIN numbers are 14 digits long and belong to a category of other numerical product identifiers, including ISBNs that identify books, European Article Numbers that identify European marketplace items, and Japanese Article numbers assigned to products selling on Amazon's Japanese marketplace. 

Click here to learn more about Global Trade Item Numbers on Amazon. 

How Amazon Uses GTIN Numbers

Amazon uses GTIN numbers for global tracking of products moving through the marketplace to prevent counterfeit products and theft.

There is no universal GTIN for products. Instead, it would be best if you created a GTIN for your product by logging in to your Seller Central dashboard and generating a GTIN for each product that requires it in the marketplace.

GTINs are essential when selling on Amazon because they help sellers track sales and inventory.

Amazon maintains a list of its "product ID numbers by category" for sellers to use as a reference. It tells them relevant exceptions and exemptions apply to each product category and what kind of product identifier it requires. For example, products manufactured by major brands in the "Automotive and Powersports" variety don't necessarily need a GTIN to sell in the marketplace, but they do require a valid UPC.

Each product will require one or more product identifiers to list for sale on Amazon. It is up to the discretion of the platform to assign products to categories based on where they were manufactured and if they are well-known domestic or international brands.

Do Amazon Sellers Have to Create GTIN Numbers?

No, Amazon sellers don't have to create GTIN numbers. However, it is essential to remember that Amazon requires sellers who use its marketing and advertising services, or the Brand Registry will likely have to adhere to different selling standards. As a result, they need GTIN numbers and other required product identifiers for their merchandise.

Sellers who want to take advantage of the full range of marketing and sales support opportunities on the platform, like sponsored ads or sponsored products. Sellers can only use promotional items such as ads or links with proper tracking and attribution should someone click on them.

Not using the correct product identifier based on the category their item is selling in can result in negative consequences for sellers.

Without a GTIN, buyers may be unable to scan and track inventory items online or use barcode scanning equipment in retail environments. Additionally, without a GTIN, sellers may not be able to receive automated shipping notifications from eBay or other e-commerce platforms, which can lead to lower performance ratings, decreased sales, and a decrease in customer satisfaction. Finally, sellers who don't adhere to Amazon's selling guidelines can face disciplinary action or eventually be banned from selling products on Amazon.

There are a few exceptions to not adding a product identifier like a GTIN to Amazon product descriptions. Amazon keeps a record of products eligible for exemption on its website. Sellers must complete the process to request a GTIN exemption from Amazon before listing products without the required identifier for sale.

Amazon maintains a database of GTIN numbers they can match against every product listed in the marketplace. As a result, each product has its unique identifier to reduce the likelihood of fraudulent products selling on the platform.

What is the GS1 database on Amazon?

The GS1 database is a collection of product and barcode data that contains all its GTIN numbers. It can be searched by company, product category, or UPC.

Amazon regularly updates and audits the GS1 database to ensure that GTIN numbers and products align. Sellers found to be creating false product identification numbers and engaging in similar activities are subject to disciplinary action up to being blocked from selling on the marketplace.

This ensures that a company can identify each unique item. Not to be confused with a SKU. The SKU can change based on the business or inventory of the product.

GTIN (Global Trade Item Number)

A Global Trade Item Number or "GTIN" is a unique identifier assigned to individual products on the Amazon catalog pages. They use these...

A Global Trade Item Number or "GTIN" is a unique identifier assigned to individual products on the Amazon catalog pages. They use these...


Gated Category

What is a Gated Category on Amazon?

Gated categories are special selling categories that require permission from Amazon. Certain categories and products being sold on Amazon require approval from the platform before sellers can list them in the marketplace.

According to Amazon, they created gated categories to protect buyers in their marketplace from fraud and make that sure shoppers have access to authentic high-quality items that aren't counterfeited.

Which Products Qualify as Gated Categories on Amazon?

A gated category is an Amazon-seller category that allows only approved sellers to sell in it. Using gated categories to sell your Amazon products and services is a great way to increase your visibility and sales. Being able to sell items in exclusive categories approved by Amazon gives sellers an edge in these categories.

They limit buyer and seller access to Amazon-approved products. Sellers who want to list items in these categories should understand that Amazon may impose different restrictions for 1P and 3P sellers using gated products. The products in these categories are subject to gating restrictions and heavily inspected.

Gated categories on Amazon can include the following.

  • Amazon Services
  • Amazon Subscription Boxes
  • Hobbies and Collectibles
  • Sporting Memorabilia

How Sellers Use Gated Categories on Amazon

The benefits of selling in this exclusive Amazon category don't end with having gated access. Using gated categories on Amazon allows sellers to manage their Amazon inventory and shipments better. Sellers who use gated categories can group and monitor sales for approved products in Seller Central.

Grouping products into categories makes it easier for buyers shopping in the marketplace to find and buy the gated products they are looking for and increases the likelihood of making sales.

When a buyer clicks on a product in a gated category, they go to the gated products page where they can see all the approved products in that category instead of having to search the marketplace for similar products.

Benefits of Using Gated Products for Amazon Sellers

  • Sellers who list products in gated categories can command higher prices for platform-approved products.
  • Gated products offer sellers a better way to control their inventory and protect their investments by setting a minimum order quantity and keeping track of their sales.
  • Amazon makes it easy for sellers to set up a shipping schedule and receive alerts when their orders ship.

Getting Started with Gated Categories - Application

Sellers must complete Amazon's application and approval process before they become eligible to sell gated products.

First-party sellers on Amazon approved to sell gated products can expect to undergo periodic product quality checks and document requests and must comply with platform rules and regulations to avoid losing access to sell in gated categories.

Amazon may also expect sellers to meet new requirements as they change their policies to combat counterfeiting and fraud in the marketplace. Sellers who don't comply with these mandatory requests risk losing their selling status in these categories.

How to Sell Gated Products on Amazon

  1. Once seller applications are approved, they can add gated product listings in Seller Central by visiting the "gated products" page.
  2. Complete gated product details adding the category and product type for your approved products.
  3. After adding approved products, the next step is to choose shipping options for delivering products to customers. Amazon sellers can choose between Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) and dropshipping options.
  4. The next step is to launch gated products live on the marketplace and track selling statistics on your Seller Central dashboard.

How to Manage Gated Categories on Amazon

Gated products are products sold within gated categories that have a timer. This timer triggers an email notification that is sent to Amazon sellers after each product sells. Having automated features like email notifications that monitor sales make it easier for Amazon sellers to keep track of inventory for gated products and gated categories. Knowing exact inventory counts and when to restock can help keep your Amazon business growing while keeping your customers happy.

Using gated products with a marketing strategy and closely monitoring product sales in gated categories can help sellers increase Amazon sales. Selling exclusive products in gated categories is an excellent way to increase your product’s visibility and create a sense of urgency for buyers.

Gated Category

Amazon has a list of categories that are "gated" meaning you have to have approval in order to sell the products on Amazon. They do this...

Amazon has a list of categories that are "gated" meaning you have to have approval in order to sell the products on Amazon. They do this...


Gated Product or Brand

Gated Product or Brand

Gated products and brands on Amazon belong to gated categories that require sellers to request permission for selling certain products and services. Amazon implemented its gated products, brands, and categories to help reduce the amount of counterfeit merchandise and fake goods being sold online. They maintain a list of products and service categories that are eligible for gating. They require sellers to apply in order to sell these products. This way, Amazon can ensure quality control over the products being sold on their site, as well as protect their buyers from potentially fraudulent or counterfeit items being sold.

How to get access to Amazon Gated Categories

The first step to getting approval for selling gated products is to complete an application. Interested sellers can find the product they want to sell in the Amazon catalog and complete the application process for each gated product or category in Seller Central. When seller requests are approved, they become eligible to sell those gated products only. It is important for sellers to note that Amazon is not always accepting applications in all categories at all times. This means there may be some planning involved in getting approved to sell in the category you want on the platform.

Approved Sellers

Approved sellers must adhere to product restrictions on what they can sell. Amazon may also subject them to periodic document requests to provide proof of product authenticity to Amazon. Sellers in gated categories must meet Amazon's performance and quality satisfaction standards to maintain their status. If sellers are unable to meet the demands for records requests or if their products consistently show a high level of dissatisfaction, they may have their selling status revoked in gated categories. 

Items selling in gated products and categories will undergo product performance checks to show they are meeting Amazon's quality and customer satisfaction standards. It is important for sellers to understand that Amazon can update its requirements and qualifications for selling gated products and in gated categories at any time. There may also be additional limitations or restrictions placed on marketplace products by their ASIN number or sub-category.

Gated Product Categories - Examples

Sellers can view product limitations in Seller Central. New products that require approval will show what approvals are required in the add product screen.

Quick Tip: If you're having trouble getting a product listing to complete, check the product limitations to find out if you're trying to list a gated product or category without completing the application process.

Amazon applies category gating restrictions to products to help reduce the likelihood of fraud and selling counterfeit items on the platform and make all products and services easier to track. Products sold in gated categories require ASIN numbers and other unique product identifiers that make it easier to track and resolve issues with these items.

The following are examples of gated categories and products that must be approved by Amazon before sellers can list them.

  • Jewelry
  • Postage Stamps
  • Amazon Subscription Boxes
  • Sports Collectibles
  • Streaming Media Players
  • Fine Art

Gating restrictions can apply to brands, products, categories, sub-categories, or ASIN numbers. It is up to Amazon which product fall into gated or ungated categories. They can also apply to the following.

  • Gated Brand
  • Gated Products
  • Gated Categories
  • Gated Sub-Categories
  • Gated ASIN Numbers

Gated Products or Categories - Restrictions

It can be tricky to complete the application process for selling gated products or gated categories on Amazon. There may be multiple applications that require approval before sellers are cleared to market specific products. If you're working with a brand in a wholesale relationship it's often that you'll want permission in order to sell.

For example, a seller completing an application to sell a gated product may also need to completed an application for the brand and sub-category related to that product. This means the seller will need to have all three applications approved before being cleared to sell this specific product on Amazon.

If you try to apply to sell a gated product or in a gated category that doesn't give you an option to complete an application, this means that Amazon is not currently accepting new sellers in this category.

Products and categories available for gating will have the "apply to sell" option highlighted next to them in Seller Central.

Gated Product or Brand

Amazon has a list of products and brands that are "gated" meaning you have to have approval in order to sell the products on Amazon...

Amazon has a list of products and brands that are "gated" meaning you have to have approval in order to sell the products on Amazon...


Gross Profit

What Does Gross Profit Mean on Amazon?

Gross profit is the total revenue of your Amazon business minus the cost of goods sold. This number tells you how much money your company made from selling items on Amazon. For example, if you sold a product for $50 and incurred costs of $10 in production, shipping, and other related expenses, your gross profit would be $40.

What is Amazon's gross profit margin?

Amazon's gross profit margin is 35%. This means that for every $100 of total sales made on Amazon, the company earns $35.

How do I calculate my company's gross profit on Amazon?

To calculate your company’s gross profit on Amazon, you need to know your revenue and cost of goods sold. To find out your revenue, subtract the cost of goods sold from total sales. For example, if you sell products for $100 each and incur costs of $10 in production, shipping, and other related expenses associated with selling these items online (i.e., a total cost of $110), then your gross profit on Amazon would be $90 ($100 – $10) = 90

Amazon Profit Margin Estimates

How might Amazon's gross profit change if it raised the price of its products by 10%? If Amazon raised the price of its products by 10%, then its gross profit margin would decrease. The company would earn $90 for every $100 of total sales, but the cost of goods sold would increase to $110 from $10, so its net income (gross profit – the cost of goods sold) would decrease to 84 ($90 – $10 = 84).

Who can Amazon Sellers contact to learn more about profit margins?

Amazon Sellers can contact Amazon’s Customer Service Department to learn more about profit margins.

What services do Amazon customer services provide for Amazon sellers?

Customer service staff at Amazon can provide tips on how to increase a seller’s gross profit margin, answer questions about product pricing and shipping options, and offer support with returns.

What marketing services are available for Amazon Sellers?

Amazon Sellers can use Amazon’s marketing services to promote their products through print and online ads, as well as social media. How can Amazon Sellers track their gross profit margin?

What Is the Difference Between Gross Profit and Net Profit on Amazon?

Gross profit is the total amount earned by a business after deducting the cost of goods sold from total sales. Net profit is gross profit minus all expenses associated with running the business, such as salaries, rent, and advertising costs.

What are some factors that could impact a seller's Gross Profit Margin on Amazon?

Inventory costs (the cost of goods sold), shipping charges, and price competition could all impact a seller's gross profit margin on Amazon.

It's very common for sellers to ignore all the right inputs to get the right gross margins. That's why we have partnered with ecombalance in order to help Amazon Sellers have reliable accounting.

How do Sellers calculate the cost of goods sold on Amazon?

Sellers calculate the cost of goods sold on Amazon by subtracting their revenue from their total costs. Revenue includes sales from both physical and digital products, while costs include overhead expenses such as employee salaries, rent, marketing expenses, and shipping fees.

What are some tips for maintaining a high Gross Profit Margin on Amazon?

To maintain a high gross profit margin on Amazon, Sellers should keep overhead expenses low and focus on selling products that are priced competitively. They can also optimize their inventory and shipping logistics to reduce costs.

What Is the Gross Margin Percentage?

The Gross Margin Percentage (GMP) helps sellers understand how their business is performing relative to its competitors. It's calculated by dividing a company's net profit by total sales.

How does Amazon help sellers make money on the platform?

Amazon helps sellers make money on the platform by charging a commission for each sale made. This commission is based on the total value of the product sold, not simply the amount that was paid to Amazon.

What Is the Amazon FBA Program?

The Fulfillment by Amazon FBA program is a service that enables sellers to store and ship products in bulk from warehouses owned by Amazon. This allows them to reduce their costs and increase their margins by taking advantage of lower shipping fees, storage space, and customer demand. FBA services help sellers handle packing and customer service. 

Gross Profit

Gross profit is the total revenue of your Amazon business minus the cost of goods sold. This number tells you how much money your company...

Gross profit is the total revenue of your Amazon business minus the cost of goods sold. This number tells you how much money your company...


Hijacking (Amazon Seller Listing Hijacking)

What Does It Mean To Hijack a Listing on Amazon?

To hijack a listing on Amazon is to take over the primary listing for an item, typically without the seller's consent. This can be done by buying up all of the available stock on the listing (or using bots), then setting your own price and leaving negative feedback for the seller. There are a few ways to hijack a listing on Amazon. The most common way is to buy up all of the available stock on the listing, and then set your own price and leave negative feedback for the seller.

What Are the Consequences of Hijacking a Listing on Amazon?

If you hijack a listing on Amazon, you can potentially deprive the seller of sales and negative feedback. Additionally, Amazon may remove the hijacked listing from the site.

What Are the Benefits of Hijacking a Listing on Amazon?

Hijacking a listing on Amazon can be a quick and easy way to increase your own sales. Additionally, you can increase the visibility of your product by taking over the primary listing for it.

What are the precautions that you should take before hijacking a listing on Amazon?

There are a few precautions that you should take before hijacking a listing on Amazon. First, make sure that the product that you're planning to sell is actually available for purchase. If it's not, your listing may be removed from Amazon altogether.

Second, make sure to have enough stock of the product in order to meet demand – if there's high demand for your item and you don't have any stock available, buyers might start leaving negative feedback and canceling their orders.

Finally, take care when setting your own price – making too much money off of an item can lead to charges being filed against you by the seller.

What Precautions Can Sellers Take To Prevent Their Listings From Being Hijacked?

Sellers can take several precautions to prevent their listings from being hijacked. First, make sure that the product that they're selling is actually available for purchase. If it's not, buyers may be led to believe that the product isn't actually available and may leave negative feedback or cancel their orders.

Additionally, sellers can make sure to have enough stock of the product in order to meet demand – if there's high demand for an item and a seller doesn't have any stock available, buyers might start leaving negative feedback and cancelling their orders. Finally, sellers should take care when setting prices – making too much money off of an item may lead to charges being filed against the seller by the original vendor.

What Factors Will Influence the Decision To Hijack or Not To Hijack a Listing on Amazon?

The decision to hijack or not to hijack a listing on Amazon is influenced by a number of factors. First, the product that is being sold may be available for purchase if it's not already. Second, sellers should make sure to have enough stock of the product in order to meet demand - if there's high demand for an item and the seller doesn't have any stock available, buyers might start leaving negative feedback and cancelling their orders. Third, sellers should take care when setting prices - making too much money off of an item may lead to charges being filed against the seller by the original vendor.

What Effects Do Hijacked Listings Have on Amazon Sales?

Hijacked listings have a number of effects on Amazon sales. First, they can lead to negative customer feedback and cancellation of orders. Second, they may result in charges being filed against the seller by the original vendor. Finally, hijackings can damage seller reputation as buyers may believe that the product is not actually available for sale.

Who should Amazon sellers contact if they suspect their listing has been hacked?

If sellers suspect their listing has been hacked, they should contact Amazon's support team. 

How do Sellers contact Amazon support? To contact Amazon's support team, sellers can visit the company's website and click on the "Contact Us" link located in the main menu. From there, sellers will be able to send an email or call customer service.

Hijacking (Amazon Seller Listing Hijacking)

When another seller jumps on another listing to sell a counterfeit product at a lower price. This will cause the legitimate brand to...

When another seller jumps on another listing to sell a counterfeit product at a lower price. This will cause the legitimate brand to...



What is an ISBN on Amazon?

An ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a unique numeric code used to identify a book. Each book has its own ISBN number, which helps Amazon track inventory and sales.

How do ISBN numbers work with ASIN numbers?

ISBNs are assigned to books by the International Standard Book Numbering system while ASINs are used for physical products. When a book is sold, the ISBN number is used to track it and the ASIN number is used when selling the product on

When Did Americans First Use ISBN numbers?

The ISBN numbers were first introduced in the United States in 1978.

Which companies use ISBN numbers?

Many companies use ISBN numbers, including Amazon and other online retailers like Barnes & Noble, Walmart, and e-Bay.

Can Sellers Generate ISBN numbers?

Yes, you can generate your own ISBN number. You can do this by visiting the ISBN website and registering to create a new ISBN number.

How do I find an ISBN for a book?

To find the ISBN for a book on Amazon, navigate to the product detail page and look under “ISBN”. This will list all of the ISBNs associated with that particular book.

What is the difference between an ISBN and the title of a book?

An ISBN is a number that uniquely identifies a book. It is different from the title of the book, which is simply an Objective-C name string. For example, “9781590881490” would be an ISBN for the book “JavaScript: The Good Parts” authored by Brian Marick and O'Reilly Media Inc., while “JavaScript: The Good Parts” would be its title on Amazon.

Can I use an ISBN if I don't have the book?

Yes, you can use an ISBN if you don't have the book. Just make sure to enter the correct ISBN for the title of the book that you are looking for.

Where Can Amazon Sellers Lookup ISBN Numbers Online?

There are a number of online resources that list ISBN numbers, including the Library of Congress's WorldCat database and the International Standard Book Numbers website.

How do I get an ISBN for my own ebook?

To get an ISBN for your own ebook, you'll first need to create a digital book. Then, go to the “Book Details” page for that book and under “ISBN” enter the ISBN that you received from Amazon.

If I buy a used book, will it have an ISBN?

Yes, the ISBN for a used book is typically included in the book's text or inside the front cover. 

What happens if my ebook has expired or I lose the file that holds the ISBN?

If you have an ebook that has expired or you lost the file that holds the ISBN, you can still use it by entering the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) at Amazon. Just make sure to enter the correct ISBN for the title of your book.

Will Amazon let me sell books that do not have ISBNs?

No, books that do not have ISBNs cannot be sold on the Amazon e-commerce marketplace.

How can I troubleshoot ISBN issues on Amazon?

If you have issues registering or using an ISBN on Amazon, our support team can help troubleshoot the issue.

How to Contact Amazon Support for Sellers

If you have questions about ISBNs or Sellers' policies, Amazon's support team is available to help. You can contact Amazon sellers support by email at or by phone at 1-866-276-7323 (U.S.) or Canada toll-free at 1 877 273 7827 (international).

Do Amazon Kindle books have ISBN numbers?

Yes, all Amazon Kindle books have ISBN numbers.

Where can I find the ISBN number on a Kindle book?

On most Kindle books, the ISBN is listed either on the back of the book or at the end of the book. 

How do I find out the ISBN for a book on Amazon?

To find the ISBN for a book on Amazon, go to the “Book Details” page, and under “ISBN” enter the ISBN that you received from Amazon.

If I buy a used book, will it have an ISBN?

Yes, typically an ISBN is included in the text of a used book bought online. 


ISBN (International Standard Book Number) – This is a numeric code used to identify a book, and each book has a unique code...

ISBN (International Standard Book Number) – This is a numeric code used to identify a book, and each book has a unique code...



What is an Import on Amazon?

An import on Amazon is a product that was not made in the USA. An import can be a great deal because the product may be cheaper than products made in the USA. However, there are some risks associated with imports as they may not meet standards set by US safety regulations.

What is the difference between Amazon imports and exports for sellers?

When selling on Amazon, you have the option to sell both imports and exports. This means that your products can be sold in both the US and international markets. However, there are some differences between importing and exporting products on Amazon.

When importing products onto Amazon, you will need to comply with all of the safety standards set by US regulations. While this is not always a problem, it is important to know what these standards are in order to avoid any problems down the line. On the other hand, when exporting products from Amazon, you do not need to comply with any safety or regulatory requirements.

What Are the Benefits of Importing Products Onto Amazon?

The benefits of importing products onto Amazon can be massive. For starters, imports can often be cheaper than buying products made in the USA. Additionally, imports may come with additional warranty protection or customer support that is not available for domestically produced items. Finally, importing products onto Amazon provides a wider range of choice and allows customers to purchase items that are not readily available in their local area.

What warranty protections do Amazon imports come with?

Amazon comes with a wide range of warranty protections that aren't available on domestic products. For example, some imports come with a 2-year warranty that is double the standard warranty offered by many US-based manufacturers. Additionally, import products may come with customer support that is not available for domestically produced items.

What are some of the steps that need to be taken in order to import products onto Amazon?

There are a few steps that need to be taken in order to import products onto Amazon. These steps include confirming that the product meets US safety and regulatory standards, obtaining an appropriate import permit, and packaging the product properly for shipping.

How do you sellers go about finding and importing products onto Amazon?

There are a number of ways that you can go about finding and importing products onto Amazon. These methods include searching for product import listings on Amazon, reading product reviews, and speaking to other customers who have imported products onto Amazon.

How do you ensure that your imported products meet the standards of Amazon?

It is important to ensure that your imported products meet the standards of Amazon. This includes verifying that the product complies with US safety and regulatory standards, and ensuring that the product packaging is appropriate for shipping to Amazon.

Are there any precautions that you need to take before importing products onto Amazon?

There are a number of precautions that you need to take before importing products onto Amazon. These precautions include verifying the authenticity of the product, ensuring that the product meets US safety and regulatory standards, and properly packaging the product for shipping.

How can I verify the authenticity of products for selling on Amazon?

You can verify the authenticity of products for selling on Amazon by using a variety of methods. These methods include verifying the product ID and barcode, checking the serial number, and performing a physical inspection of the product.

Where can I learn about US safety and regulatory standards online?

You can learn about US safety and regulatory standards by reading product reviews, speaking to other customers who have imported products onto Amazon, and checking the product packaging for information about US safety and regulatory standards.

How can I become an Amazon seller and start importing my own goods?

To become an Amazon Seller and start importing goods, you need to register for an Amazon selling account and create a product listing. Once you have created a product listing, you can begin importing products onto the platform by uploading the product data and setting up shipping logistics.

Manage product listings for Amazon imports in Seller Central.


An import is a product that is brought from one country to another for sale.

An import is a product that is brought from one country to another for sale.



What is Incoterms on Amazon?

INCOTERMS® are international rules that provide a framework for sellers and buyers to assess tasks, costs, and risks associated with exporting transactions. Incoterms facilitate transparency of information about export activities and help ensure consistent treatment by both parties in negotiations regarding shipping terms.The most commonly used Incoterms are the UPS®, FOB®, CIF®, and DDP® terms. Other popular Incoterms include GSO®, CFR®, EXW(), NFO™, PBC™, and similar terms. 

When Does Amazon Apply Incoterms to An Order?

The INCOTERMS terms generally apply to an order when the seller has expressly agreed to use them in advance of the export transaction. However, some Incoterms – such as FOB and CIF – may be used even if the seller has not explicitly agreed to use them.

How do I know if I am buying under one of these Incoterms?

If you are buying an item that is subject to one of the INCOTERMS terms, it will be listed as such in the product’s details. For example, if you are buying an item that is being shipped “FOB” (free on board), then the seller has expressly agreed to use the FOB term in your transaction.

How Do Amazon Sellers Know What Incoterms Apply to Them?

To find out what shipping options are available to you, you can use the Incoterms search tool on the Amazon website. The search tool allows you to enter specific details about your order (such as product name, brand, and SKU), and it will return a list of potential shipping options that are applicable to your order.

What is an Incoterms search tool?

An Incoterms search tool is a web-based tool that allows you to find specific shipping terms that are applicable to your order. The incoterms search tool on the Amazon website is one example of such a tool.

1. The INCOTERMS® apply to any export transaction, including sales and purchases on the Amazon Marketplace, as well as purchases made through the Amazon Services LLC or Amazon EU Sarl websites.

2. The UPS®, FOB®, CIF®, and DDP® terms are the most commonly used Incoterms on the Amazon Marketplace; these terms specify where goods will be shipped from (UPS), where payment will be received (FOB), what type of shipment receipts should be issued (CIF), and what the terms of delivery are (DDP).

3. Other Incoterms that may be used on the Amazon Marketplace include FCA®, CPT®, THC®, P.O.D., and APL®. However, not all sellers adhere to these specific shipping terms; it is important to review product details to determine which INCOTERMS apply to your purchase.

Who can I contact at Amazon to ask questions about incoterms for Amazon Sellers?

Sellers who have questions about how to understand Incoterm and shipping options should contact Amazon for support or visit their Seller Central dashboard to find links to more seller resources that can help answer related questions.  

How to Get Help From Amazon Seller Support 

Amazon offers a variety of support options for sellers. If you’re a seller on the Amazon Marketplace, click the “Help” link in the upper right corner of your Account page. Otherwise, if you’re not a seller but have questions about buying products from someone who is, click Contact Seller Support to reach out to an Amazon representative who can help answer your question or provide guidance for using the marketplace.

How can I become an Amazon Seller?

To become an Amazon Seller, you’ll need a valid seller account and complete the required registration process. Once registered, you can start selling products by listing items in your inventory and setting up shipping methods.

Does it cost money to sell products on Amazon?

No, it doesn’t cost money to become an Amazon Seller. However, listing fees, marketing costs, and other associated expenses can add up over time. It’s important to carefully consider these costs before starting a selling business on the Amazon Marketplace.

What expenses are Amazon Sellers required to pay?

Amazon Sellers are required to pay listing fees and other associated expenses, including freight charges, processing and packing fees, taxes, and shipping. These costs can vary depending on the item you’re selling. You should review product details to determine these costs before beginning your Amazon Seller journey.


Incoterms are international rules to define how buyers and sellers responsibly and export goods. The Incoterms will help sellers and...

Incoterms are international rules to define how buyers and sellers responsibly and export goods. The Incoterms will help sellers and...



What Kinds of Inventory Can Amazon Sellers Hold?

A company can have fixed, or committed inventory on Amazon. A fixed inventory is one that a company plans to hold indefinitely and does not adjust based on sales. A committed inventory is one that has been purchased but has not yet been delivered to the customer. Sellers on Amazon can sell a variety of items, including books, CDs, DVDs, and video games. They can also sell items like furniture, home goods and garden supplies.

What categories does Amazon offer for inventory?

Amazon offers categories such as Books, CDs, DVD's and Video Games.

How much space is allotted on an Amazon Seller account for inventory?

An Amazon Seller account has a capacity of up to 100,000 items in inventory. 

How long does it take for sellers to receive a listing approval on the Amazon platform?

If the listing is for a new product, it takes about 24 hours. If it’s an update to a current listing, the time frame varies depending on the category and other review factors.

What Are Amazon Seller Listing Requirements?

In order to sell on Amazon, sellers must have a valid US business name, registered with the IRS and be in good standing. Seller accounts are also subject to review for certain violations before being approved.

How can I open an Amazon Seller account?

To open an Amazon Seller account, go to and complete the registration process. After registering, you will be directed to the sign-in page where you will need to enter your business name, email address, and password.

Can anyone sell products on Amazon?

Yes, anyone with a US business name and a valid email address can sell products on Amazon. However, sellers must meet certain listing requirements before being approved to sell on the Amazon platform.

How much money can an Amazon Seller make selling inventory?

The amount of money an Amazon Seller can make selling inventory depends on a variety of factors, including the category and product type. However, overall, it’s estimated that Amazon Sellers can earn anywhere from $0.02 to $5 per unit sold.

What shipping options are available to buyers when purchasing inventory through Amazon?

When buyers purchase inventory through Amazon, they have a variety of shipping options available to them. These include standard and expedited shipping, as well as free two-day shipping for Prime members.

What is Fulfillment by Amazon?

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service offered by Amazon that allows sellers to have their products distributed and handled by Amazon, including packing, shipping, customer service, and more. FBA is an optional service for sellers who want to take advantage of the resources and support that amazon offers.

Can I ship my inventory using my own shipping company?

Yes, you can choose to ship your inventory using your own shipping company. However, if you do this, you will need to handle all aspects of packaging and shipping yourself – including order fulfillment - in order for your products to be delivered to buyers.

Can sellers list physical products or only digital products through the Amazon platform? Sellers can list both physical products and digital products through the Amazon platform.

What Other Services and Tools Are Available to Sellers on the Amazon Platform?

Other services and tools that are available to sellers on the Amazon platform include:

Amazon Seller Central: sellers can use this program to manage their inventory, orders, and shipping information.

What is Amazon Seller Central?

Seller Central is a program that Amazon provides to sellers in order for them to manage their inventory, orders and shipping information. Seller Central includes features such as:

- A catalog where sellers can list their products for sale

- Order tracking tools that help buyers keep track of the progress of their orders

- Advanced sales reporting capabilities that allow sellers to see detailed information about how their products are performing.

Amazon Associates: Amazon Associates is a program that allows sellers to earn money on the sales of products that they have Amazon links or advertisements for.

Amazon Web Services (AWS): AWS is a cloud computing service that allows sellers to create, run, and manage their own applications in the AWS Cloud.


There are different types of inventory that a company can hold. An inventory is an accounting of the items on hand that are in stock...

There are different types of inventory that a company can hold. An inventory is an accounting of the items on hand that are in stock...


LQS (Listing Quality Score)

A Listing Quality Score or LQS refers to an algorithm that provides feedback on the overall quality of a particular listing. This score is used for many purposes but primarily for listing products. The LQS is vital to know because it helps you determine the quality of your listing and where you can improve the score to enable visibility and other factors that determine the ability to make a sale.

Getting Ahead of the Competition

The goal for many product pages is to allow the company offering the product to gain the edge over their competition within the market. Maintaining a solid foothold may mean the difference between success and failure regarding a product. Many methods are used to improve the product listing page score, which is designated between 1-10, with 10 being optimal. 

It's essential to consider every aspect of the content featured on the page, not just keywords because it significantly affects the listing product score. Brands offering products for sale know that it's imperative to know and understand the score and how to improve it continuously to maintain a lead or a competitive edge. 

Without this information, retailers or brands are left in the dark and guessing about where to make solid improvements and how much progress they continue to make by making those changes.

Improving sales is the ultimate goal for any company offering a product to the consumer market. Taking all aspects of the product listing into account provides a page that's scored to allow companies to understand how they perform. In order to get optimal results, it's crucial to have the right software and insights.

Concerns of a Seller 

There are many concerns for sellers, but ultimately the bottom line is staying visible and appealing to customers and making more sales. 

There are various methods for getting an LQS score, but perhaps the easiest is to have a SaaS with a built-in LQS score in the dashboard. Anyone striving to have an optimal performing page should aim for a score of 7 or better. 

Retailers and companies serious about improving sales and staying on top of the competition will monitor their LQS and ensure it's at least a seven.

Features of a Quality Listing Score 

There are several features taken into consideration when calculating the quality listing score of a page or page score. One of the features most people know about is keywords. 

The use of keywords in an optimal way is a suitable method for improving the score. The quality of keyword usage and the number of times also are factored into the score. Keep in mind, however, that more keywords are not always better; instead, quality and consistency are the keys.

Some other features of page content that are factored into an LQS include bullet points, the quality and richness of a title, the number of photos used on the page, and the resolution of the images is also a critical factor in the Listing Quality Score.

Benefits of a High Listing Quality Score 

There are many benefits to having a high listing quality score for your page. The most important, however, is that this helps the customer find your product and learn more about it quickly, making it appealing and easy to understand. This makes it more likely for you to make more frequent sales.

You will also be able to establish a more solid customer base when your page is continuously optimized. Some other benefits include the following.

  • Higher ranking on certain websites
  • It's easier for customers to locate your products
  • You'll feature first on the Search Engine Results Pages or SERPs

Essentially, high listing quality means attracting more sales and creating a better customer base with loyal buyers. A page's future richness and attractiveness are a way to engage the customer and hold their interest.

How to Achieve a Higher Listing Quality Score 

In order to begin receiving details about your listing quality score, it's essential to have a software service or platform that provides it through your user dashboard. This quality score may also be an extension to browsers and listing tools.

Monitor the page quality score frequently, whether it's daily or every few days, to determine if there have been changes or if page details need updating. Keep pages updated with the latest information about the brand, product, and any recent detail changes.

LQS (Listing Quality Score)

The Listing Quality Score or LQS is an algorithm within a search engine to determine how well your listing will be found. Amazon has...

The Listing Quality Score or LQS is an algorithm within a search engine to determine how well your listing will be found. Amazon has...


Landed Cost

What is Landed Cost on Amazon?

Landed cost is the total expense associated with shipping a product internationally, including any applicable taxes and fees. This includes everything from the cost of postage to the costs associated with handling and packing your item(s).

What are the types of landed costs?

There are a few different types of landed costs you might encounter when shipping products internationally. These include:

Gateway Fees - These fees are charged by the customs office at your destination country, and they vary depending on the country you're shipping to. They can include things like import taxes, processing fees, and other miscellaneous charges.

Customs Duties - These fees are charged by your destination country's official postal system (such as UPS or USPS), and they cover the cost of inspecting packages before they enter those countries. Some countries also levy a delivery sure Import Tax. This is a tax that's levied by your destination country on imported goods. It's charged as part of the total cost of importing your products, and it can range from 2% to 20%.

Transportation Costs - These costs relate to the actual transportation of your product across international borders. This might include fees for shipping containers, air travel, or car rentals.

How Do Amazon’s Landed Costs Influence Its Pricing?

Amazon's landed costs are one of the factors that affects the prices it charges for international shipping. This is because some of the costs associated with shipping, such as customs duties and transportation costs, can be quite high. Accordingly, Amazon tries to pass those along to its customers in order to make sure they're paying a fair price for their items.

What factors influence Amazon's choice of location for new warehouses?

There are a few different factors that influence Amazon's choice of location for new warehouses. These include the availability of good transportation infrastructure, the cost of labor in that region, and the availability of skilled workers.

Why do some locations have higher landed costs than others?

One factor that can influence the cost of shipping an item to a location is the landed costs associated with that region. This includes, among other things, customs duties and transportation costs. Locations with higher landed costs are more expensive than those in lower-cost regions, and added expenses associated with importing products into those areas.

What are some potential challenges that Amazon faces in its quest to lower landed costs?

Some of these expenses are difficult to pass along to customers. Specific regions may not have the infrastructure necessary to support low-cost shipping, which could lead Amazon to locate its warehouses elsewhere.

Can Amazon continue to lower its landed costs without sacrificing quality?

Yes, but this would likely require a significant restructuring of the way that the company operates, and it's unclear whether this is something that CEO Jeff Bezos is willing to consider.

Where Can Amazon Sellers Learn More About Landed Costs?

One source that can provide sellers with information about landed costs is the IMD World Trade Report. This report provides an overview of global trade patterns, and includes data on the cost of shipping items to different regions around the world.

Where can I access the IMD World Trade Report?

The IMD World Trade Report can be accessed online.

How can I sign up to become an Amazon Seller?

To become an Amazon Seller, you will first need to create an account. After signing up, you will be able to access resources such as the Amazon Seller Guide and the Amazon FBA Calculator.

What benefits does Amazon offer new sellers?

Some benefits that Amazon offers new sellers include access to its Seller Central platform, free shipping on eligible orders, and the ability to sell products across a wide range of categories.

How do I manage my product listings once I become an Amazon seller?

After you become an Amazon seller, you will need to manage your product listings in Seller Central. This includes keeping track of your inventory and ensuring that your products are accurately listed on the Amazon website.

You can also use Seller Insights to learn more about how your sales are performing and make changes to your marketing strategy accordingly.

Landed Cost

The sum of any expenses that are associated with shipping a product is considered Landed Cost. Generally, this cost is associated with...

The sum of any expenses that are associated with shipping a product is considered Landed Cost. Generally, this cost is associated with...


Landing Page

What is a Landing Page on Amazon?

A landing page is where Amazon shoppers would "land" once they have clicked on your marketing campaign link. For an Amazon seller, this might be a landing page to drive external traffic to your Amazon product pages. For a B2B company, this might be the landing page where potential clients would land after clicking on your website's about us section.

What are the different types of landing pages on Amazon?

There are three types of landing pages on Amazon:

1. The first type is the product page. This is where customers would be directed to purchase your product.

2. The second type is the sales page. This is where you would offer a discount or bonus for people who buy your product right away.

3. The last type of landing page on Amazon is called the squeeze page and it's used to increase brand awareness and solicitation for lead generation purposes (elevating conversions).

How Do You Create a Landing Page on Amazon?

There are a few different ways to create a landing page on Amazon. You can use tools like Fiverr or LeadPages to help you create your landing page quickly and easily.

What are the benefits of creating a landing page on Amazon?

1. Increased brand awareness - Landing pages generate more traffic than any other marketing tactic and can help increase brand awareness in your niche market area faster than any other method.

2. Increased conversion rates - Landing pages that use lead generation techniques (e . g. lead magnet incentives) can increase conversion rates by up to 50%.

3. Increased ROI - Landing pages are a quick and easy way to test different marketing tactics and see which one's work best for your business.

4. Increased reach - Landing pages are effective at reaching a wide audience, which is essential for driving leads and conversions.

What are some tips for optimizing your landing page on Amazon?

Key tips for optimizing your landing page on Amazon include: 

1. Use effective lead generation techniques - One of the best ways to increase conversion rates is to use lead generation tactics like lead magnets and CTAs.

2. Test different messaging and visuals - You want to make sure that your landing page looks good both on desktop and mobile devices, so experiment with different types of images, layouts, and fonts.

3. Keep it simple - The simpler your landing page is, the more likely people are going to be interested in seeing what you have

What Are Some Best Practices for Increasing Conversions on Landing Pages on Amazon?

Below are a few best practices for increasing conversion rates on landing pages on Amazon:

1. Use lead magnets - Lead magnets are one of the most effective ways to drive leads and conversions from your landing page. They offer incentives (like free samples or e-books) that capture people’s attention and incentivize them to learn more about what you have to offer.

2. Test different CTA buttons - Different CTA buttons can help you determine which ones work better for driving conversions on your landing page. For example, offering visitors the chance to subscribe to your email.

How can Amazon Sellers measure the success of their Amazon landing page campaigns?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to measure the success of your Amazon landing page campaigns will vary depending on the specific goals and objectives of your landing page. However, some common measures you could look at include:

1. Overall visits - The number of people who visit your Amazon landing page is an important indicator of how successful it was in generating leads and converting them into customers.

2. Lead conversion rates - The percentage of visitors who complete a CTA or sign up for a newsletter or email after visiting your Amazon landing page is an important indicator of how successful your landing page was in generating leads and converting them into customers.

3. Average order value - The average order value for products ordered through a visitor’s Amazon landing page can be an indication of how well your landing page converted visitors into buyers.

Landing Page

A landing page is where a customer would "land" once they have clicked on your marketing campaign. For an Amazon seller, this might be...

A landing page is where a customer would "land" once they have clicked on your marketing campaign. For an Amazon seller, this might be...


Lead Magnet

What is a Lead Magnet on Amazon?

A lead magnet on Amazon is a marketing strategy that involves giving away a free product or service to collect leads. Sellers use voluntary contact information collected from lead magnets to contact potential buyers. Using lead magnets helps Amazon Sellers use inbound marketing to generate and increase Amazon sales. 

How can you create a lead magnet for your Amazon content?

There are a few ways that you can create a lead magnet for your Amazon content. One way is to offer an exclusive discount on your book or product when people enter their email addresses into a contest. You could also offer free shipping on orders that include your book, or give away bonuses with purchases of your book.

Another way to create a lead magnet for your Amazon content is to provide valuable tips and advice on how to start or grow a successful business. By providing valuable information, you can encourage people to buy your book or product.

What are some effective ways to promote your lead magnet content on Amazon?

One way is to create an email list and send out periodic emails with new information or offers related to your book or product.

You can also create social media posts about the giveaway, and share links to the page where people can enter the contest. Finally, you can publish a blog post about your book or product featuring tips and advice that people might find helpful.

How do you make sure that people click through to your content?

Making sure that people actually take the bait and click through to your content is to create an effective marketing strategy. By promoting your lead magnet content on social media, email lists, and other online platforms, you can generate more interest in it. You can also use ads on Amazon to drive traffic directly to your page. In addition, you can create attractive and easy-to-use content marketing templates you can use to promote your book or product.

These templates will include images, videos, and other elements that make your content more engaging. You can also use these templates to create landing pages where people can enter their email addresses for a chance to win a prize.

Are there any other benefits to creating lead magnets for your Amazon content?

There are a few other benefits to creating lead magnets for your Amazon content. For example, lead magnets can help you increase engagement with your audience. Lead magnets that are easy to consume and share can encourage people to click through to your main content page and learn more about what you have to offer.

They can also help you generate new followers or subscribers who might want to learn more about the products or services that you offer. Finally, lead magnets can attract new customers who were not previously interested in buying your product or book.

What are some common mistakes Sellers make when creating lead magnets for their Amazon content?

Some common mistakes that people make when creating lead magnets for their Amazon content include failing to create compelling and easy-to-understand content, not promoting the lead magnet enough, and not including a call to action on the landing page. Consider using images, videos, and other elements that will make your content more engaging. Finally, you should consider including a giveaway or discount on the landing page to increase conversion rates.

How can I get started with Amazon marketing?

If you want to get started with Amazon marketing, there are a few tools that you can use. One option is to use Amazon’s own advertising platform, which allows you to create ad campaigns and target prospective customers based on their interests.

How does Amazon's advertising platform work?

The Amazon advertising platform allows you to create ad campaigns and target prospective customers based on their interests. You can place ads in the “Amazon Content” section of the website, which is reachable by users who have clicked through from your content page. Alternatively, you can also advertise your lead magnet directly on Amazon itself. This means that potential buyers will see your ad when they are browsing for products that match their interests.

Lead Magnet

A free item or service that is given away for the purpose of collecting leads. The leads are then used to generate sales.

A free item or service that is given away for the purpose of collecting leads. The leads are then used to generate sales.


Lightning Deals

What are Lightning Deals on Amazon?

A Lightning Deal is a sale on Amazon that's available for just a few hours or days. These deals are typically lower prices than usual, and they're lightning fast–buyers can't miss them.

What do I need to qualify for a Lightning Deal?

Participating in a Lightning Deal generally requires that your eligible product be listed at least one-half price (or more) as the standard version at the time of purchase. Deals may also require a purchase amount of $25 or less when compared to other items on offer. Additionally, products must be new products and in stock at the time of purchase–inventory that has been sold or removed from the sale is not eligible.

Which products feature lightning deals on Amazon?

Lightning Deals typically feature new, eligible products from Amazon's vast selection. This includes electronics, apparel, home goods and more – so no matter what you're looking for, chances are there's a lightning deal out there for you!

How long do lightning deals last on Amazon?

Lightning Deals typically last for a few hours or days, but this can vary based on the product and the deal itself. Always check Amazon's Lightning Deal page to get the latest information – better to be safe than sorry.

Who can take advantage of the lightning deals offered by Amazon?

Anyone with an Amazon account (whether you're a Prime member or not) can take advantage of lightning deals on Amazon.

What are the requirements to take advantage of a lightning deal on Amazon?

To take advantage of a lightning deal on Amazon, you'll need to be an eligible customer with the necessary product in stock at the time of purchase. You won't need to have a special coupon or be subscribed to Prime – just be logged into your account and ready to buy!

Can customers cancel their purchase if I change their mind after clicking "buy" on a lightning deal?

No – once you've clicked "buy," it's pretty much done for you. If there are any issues with your order, try contacting Amazon support but don't expect them to able to redo your purchase if you change your mind after clicking "buy."

How do you access the latest lightning deals on Amazon?

The latest lightning deals on Amazon are always available on the Lightning Deals page, which is located at This page will list all the latest deals and let you filter by category (e.g., electronics, apparel) or product type (e.g., TVs, home goods). As new deals get added, the Lightning Deals page will automatically update so that you can stay up-to-date on all the best savings.

Are there any restrictions or limitations to taking advantage of a lightning deal on Amazon?

Yes, there are a few restrictions. These deals are available for a limited time – usually 48 hours or less. Sellers need to be logged in to your Amazon account and have the necessary product in stock at the time of purchase. And finally, you can only take advantage of one lightning deal per day.

Do all Lightning Deals offer the same discounts?

No – different lightning deals offer different discounts, So make sure to check the Lightning Deals page regularly to see what's currently available.

How can Sellers create a lightning deal on Amazon?

Sellers can create lightning deals on Amazon by following these steps:

1. Log in to your Seller account (if you don't have one, sign up for free at Seller Central).

2. Go to the Deals page and select the type of deal you want to create (e.g., electronics, apparel).

3. Select a product from your inventory that meets all of the eligibility requirements for a lightning deal (e.g., must be listed at least temporarily and be available for immediate purchase).

4. Enter the details of your offer, including price, sale start time and duration, and click create deal.

5. The lightning deal will be created and you'll receive an email notification about the launch.

6. You can also access your newly created lightning deal by going to Deals > Lightning Deals on the main Amazon page or by clicking on the "deals" link in any product's detail page (for products that have multiple deals).

Lightning Deals

A lightning deal is an offer where a seller can offer limited amounts of discounts for a short period of time.

A lightning deal is an offer where a seller can offer limited amounts of discounts for a short period of time.


Long Tail Keyword

What Is a Long-Tail Keyword on Amazon?

A long-tail keyword is a specific, targeted list of keywords that are longer than the average keyword. For example, if you're selling books, you might include "self-help" and "psychology" as long-tail keywords because they're broader terms that could encompass many different book topics.

What are the benefits of using a long-tail keyword?

A long-tail keyword can be more effective because it's specific and targeted. It also allows you to focus your marketing efforts on a smaller number of keywords that are more likely to result in customers. Additionally, if you've determined which long-tail keywords are most relevant to your product or service, using related ones will amplify the effect of your targeting efforts.

How Do You Find Long-Tail Keywords for Your Content?

One way to find long-tail keywords is to use a keyword research tool, like Google AdWords Keyword Planner. You can also start with the general keywords your competitors are targeting and look for related terms that might be more relevant to what you're selling.

Additionally, you can use contextual advertising (such as displaying ads on websites that are likely to contain your target keywords) or paid search (to show ads alongside organic results for those keywords) to reach potential customers who are searching for those terms.

What is the best way to optimize your content for long-tail search?

One way to optimize your content for long-tail searches is to keywords it properly. This means including the keywords in the title, in the body of your article, and within any clickable links. You can also create custom tags that include those keywords, or use social media platforms (such as Google+, LinkedIn, and Facebook) to promote your content with related keywords specifically targeted at your audience.

How can you track how well your content is performing with long-tail keywords?

  1. One way to track how well your content is performing with long-tail keywords is to use Google Analytics.
  2. You can also use other keyword research tools, such as SEMrush, which will show you data on the competition and trends for those keywords.
  3. Additionally, you can do a search for "long tail keyword" in Google Trends to see how often people are searching for that term relative to other popular terms

What are some of the biggest mistakes people make when targeting long-tail keywords?

One of the biggest mistakes people make when targeting long-tail keywords is not including them in their content strategy. Additionally, they may not keywordize their content properly or use appropriate tags and social media platforms to promote it with related keywords.

Are there any other considerations you need to take into account when optimizing for long-tail keywords on Amazon?

One other consideration you need to take into account when optimizing for long-tail keywords on Amazon is the fact that some search terms have a higher volume of traffic than others. For example, keywords such as "Amazon" and "buy amazon" typically generate a high amount of traffic, so it's important to make sure your content is targeting those terms specifically.

How Can I Start Targeting Specific Keywords on Amazon to Generate More Sales?

Amazon Sellers can start targeting specific keywords on Amazon by doing some keyword research and then putting those keywords into your content marketing strategy. Additionally, you can use Amazon's AdWords advertising platform to target people who are searching for those keywords in a particular region or country.

What is Amazon AdWords?

Amazon AdWords is Amazon's advertising platform that allows you to target people who are searching for specific keywords in a particular region or country. This can be helpful when you want to promote your content specifically targeting long-tail keywords on Amazon.

Can anyone use Amazon AdWords?

Yes, anyone can use Amazon AdWords. However, you will need to have a basic understanding of how Google Ads and Facebook Advertising work in order to successfully utilize Amazon AdWords.

How can I open an Amazon Seller account?

To open an Amazon Seller account, you will need to have a valid credit card and bank account when you register. You will also need to provide your business name, contact information, and estimated gross sales for the first year of operation.

Long Tail Keyword

Long Tail Keywords are an SEO tactic that are specific phrases that are more likely to be typed by a customer closer to a point of purchase.

Long Tail Keywords are an SEO tactic that are specific phrases that are more likely to be typed by a customer closer to a point of purchase.


MAP (Minimum Advertised Price)

What is the Minimum Advertised Price?

The minimum advertised price or "MAP Pricing" is the lowest price at which sellers may advertise a product to compete with lower prices offered by competitors or manufacturers.

In most cases, the minimum advertised price aligns with the original Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSPR) or the first-party seller's original price.

Map pricing is determined by the original seller or manufacturer of a product and set at a price below which they will not sell their product.

Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) on Amazon

Adhering to the Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) on Amazon as a reseller is vital. It ensures that all products listed on Amazon are eligible for Amazon Prime shipping. This includes small orders, which must consist of the MAP in all product listings.

If an item doesn't have a MAP, according to MAP policies, the lowest price acceptable will apply - even if this is less than the seller's shipping cost.

What is a MAP Violation on Amazon?

Amazon periodically monitors seller accounts using a system of product serialization. The system weeds out MAP violators and ensures all sellers abide by the current MAP agreement and adhere to Amazon pricing policies.

They also verify each product serial number to ensure Amazon resellers are not selling counterfeits.

A MAP violation is an enforcement action taken by Amazon against third-party sellers for listing an item at or below the minimum price. They will also take action against an unauthorized reseller found to be a seller or distributor of intellectual property on the platform.

A map violator can face penalties that severely affect their brand value.

Violation of MAP pricing policies by third-party sellers and unauthorized sellers on Amazon can cause suspension of account privileges from the Amazon Brand Registry, exclusion from Buy Box listings, and other penalties.

Abide by MAP policies to prevent an accidental MAP violation.

What Is the Difference Between Map and List Price?

When selling products on Amazon Marketplace, sellers must consider the Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) and the List Price. The MAP is the price they can advertise a product for sale on Amazon, and it is usually the same as the MSRP.

It's different from the list price, which is the total price of a product.

The list price is the price they list a product for sale on Amazon. A seller must advertise their products with both values to reach potential buyers. Therefore, the difference between MAP and list price affects a seller's profit on an item sold through Amazon Marketplace.

How Does Amazon Calculate Map?

Regarding pricing on Amazon, it's essential to know the minimum advertised price (MAP). Amazon calculates the MAP by comparing the seller's best price for a similar product to the list price of an item.

If there is a lower advertised price on Amazon for the same product, then the product will have a MAP of that price. If no lower advertised prices exist, then Amazon sets the MAP at $0.00 and includes it in search results and ads for that product category.

Knowing the MAP is key to pricing your products correctly and ensuring you reach as many shoppers as possible.

Why Are Some Items Selling Below Their Minimum Advertised Price on Amazon?

Some sellers set their minimum advertised price (MAP) or minimum acceptable price (MAP) lower than the lowest price for their product on Amazon. This protects buyers and ensures that the seller isn't taking advantage of consumers.

What Are Some Consequences of Selling Items Below Their Minimum Advertised Price?

Selling an item below its MAP may experience lower sales, lower margins, and less money in your pocket. This is because buyers are more likely to buy an item when it's advertised at a higher price than what you're asking for.

If you sell items below their MAP, you may experience reduced traffic to your shop, low ratings on product pages, and decreased organic search results.

Amazon has strict regulations about what can be advertised as a "Minimum Advertised Price" or MAP for products sold on its site.

How Can I Prevent My Products From Being Listed at a Lower Than Minimum Advertised Price on Amazon?

Go to Seller Central->Inventory and tick the box next to "Minimum Advertised Price." This will prevent other sellers from listing your product for less than what you ask.

MAP (Minimum Advertised Price)

The Minimum Advertised Price is a specific price that a retailer can ADVERTISE a product for sale. This is a policy specified by the...

The Minimum Advertised Price is a specific price that a retailer can ADVERTISE a product for sale. This is a policy specified by the...


MCI (Multi-Country Inventory)

What is Amazon Multi-Country Inventory?

Multi-country Inventory is an excellent way for Amazon sellers to expand their online e-commerce business to other countries. It allows them to store and sell products in other countries while significantly reducing shipping costs and getting products to Amazon Prime members faster.

Amazon Multi-Country Inventory has several benefits, including reduced shipping times with Amazon FBA shipping and Amazon Prime.

In addition, using MCI gives an Amazon seller the ability to tap into new markets by advertising their Amazon business listings throughout countries in Europe, like the UK or Germany.

How to Use Amazon Multi-Country Inventory

Sellers need an Amazon Seller Account, a business located in at least two countries, and access to the Amazon Multi-Country Inventory Tool to access MCI features.

Once Amazon sellers have these items, they can start listing your products on Amazon in other countries. Multi-country Inventory is a great way to increase profits and avoid paying customs and VAT fees for selling products in Europe.

Reduce shipping costs by sending your products directly from one country to another.

Setting up Amazon Multi-Country Inventory

To set up your multi-country Inventory, create a listing in the desired languages, and Amazon will take care of the rest.

Inventory Tracking for Multi-Country Sellers

  1. Set up a system where you can track items in real-time. This way, you can manage your inventory more efficiently and avoid surprises down the line.
  2. Keep track of what's selling and which items are low on stock. Send periodic shipment notifications to customers if an item they bought goes out of stock.
  3. Study international shipping rates to know how much extra money to budget for third-party shipping.

Transfer Inventory Between Countries on Amazon

To transfer Inventory between countries on Amazon, you must use the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service in the Amazon seller app or Seller Central.

FBA is a great way to reduce your workload as it takes care of everything for you - from picking, packing, and shipping products to taking care of customer services. Amazon handles your shipping, storage, customer service, and tax payments.

After creating an Amazon seller account, enrolling in FBA services is the next step for third-party sellers to take towards selling in countries like Italy, France, Poland, Spain, and a wide variety of other European countries.

Can I Use FBA To Sell Products in Multiple Countries Simultaneously?

You can use FBA to have your products stocked and shipped from Amazon warehouses in multiple countries simultaneously. This will help to save on shipping costs and time spent managing Inventory.

Amazon handles the bulk of customer orders through Amazon's fulfillment centers.

Sellers have more time to focus on honing their business model and increasing their e-commerce conversion rate by setting up targeted ad campaigns like the Amazon Buy Box.

Targeted ad campaigns can appear inside Amazon and on third-party e-commerce sites like Walmart. Ad visibility can expand to display on popular social media networks like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

To set up FBA, you'll need to create an Amazon account for each country you want to sell. After that, you'll need to create a product catalog for each country.

You can also set up sales channels like eBay, Shopify, or your website(s). Finally, taxes (if applicable) will also vary depending on where your products are sold.

Benefits of using MCI on Amazon

  • Improve your Amazon business
  • Track stock levels for multiple countries
  • Manage shipments
  • Avoid excess shipping charges
  • Minimize returns
  • Maintain better customer relationships

Are There Any Downsides To Using Multi-country Inventory on Amazon?

Multi-Country Inventory on Amazon isn't without its risks, but the vast majority of sellers find it to be successful. The first downside is that you may receive only some of your sales from one country.

Amazon automatically sends orders to the seller's primary country, even if the product is sold in other countries. However, most sellers make this work for them by keeping track of orders from each country and then taking action to fulfill them as best as possible.

Another potential downside to using the Multi-Country Inventory is having a plan for how you will use it. Otherwise, you risk running into any unforeseen issues.

For example, if you're using Multi-Country Inventory to sell products in multiple languages, make sure you have a system to translate all the product descriptions into the target language.

MCI (Multi-Country Inventory)

Multi-country Inventory is an excellent way for Amazon sellers to expand their online e-commerce business to other countries. It allows them

Multi-country Inventory is an excellent way for Amazon sellers to expand their online e-commerce business to other countries. It allows them


MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity)

Minimum Order Quantity MoM on Amazon

When selling items on Amazon, it's essential to understand the meaning of MOQ. Minimum order quantity (MOQ) is a requirement set by Amazon and dictates the minimum number of units you must order before placing your order with Amazon using FBA services.

Why Do Amazon Sellers Need To Set a Minimum Order Quantity?

Setting a minimum order quantity allows Amazon to better manage its inventory in Amazon Seller Central. In addition, setting a minimum quantity by Amazon ASINs is a cost-effective way to ensure buyers have enough product to buy.

Following these tips for setting a minimum order quantity, you can ensure that your Amazon seller account remains healthy and profitable.

What Is the Minimum Order Quantity for Amazon Sellers?

You must know the minimum order quantity (MOM) metrics as an Amazon Seller. This is in place to ensure shoppers have a fair chance of purchasing the items they want, and sellers can still buy unwanted stock.

If you want to increase your sales, it might be worth increasing your Order Quantity below 500 units.

If you don't meet the 500 unit minimum, other options are available for Sellers who want increased inventory levels from their store on Amazon Marketplace. For example, consider listing on directly or through a third-party seller service like Shopify.

Remember that the minimum order quantity for Amazon sellers differs from that of

Why Do Amazon Sellers Need To Set a Minimum Order Quantity?

When selling on Amazon, it's essential to set a minimum order quantity (MOQ) because it helps Amazon determine how much stock the seller has available to sell.

If a customer orders more than the seller has in stock, the fulfillment center will cancel the order, and the buyer will not be charged. This is an important safeguard for the seller and the buyer, as it avoids potential disputes or misunderstandings.

By setting a minimum order quantity, sellers can compete with each other by offering larger quantities at lower prices.

Tips for Setting a Minimum Order Quantity for Amazon Sellers

There is no minimum order quantity for Amazon sellers, but it's a good idea to aim for stocking around ten items for fulfillment under your Amazon account name.

This will give you a good level of inventory to work with and ensure that you can handle orders. If you're experiencing delays in shipping or low orders from buyers, adjust your Minimum Order Quantity (MOMI) setting to allow more stock.

Finally, always give yourself enough time to fulfill customer orders before raising your minimum order quantity again!

How Can I Increase My Chances of Getting a Sale by Increasing My Order Quantity?

Increasing the order quantity is one way to increase your chances of getting a sale. This will help you save on the overall cost of the products and guarantee that you'll be getting more orders in a shorter amount of time. Additionally, it's vital to set up shipping schedules and choose the correct shipping options for your products so that customers can receive them promptly.

Do I Need to Purchase Bulk To Get the Best Deal on Amazon?

It's always better to purchase in bulk when selling products on Amazon. This allows you to save on shipping costs and take advantage of cheaper product prices.

How much you need to order depends on the type of product you're selling. The minimum order quantity for consumable products, like food or cosmetics, is usually two units. The minimum order quantity for other products, such as books or electronics, is two units.

What Are Some Common Mistakes That Amazon Sellers Make When Ordering Products?

Some common mistakes that Amazon sellers make when ordering products include not following Amazon's requirements and order quantities.

If you meet these requirements, your order may be completed on time, returned, or have other unpleasant surprises. Seller Central is one of the most critical areas on Amazon, where you will need to follow specific instructions carefully.

Ensure all items are listed in your inventory correctly and that the quantity ordered meets the minimum order requirement. By knowing these simple tips, you'll be able to avoid common mistakes and increase your sales by orders of magnitude!

It's important for Amazon sellers to set a minimum order quantity to protect their inventory and receive the best shipping rates.

MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity)

Many suppliers have a Minimum Order Quantity required when ordering products for reselling or branding.

Many suppliers have a Minimum Order Quantity required when ordering products for reselling or branding.


MSRP (Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price)

Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price (MSRP)

MSRP is the list price or sticker price a manufacturer recommends to retailers and third-party sellers of a product. Individual sellers doing product research can use MSRP and keywords to create an accurate product listing and list new products for sale.

Amazon sellers use MSRP to make crucial decisions, which can significantly impact your pricing strategy. Always use caution when pricing items above MSRP, as scammers, often use this tool to scam customers.

Advantages of Using MSRP on Amazon

Before making any purchase on Amazon, it's always essential to use the Manufacturer's recommended retail price. This information is helpful for various reasons, the most important of which is that you can be sure the third-party product you're selling in your Amazon business is in good condition and meets customer service standards.

Knowing the MSRP base price is also helpful for sellers looking for a better price when purchasing similar items or a third-party product from a wholesaler during the sales process. Also, using MSRP allows Amazon to make more money from products while reducing customer complaints and refunds.

MSRP vs. Suggested Retail Price

Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) is the price that a manufacturer recommends retailers charge for their products. They sets this price at a higher level than what they believe the product's selling price should be.

Amazon uses MSRP when displaying product prices on its website to ensure that false discounts or promotions do not mislead customers.

For example, if you see a product selling at a discount of 20% off of the MSRP, the product is being sold below the Manufacturer's recommendation of how much the product should sell for.

If you're wondering why Amazon would do this, they believe that putting products with accurate pricing in the search results will lead to more sales and happier customers.

By following this policy, Amazon is doing its part in helping to keep shoppers informed and protected from scams and misleading sales tactics.

If you're looking to buy a product on Amazon, the best way to do so is by consulting the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP). They displayed display predominantly at the top of each product page on Amazon and include essential information like the manufacturer's contact information.

It's also possible to search for specific products using their MSRP. Just enter your desired keyword and click "Search." It may surprise you to see that some products have multiple pricing options - for example, the MSRP for a product might be $50, but you might also find it for $40.

Is It Ever Okay To Buy or Sell Products Below Their MSRP on Amazon?

When you buy products below their MSRP on Amazon, there are a few things to be aware of. For one, you need to get the best quality product. Manufacturers often put their products in lower-priced categories to sell them more quickly, which means you may not get the best product possible.

By buying products below their MSRP, you're essentially supporting the manufacturer, stealing sales from other customers. By pricing products lower than they're worth, the manufacturer can effectively take advantage of people who need to research the product before purchasing.

Amazon charges tax on these lower prices, so factor that in when calculating your savings.

Are There Other Factors That Should Be Considered When Shopping on Amazon?

Amazon sellers may sometimes buy products on Amazon to resell on the e-commerce platform. Adhering to MSRP policies for both buyers and sellers is a great way to turn a profit on the platform as a third-party reseller and for sellers to save money on the services they buy on the Amazon Store.

Another thing to remember when shopping on Amazon is that they don't list the MSRP of a product. We consider this confidential information, and Amazon doesn't want retailers to undercut them on pricing.

What Amazon does list, however, is the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP). They suggest this price to retailers by the manufacturer and may be higher or lower than what you would ultimately pay for the product.

So, it's essential to read the details of a product before purchasing it to get an idea of the final cost.

MSRP (Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price)

The selling price that a manufacturer will recommend to a retailer or reseller of the product. Also known in the UK as RRP...

The selling price that a manufacturer will recommend to a retailer or reseller of the product. Also known in the UK as RRP...


MWS (Marketplace Web Services)

How Amazon Sellers Use Marketplace Web-Services

MWS is a platform that enables sellers to sell their products through and third-party sellers who have agreed to work with Amazon. MWS offers sellers several advantages, including:

Reduced Customer Service and Shipping Costs

MWS allows sellers to outsource some of their shipping and customer service needs, saving them time and money and increasing flexibility in product pricing.

Sellers can easily change their business workflows and update business practices by logging into their seller account in Amazon Seller Central via a mobile app or connected desktop.

Greater Visibility for Products

Through Amazon Marketplace Web Services, sellers can connect to third-party programs using an API to offer their products through Amazon's extensive online marketplace.

MWS and a linked API can give sellers access to various products on the Amazon Marketplace.

Increased Sales Potential

By participating in MWS API, sellers can access the large pool of Amazon shoppers familiar with the seller's product line and those looking for similar items.

The Increased visibility gives sellers an advantage over counterparts who do not participate in MWS that can display a product detail page via a connected API channel.

Amazon's Marketplace web services provide an online marketplace for businesses to sell their products and help with shipping, customer service, and analytics.

Plus, with MWS, you can manage all sales, shipping, and customer service in one platform. Log in to your professional seller account to begin using marketplace web services.

Marketplace Web Services for Amazon Sellers - Benefits

Amazon's Marketplace Web Services (MWS) are a great way to streamline your Amazon business. They make managing your inventory and sales data easy, improve seller performance, and increase efficiency. Using MWS allows you to reach new customers through Amazon ads.

Amazon ads reach a wide variety of potential buyers searching for new products using keywords on popular social media sales channels like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

MWS Basics

Since its launch in 2006, Amazon's Marketplace Web Services (MWS) has been growing at an astonishing rate. It's now the leading marketplace for business-to-business (B2B) eCommerce.

Becoming a member of the Amazon Seller Central partner network offers many advantages over other eCommerce platforms for sellers looking to grow an online business.

Because of its fast processing times, MWS is perfect for small businesses needing quick turnaround times on sales transactions.

It's essential to have a solid understanding of Amazon MWS before starting your project. Amazon MWS can be complex, so start by simplifying your implementation plan.

Be prepared for potential issues and know how to address them to save you time and hassle down the road!

Cloud Computing for Amazon Sellers

If you're looking for a cloud computing platform to help you save money on your computing costs, consider using Amazon Web Services (AWS).

AWS offers a wide range of features like storage, email, analytics, security, and more, all of which can help you streamline your workflows and achieve greater efficiency.

AWS can run applications in the cloud that require heavy computation power or large storage capacities.

For example, if you have a business that uses machine learning or video streaming tasks, then AWS may be a good option for you.

How Do I Use Amazon MWS To Sell My Products?

List your products, shipping, and customer service. You can also manage orders, inventory, payments, and taxes from one place, saving you time and hassle.

MWS offers an excellent platform for launching your eCommerce store.

What Are Some Common Problems That Sellers Experience With Amazon MWS?

Common problems sellers experience with Amazon MWS include not receiving payments, incorrect inventory levels, and inability to sell products.

How Can I Increase My Sales on Amazon MWS?

Increase your sales on Amazon MWS (Amazon's managed web service). Consider listing products that aren't sold on Amazon directly. This includes items from third-party sellers and your own personal inventory.

Create custom listings and prices for each product, track reviews and ratings, and set up shipping options. Also, using Amazon's MWS can help you manage your inventory more effectively by keeping track of your available inventory and shipping times.

Amazon MWS offers an easy way to sell and manage your inventory and access to Amazon's global customer base. MWS allows you to create custom reports and dashboards that track key performance indicators (KPIs) to improve business operations and maximize profits.

MWS (Marketplace Web Services)

MWS (Marketplace Web Services) is an integrated web service API that gives Amazon sellers the ability to automatically exchange listing...

MWS (Marketplace Web Services) is an integrated web service API that gives Amazon sellers the ability to automatically exchange listing...


Manually Targeted Ads

What Are The Benefits of Manually Targeting Ads on Amazon for Amazon Sellers?

1. The best way to target your ads specifically to Amazon users who are likely to be interested in the product or service you're advertising.

2. You can create more relevant and engaging ads, leading potential customers to buy products from your store faster than with ads placed automatically by Amazon.

3. Manual targeting gives you more control over where and when your ad appears on Amazon pages, third-party websites, and social media channels like Instagram and Facebook, helping improve your business's click-through (CTRs) and conversion rates.

How Do Amazon Sellers Create Manually Targeted Ads on Amazon?

Amazon sellers can create manually targeted ads on Amazon in Seller Central. Third-party resellers can boost their strategy by using online keyword research tools, like Google AdWords Keyword Planner, or you can use Amazon's ad targeting capabilities directly.

You could also target ads by the audience (such as age range, gender, and location), product category (like books or electronics), and even product search terms.

Do Manual Targeted Ads Perform Better Than Automatic Targeted Ads on Amazon Marketplace?

Manual targeting can provide better results than automatic targeting regarding CTRs and conversion rates in keyword search results when using Amazon advertising.

It's important to remember that you need to create ads that are interesting and relevant to your target audience for them to perform well.

Manual targeting can be done for specific products or even for entire categories on Amazon.

How Do You Ensure That Your Manual Targeting Is Effective on Amazon?

Manually targeted ads on Amazon are advertisements that are specifically targeting a customer's interests or needs. For example, an advertiser might target users who live in a specific city, those who have recently purchased a particular product, or those who have expressed interest in specific topics.

What Is Amazon’s Ad Platform?

Manual targeting of ads on Amazon can be a daunting task. But with the Amazon ad platform, it's easy to get started. Amazon's e-commerce platform allows you to create targeted ads based on your customer's interests and buying habits.

You can adjust targeting criteria to include product categories, brands, or products. This setup makes it easy to find successful ads that sell and reach your target audience quickly!

Best Techniques for Manually Targeting Ads on Amazon

Some of the ways that you can experiment with ads on Amazon include: - Testing out different ad lengths (30 seconds-1 per hour) - Trying out different ad categories ( Home & Kitchen, Technology, Pets & Animals, Fashion) - Determining which ads are performing the best for your product and targeting them more aggressively - Allocating a budget to target more people with your ad campaign.

What Is a Split Test, and How Can I Use It To Improve My Ads Performance?

A split test is a scientific method used to measure the effects of one variable (in this case, your Ads) on another. For example, you can use it to see which Ad styles are more effective in converting viewers into customers. Once you have determined what works best for you, keep testing different variations of your Ads until you find the perfect formula that converts viewers into buyers.

Do Retargeting Campaigns Work Well for Selling Products on Amazon?

Retargeting campaigns work well for selling on Amazon. By following certain principles and setting up your ad campaign correctly, you'll be able to reach a targeted audience that is more likely to buy your product.

When setting up your target audience, make sure that you include users from email marketing ad campaigns who have already purchased similar products from you in the past.

Displaying product ads to email subscribers is another strategy to get your Amazon ads, product page, and product details pages in front of Amazon shoppers searching the Amazon Store for online sales and deals on individual products.

Tips for Ad Strategy and Amazon Selling

Sellers need to understand what keywords are relevant to your products and services in your advertising campaign. Then, ensure your ads, product listings, and pricing are set up accordingly in Amazon Seller Central for the best results.

Be persistent and take notes from product research to keep driving traffic to your landing page. Providing top-tier customer service is another best practice to boost Amazon ad campaigns and listings.

Manually Targeted Ads

The Manually Targeted Ad process is a way for sellers to manually set keywords in their sponsored products ad campaigns.

The Manually Targeted Ad process is a way for sellers to manually set keywords in their sponsored products ad campaigns.


Marketing Funnel

Amazon Marketing Sales Funnel for Sellers

An Amazon marketing sales funnel is a tool that helps you take your sales from zero to hero in a relatively short time when Amazon sellers optimize each stage of the funnel.

The target customer for this amazon marketing funnel is customers shopping in the Amazon Store or doing a keyword search on Google to locate products to buy in the Amazon Store.

Understanding the Amazon sales funnel can help new advertisers or sellers to increase their sales and market share.

What Are the Steps in the Amazon Marketing Funnel?

1. Find your product- find a product you can sell on Amazon. This can be done by searching for products on the Amazon website or by using the keyword research tools found on the Amazon website.

2. Create your listing- Create a listing for your product. You must complete all necessary information, including the product name and description. You will also need to set up shipping and tracking information and price specifications.

Different Stages of Amazon Customer's Journey

Awareness Stage: In the awareness phase, shoppers become aware that they need a product to solve a specific problem. The marketing strategy for this stage can include an information-packed landing page or product listing.

Consideration Stage: In the consideration phase, an Amazon shopper has narrowed down what kind of product they need to solve their problem and is now considering the best options. Marketing content for this stage can include sponsored ads, sponsored display ads, or video ads geared toward your target audience.

Decision Stage: The decision stage is one of the last stages in the funnel before a shopper completes their purchase. This bottom-of-the-funnel stage is where customer loyalty begins.

How Do You Measure the Success of the Amazon Marketing Funnel Sales?

The main way to measure the success of Amazon marketing funnel sales is by tracking customer conversion rates and keyword optimization. You can also measure your product's sales performance through Amazon's reporting tools.

While there are many optimization tools for listing Amazon products, the basic idea is the same - you start by generating brand awareness for your creation using a targeted keyword campaign or display ads.

The Amazon listing is the first place where sellers begin building trust with potential buyers, converting leads into paying customers, and ensuring that your customers are happy with their purchase at the end of the sales funnel.

What Is a Marketing Funnel?

Marketing is all about communication and conversion. And as an Amazon seller, funneling your customers from awareness to purchase and receiving positive customer reviews is crucial to seller success on Amazon.

A marketing funnel is a diagram used in digital marketing that illustrates the path a consumer takes from the awareness stage to purchase.

5 Essential Steps in the Marketing Funnel

The five essential steps in this marketing funnel are:

  1. Find a product to sell
  2. Research the competition
  3. Create a list of benefits
  4. Develop an advertising strategy
  5. Launch products live on Amazon

A marketing funnel is a tool that starts with an idea - your target market's need or desire - and ends with the sale of your product or service.

The five main components of a marketing funnel are ideation, creation, promotion, engagement, and monetization (or turning that traffic into money).

Each component is essential for conversion, leading to increased sales and profits. By understanding and optimizing each of these components, you can build a successful marketing funnel that works for your business.

How Can I Improve My Sales Process by Using a Marketing Funnel?

A marketing funnel is a fantastic tool for improving your sales process. It can help you guide your customers from awareness to conversion and sales. When you start using a marketing funnel, the most important thing to do is get people interested in what you offer.

You can do this through effective marketing channels like paid ads, social media Marketing, email marketing, and even coupon codes.

After reaching your audience, the next step would be converting them into buyers. Offer them something of value that they cannot resist. The last stage is ensuring that they take action and make a purchase.

Give them helpful instructions on how to do so seamlessly!

Marketing Funnel

A Marketing Funnel is a visualized process or journey of a lead becoming a customer. The journey begins from the time that a customer...

A Marketing Funnel is a visualized process or journey of a lead becoming a customer. The journey begins from the time that a customer...


MoM (Month over Month Growth Rate)

What is month over monthly growth rate for Amazon sellers?

The month-over-month growth rate for Amazon sellers is one of the e-commerce giant's metrics that shows sellers using Amazon Web Services the percent of the increase in net sales from one month to the next for products handled through Amazon fulfillment centers in the United States.

MoM is a crucial indicator of revenue growth that tells Amazon sellers how well their e-commerce store performed in the previous quarter.

Amazon sellers who want to calculate net income can use their third-quarter and fourth-quarter results from Amazon fulfillment centers to predict revenue growth.

Month-over-month growth is the key to boosting your sales and rankings on Amazon

These Five Best Practices Can Increase Your Monthly Sales and Position You as a Top Amazon Seller

1. Focus on high-quality products - Make sure your products are of the highest quality and meet the requirements of Amazon's guidelines.

2. Follow Seller Central guidelines - If you're following Amazon's policies, your listings will be more compliant and likely to be approved.

3. Create a winning listing strategy - Research what's popular and make sure your listing meets or exceeds buyers' expectations.

4. Get customer reviews and feedback through Amazon feedback - Use Amazon feedback to ensure that your customers are happy and that you're providing the best possible service.

5. Optimize your images - Make sure your pictures are high-quality and convey the message you want to send to buyers.

How To Calculate the Monthly Growth Rate for Amazon Sellers

Divide the total sales by the number of active listings on Amazon at the end of each month. This will give sellers an accurate indication of how many new listings are converted into customers monthly. With this information, you can improve your marketing efforts and boost your sales and rankings.

What Are Some Best Practices for Growing Amazon Sales Month Over Month?

Some best practices for growing Amazon sales monthly are:

1. Make sure you have a well-optimized Amazon listing with great photos and descriptions that match your products. Having high-quality images and correctly describing your items will make it easier for buyers to find what they're looking for and purchase.

2. Create brand new listings regularly, as it will help in boosting clicks and sales. By listing new items on Amazon every few weeks, you'll be able to keep your inventory fresh and generate more sales.

3. Use keywords throughout your titles, descriptions, tags, etc., to optimize your listing for better visibility on search engines. This way, buyers can find your product faster when looking for it online.

4. Keep track of Amazon reviews to make changes or enhancements to your listing based on customer feedback. You can improve your product's quality and increase sales even further.

Optimize Your Amazon Listing and Increase Traffic and Ranking

1. Add new and relevant keywords to your listing: By adding keywords to your product listing, you'll help increase visibility for your product and may drive more traffic to your Amazon page.

2. Optimize your images: Make sure your pictures are of good quality and include all the necessary information about the product, such as dimensions, weight, and description.

3. Write well-detailed product descriptions: Provide clear and concise information about the product, including features, specifications, and customer reviews.

4. Include helpful customer reviews: Provide at least one customer review for every five products you list on Amazon. This will help improve the visibility and ranking of your products.

5. Follow Amazon's guidelines closely: Make sure that you are following Amazon's guidelines closely so that you don't face any penalties or fines from the company.

What Are Some Tips for Creating Powerful Product Descriptions That Convert?

When writing powerful product descriptions that convert, there are a few things to remember.

First and foremost, make sure you have all the necessary information about your product included. This includes specifications, features, and benefits. Be sure to write in an exciting and engaging style that hooks your reader from the first sentence.

Use compelling images and videos to illustrate key points and make your product stand out.

Keep revisions low -focus on perfecting your content rather than making multiple changes at once. This way, you'll ensure you're sending the right message to potential buyers and that your descriptions are easy to understand and read.

MoM (Month over Month Growth Rate)

Month-over-Month growth rate is a common indicator in financial reports. The MoM Growth Rate reflects the increase from this month to...

Month-over-Month growth rate is a common indicator in financial reports. The MoM Growth Rate reflects the increase from this month to...


Net (Profit after expenses)

What is Net Profit After Expenses?

Net profit after expenses is the amount of money left over from a company's operations after all costs associated with running that business are paid.

The bottom line equals the sum of the profit of a business minus all expenses related to operating it, such as salaries, marketing expenses, and net loss.

How Amazon Sellers Increase Net Profit After Expenses

Amazon sellers can increase net profit after accounting for total expenses and their bottom line by optimizing their sales and marketing efforts, creating a more organized business structure, and choosing the right products to sell.

Amazon's platform allows sellers to compete with the cost of goods sold and also receive discounts from Amazon.

Optimize Sales Efforts

The most important thing for Amazon sellers to do when optimizing their sales efforts is to identify the costs associated with each sale during the accounting period.

For example, identifying expenses such as shipping and handling fees, marketing, and product costs can help sellers reduce these costs while also increasing revenue.

Connecting with local resellers will allow buyers outside of the Amazon marketplace access to products that may be harder or impossible to find on the site itself.

Optimize Marketing Efforts

Marketing expenses can be decreased by utilizing Amazon seller tools such as FBA, SEO, and PPC. Additionally, creating an email list of past customers can allow for more targeted marketing, which in turn can help sellers increase gross income and their company's net profit after all business expenses are paid.

Create a More Organized Business Structure

A business that is well organized will have streamlined operations that reduce costs associated with running the business and provides a more accurate picture of financial health.

By having systems in place, such as proper tracking of inventory levels and sales data, companies can make better strategic decisions about product lineups and pricing while reducing the chance of errors or fraud.

How To Calculate Amazon Seller Net Profit Margin?

As an Amazon seller, it's essential to understand the seller's net profit margin (SNPM).

Calculate net profit and earnings after expenses by adding up the total amount of business finances and operating costs to determine how much your Amazon business is making after expenses.

The net profit calculation subtracts the total cost of goods sold (COGS) from gross revenue to arrive at SNMP. SNPM is divided into two parts: Operating and non-operating.

Operating income shows how much profit was generated from day-to-day operations, while non-operating income shows how much profit was generated from nonoperational activities, like marketing expenses.

By understanding the elements of SNPM, you'll have a better idea of where your business makes money and where it could make more money. SNPM is important, but other metrics matter when assessing your business' health.

Other important factors to consider include:

  • Net income
  • Customer feedback
  • Sales volume
  • Cost of goods sold

If you're new to selling on Amazon and need help understanding your cash flow, sales tax deductions, dividends, or how to calculate your Amazon overhead costs, a small business accountant can help sellers understand how to calculate your company's net profit numbers on your financial statement or annual income statement.

Gross Profit vs. Net Income for Amazon Sellers

One of the most important metrics when running a business is net income. Gross profit and net income are the two main numbers you need to know to make intelligent decisions. Gross profit is the total revenue minus expenses.

Net income is gross profit minus applicable taxes and fees. The goal of any business is to generate as much net income as possible to achieve their financial goals.

By understanding gross profit and net income, you can make better decisions when running your business!

Common Mistakes Small Business Owners Make When Calculating Their Net Profits

Small business owners must often correct common mistakes when calculating their net profits. Some of the most common expenses that should be considered are advertising costs, salaries, website design and hosting fees, travel costs, and other unexpected costs.

In addition, business owners often overestimate their income or do not factor in taxes and other incidental expenses.

Sellers can also use an Amazon profitability calculator online to calculate net profits after costs. Finally, be realistic when forecasting future sales trends - you don't want to lose money due to unforeseen circumstances.

Net (Profit after expenses)

Net Income is the profit of a business after expenses have been accounted for.

Net Income is the profit of a business after expenses have been accounted for.


ODR (Order Defect Rate)

Amazon's Order Defect Rate for Sellers

The order defect rate on Amazon is the percentage of orders not delivered as planned by Amazon. This rate can vary from product to product and seller to seller.

As a seller on Amazon, it's important to understand the Amazon order defect rate. ODR reflects the percentage of orders that need to meet the customer's expectations.

By learning about order defect rates and how to prevent them, you'll be in good shape for future sales. Remember that the order defect rate can vary depending on the product category and seller feedback rating.

Get an accurate estimate of your order defect rate by reviewing feedback data and product categories.

How Does Amazon Calculate Order Defect Rate?

If you're a seller on Amazon, it's important to be aware of Amazon's order defect rate affects your rating.

Amazon calculates order defect rates for sellers by counting how many orders have issues that need to be fixed, divided by the total number of orders placed.

Your rate may be higher as a seller with higher order volumes and more complicated fulfillment processes.

To reduce your chances of having an ODR above 1%, take these steps:

1. Develop a plan of action and list accurate product information on your listings.

2. Inventory items accurately and thoroughly through Seller Central.

3. Regularly check for shipment errors to maintain account health.

4. Minimize the number of chargeback customer service interactions you have.

5. Use shipping methods that minimize the number of returns to prevent account suspension.

6. Follow Amazon's order fulfillment guidelines for selling products in the buy box category to the letter.

7. Be patient - Amazon takes orders from many Sellers at once, and sometimes issues that need to be fixed can arise.

Improve your customer experience by quickly resolving issues with customers.

If you're unsure if your or the customer is at fault, issue a refund to prevent negative feedback or A-to-z claims from being applied to your seller account.

What is Amazon's Acceptable Order Defect Rate?

Amazon's Acceptable Order Defect Rate is the percentage of accepted orders with at least one defect. This rate can vary from product to product and from seller to seller.

Still, it's usually around 1-3% of your total orders.

Why Is The Order Defect Rate Important To Sellers?

The order defect rate is an important metric for sellers because it tells them how often their items are not delivered as planned by Amazon.

Ideally, this number should be low so that customers experience no delays or problems. You can adapt your plan by understanding what the order defect rate is and how it's calculated.

How can sellers avoid having their orders defective on Amazon?

Make sure all information is accurate and double-check the order details to avoid any problems. Also, use proper packing materials and shipping methods to avoid defects during transit.

What are the typical order defects that sellers experience on Amazon?

There are several order defects that sellers experience on Amazon. Some of the most common ones include orders being delivered to the wrong customer, orders getting delivered to the incorrect address, and orders not being received by buyers.

Buyers sometimes do not receive the products that they have ordered.

So, if you're an Amazon seller, it's important to be aware of order defects and take action to correct the situation as soon as possible. Sometimes, seller feedback can help resolve disputes between buyers and sellers.

How can I prevent order defects from happening on my account?

One of the best ways to prevent order defects from happening is to follow Amazon's guidelines and policies. These include verifying your shipping information, packaging, and product condition before placing an order.

It would help if you also had a clear picture of what the customer received before negative customer filed feedback or exchange requests.

Final Thoughts

If you're a seller on Amazon, you likely know about the order defect rate. Thye use this metric measures the number of orders that are not delivered as expected by Amazon. Although the order defect rate can be frustrating for sellers, it's essential to know about it so that you can take steps to avoid it.

By understanding how Amazon calculates the order defect rate and taking the necessary precautions, you can reduce the number of defective orders.

ODR (Order Defect Rate)

The ORD (Order Defect Rate) is a metric that Amazon uses to rate a sellers customer service performance and standards. The rate is...

The ORD (Order Defect Rate) is a metric that Amazon uses to rate a sellers customer service performance and standards. The rate is...


OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)

What is an OEM?

OEM stands for "original equipment manufacturer." An OEM is a company that manufactures products for other companies and authorizes resellers to sell online or in brick-and-mortar retail environments.

What Is an OEM Used for on Amazon?

We usually find aftermarket OEM products in the electronics and automotive industries. Original equipment manufactured products also sell products in other sectors.

Amazon sellers and consumers can use an OEM product on Amazon to purchase products that are not available in stores.

For example, sellers who want to sell a new Dell laptop (or replacement parts) from the original design manufacturer — but the original manufacturer does not have a model or brand in stock can often use an OEM product in its place.

How to Sell OEM Products on Amazon

Amazon sellers who want to become a value-added reseller for a specific aftermarket part and other products of their choice can contact the aftermarket product manufacturer directly to order the original product for reselling on Amazon.

Sellers should note important information about the product and add the details to their product listings created in Seller Central.

For example, suppose the original part being sold is a Dell or HP PC.

In this case, sellers need to include details like the original pricing, the operating system's name, whether it has unique features like built-in Intel technology, etc.

The same is true for computer manufacturers, software products, and OEM manufacturers in the computer software industry, like Dell Computer and Lenovo.

First, you will need to create a product listing for your product.

Provide detailed information about your brand and product, including specifications, pictures of the product, and pricing information.

Are Any Risks Associated With Purchasing an OEM Product for Resale on Amazon?

Because of their popularity, OEMs typically charge more than traditional suppliers, but the increased margin allows them to provide better service and produce better products overall. So, if you're looking for a company that can provide you with high-quality products at a fair price, an OEM might be a good option.

Benefits of Using OEMs for Amazon Sellers

OEMs are special types of companies that offer several advantages over their competitors. They offer savings on production costs, faster delivery times, and better customer service. OEMs also have more knowledge about the product, which allows them to provide superior products.

Why Choose an OEM Over a Supplier?

If you're in the market for new products and need help deciding which route is best, consider choosing an OEM. OEMs are better because they have the expertise and resources to provide high-quality products.

They also typically offer higher quality products and more comprehensive service than suppliers. For example, OEMs can often design products to your exact specifications.

If you're looking for superior quality, reliability, and support in your product purchases, then an OEM is the right choice!

Why Would I Want to Work With an OEM?

OEMs provide Amazon seller with a credible and reliable product that meets or exceeds customer expectations. They have experience in manufacturing products for various industries, so products are often top quality.

How Do I Find a Reputable OEM Partner for Selling on Amazon?

Ensure that the company has a good track record and is known for meeting customer satisfaction. Lastly, be clear about what you want (and don't want) when it comes to an OEM deal - ensure that both parties are on the same page from start to finish.

What Are the Steps Involved in Working With an OEM?

First, identify the company that offers the best product quality and design for your business needs.

Then, build a good relationship with the OEM. Working with an OEM allows you to access exclusive products that are not usually available to the general public.

Because the company already has a close relationship with its customers, they often have deeper insights into trends and customer preferences that others may not know about.

Working with an OEM can provide immense value for your Amazon business in terms of product design and quality control!

Benefits of Using OEM Parts for Amazon Sellers

  • Superior quality products
  • Reduced costs
  • Increased efficiency
  • Increased product differentiation
  • Reduced risk of product defects
  • Increased brand awareness
  • Increased customer loyalty
  • Increased market share
  • Increased customer value
  • Reduced impact on the environment
  • Reduced risk of product theft
  • Reduced risk of product counterfeiting

OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)

An OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) is a company that produces components used in the products of another, which then sells them to...

An OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) is a company that produces components used in the products of another, which then sells them to...


Online Arbitrage (OA)

What is Online Arbitrage for Amazon Sellers?

Online arbitrage is a business model where Amazon sellers buy products at a lower price, sell them at a higher price online, and have the products fulfilled using FBA service.

Amazon arbitrageurs employ various strategies to outsmart the retail giant, such as buying products in bulk and selling them individually on Amazon. FBA sellers can often find undervalued items that are also popular for retail arbitrage.

Retail arbitrage involves an arbitrageur looking for products that sell at a lower price online and buying them in bulk. They then create an Amazon product listing and sell the products online at a higher price.

FBA shipping helps sellers profit from the difference between what sellers paid for the product and what they sold it for as an Amazon reseller.

Benefits of Online Arbitrage for Amazon Sellers

Many arbitrageurs running an Amazon business believe that online arbitrage offers several advantages over traditional retail sales:

Buying wholesale is faster and easier than buying products to stock in brick-and-mortar retail sales. Arbitrageurs can make transactions quickly and easily from their homes or offices and pay lower Amazon fees than if they operated a retail store.

Arbitrageurs don't need to deal with the hassles of retail sales, such as waiting in line or carrying heavy products to a brick-and-mortar location. Amazon arbitration is a great side hustle for a beginner or entrepreneur looking to build an online store online.

Amazon sellers who own an arbitrage business have greater control over their pricing than traditional retailers. They can change the dollar amount of Amazon products by logging into their Amazon Seller account and updating the ASIN for selling profitable products at their resale price.

Is Online Arbitrage Illegal for Amazon Sellers?

No law prohibits operating an online arbitration business as a niche for Amazon sellers who offer profitable deals for their brand at a low price.

However, online arbitration can be risky, and if an arbitrageur is not careful, they may lose money. Therefore, it's essential to understand the risks before starting online arbitrage as a business model.

What Are the Risks of Online Arbitrage for Amazon Sellers?

There are several risks associated with online arbitrage, including the following.

  1. Trading products are subject to price fluctuations; arbitrageurs need to be prepared for sudden price changes, which can cause considerable losses.
  2. Failure to track inventory; if an arbitrator doesn't monitor their stock carefully, they could find themselves out of product and face potential financial ruin.
  3. Inability to resell products quickly; if an arbitrageur doesn't have quick access to buyers, they may lose profit on the sale altogether.

Best Online Arbitrage Strategies for Amazon Sellers

Online arbitration has many benefits, including increased profits, less time spent shopping, and more flexibility in your schedule. The top strategies for online arbitrage on Amazon vary depending on what you want to buy and sell, but the basics remain the same.

For example, if you're looking to purchase products and resell them online, research the best deals first.

Once you have products you want to buy, list the prices you're willing to pay and start scouting for deals at online auction houses and e-commerce websites.

Stay focused and avoid distractions for online arbitrage success.

How To Execute Online Arbitrage Effectively

There's no stopping the online arbitration juggernaut! But, using the right strategies, you can profit by buying and selling products on Amazon.

The following are four essential tips to help you execute online arbitration effectively.

1. Research the deals first: Before buying a product, research the best deal available. This will save you time and money.

2. Stay focused while arbitraging: When buying Amazon products, stay focused and avoid distractions. These minor lapses can lead to costly mistakes – keep your eye on the prize!

3. Be patient with online arbitration: With online arbitrage, patience is key; don't expect overnight success with this type of trading strategy!

4. Use spreadsheet tracking software for detailed tracking of your arbitration transactions.

Remember the old saying "time saved can be money made"? With online arbitrage, time spent scouting deals and timing your sales ideally can cause a profit margin much higher than typical retail prices.

However, if you don't research the process first, you could spend more time dealing with potential losses than profits–it's important to do your homework before getting started!

Online Arbitrage (OA)

Online arbitrage is a process where you buy products from different online retailers and then sell them at higher prices on another...

Online arbitrage is a process where you buy products from different online retailers and then sell them at higher prices on another...


Opportunity Score

What Is an Opportunity Score for Amazon Sellers?

Opportunity scores measure how likely a product is to sell on Amazon. They're calculated using a variety of factors, including seller ratings, past sales data, and competitor activity.

How Amazon Sellers Increase Opportunity Scores

As an Amazon seller, success on the platform comes down to finding the right products and selling them at the right price.

If you're selling on Amazon, you need to know your opportunity score. It's a number that affects your profitability and how much money you make.

An increased opportunity score does not guarantee a higher income - it's just one factor that contributes to profitability. To increase your score, create high-quality content, for example.

Amazon considers a variety of other factors when determining your opportunity scores, such as the quality of your listings and the amount of traffic you generate.

New sellers looking to increase their income on Amazon should adhere to platform scoring guidelines for content, product listings, and fulfillment using FBA services.

Why Is an Opportunity Score Important: Increase Your Amazon Opportunity Score

Opportunity scoring is a part of Amazon's outcome-driven innovation that measures how likely a product will sell on Amazon given the current conditions, including pricing, what items are being offered for sale for a given product and whether FBA fulfillment services are available by ASIN.

Knowing your opportunity score is essential for making informed decisions about which products to sell and how to achieve your desired outcome.

By focusing on selling high-value, profitable items, you're more likely to reach your business goals and see positive results as the Amazon algorithm sends more customers your way.

Find Your Opportunity Score

If you're an Amazon seller, you know that success is all about finding and seizing opportunities. And what better way to do that than by using the "The Get Seller Scan" feature on the Sellers Dashboard is a tool that will provide Amazon product managers with information about your sales, inventory, and other related stats.

Use this data to improve your business and increase your chances of selling more products via Amazon's algorithm.

Improve Your Opportunity Score

Improving your Amazon Seller Central opportunity score is key to success on the platform. There are several ways to do this, but the first step is checking your account for opportunities.

Reviewing and deleting unwanted orders can improve your chance of being selected for future sales cycles. Fulfilling customers' orders quickly and accurately can also help.

Product managers keeping an up-to-date inventory can help you be highlighted in search results when customers are looking for specific products.

Amazon sellers can find their opportunity score by going to Seller Central and then navigating to Products > View Sellers' Opportunities.

This will show you the percentage of products your product has generated sales compared to other sellers' products. The higher the score, the more likely your product will generate sales.

Best Practices for Selling on Amazon

Make sure you prioritize your goals and target specific markets when launching your product. This will help you stay focused and invest your time and money in the right places.

Use Amazon Seller Central, which is an all-inclusive platform that's tailored specifically for sellers. This way, you can save time on the backend by managing your listings, orders, payments, and shipping from one central location.

Is It Worth Investing in Tools To Sell More Products on Amazon?

Yes, it is worth investing in tools to help you sell more products on Amazon. You can improve your business in several ways by using Seller Central or Fulfillment by Amazon.

For example, by using Seller Central, you can track the performance of your product in real-time, optimize shipping times and fees, and find new markets for your products.

Seller Central provides sellers a central hub where they can manage all aspects of their business from one place. Investing in tools like Seller Central is a great idea to increase your sales and make more money.

Understanding your opportunity score can help sellers identify which selling channels are most promising for your business and improve your chances of success. In addition, enhancing your opportunity score can help you increase your sales and profitability.

Opportunity Score

Opportunity score is a metric that measures how good your product really is for selling on the Amazon marketplace. The higher this number...

Opportunity score is a metric that measures how good your product really is for selling on the Amazon marketplace. The higher this number...


PL (Private Label)

What is a Private Label?

Private label is a marketing term that refers to products or services created and sold under the name of a manufacturer, distributor, or reseller.

Private labels can be either branded (by the retailer) or unbranded (made by the retailer using its own brand).

Private labeling offers many businesses an opportunity to get their names out there in front of consumers who might not otherwise know about them.

This can result in higher levels of customer loyalty and repeat business. So if you're looking for an edge over your competition, private labeling may be the answer!

How Do Amazon Sellers Use Private Labels?

Amazon sellers use private labels to manufacture products they don't sell under their own brand.

For example, an Amazon seller might produce and sell camping gear as a private-label product. Other sellers may make clothing, housewares, or different products as private labels.

Another popular way for Amazon sellers to use private labels is to sell products sourced from other suppliers but with the retailer's branding added.

This can include selling items such as vitamins, supplements, and cleaning supplies on behalf of other companies.

In both cases described above - manufacturing goods not under the retailer's brand or selling products sourced from other suppliers - private labeling offers sellers a way to increase their sales volume and profit margins.

Benefits of Using Private Labels

The benefits of private labeling include increased sales volume, profit margins, and more control over prices and product quality. Additionally, there's less competition since privately labeled products tend to have limited distribution.

Some of the benefits of private labeling for Amazon sellers include the following:

- Increased sales volume and profit margins due to limited competition.
- More control over prices and product quality.
- Loyalty from customers who may not know about your other products or services.
- Increased brand awareness and credibility.

Key considerations for sellers to keep in mind when creating and using private labels on Amazon:

Make sure the products you're selling are of high quality. Private labeling can be an effective way to increase sales volume and profit margins, but if your products are of low quality, your customers may not be happy with their purchases.

Be aware of trademark violation issues. It's important to ensure that any private label brands you create don't infringe on another retailer's intellectual property rights or trademarks.

How Do Amazon Sellers Launch a New Product Line Using Private Labels?

Some tips for getting ready to launch a new product line using private labels include:

1) Research competitors. Learn about your competition and their products to create an effective marketing strategy.
2) Plan a promotional campaign. Establish target sales dates and strategies for promoting your products online and offline.
3) Choose quality suppliers. Make sure you partner with high-quality suppliers who provide consistent and quality products.
4) Create a clear product brand. Define the branding and branding strategy for your new product line, as this will help to distinguish it from competitors' offerings.

Challenges Sellers Face When Launching a New Product Line With Private Labels

Some of the challenges that sellers face when launching a new product line with private labels include the following:

1) Ensuring quality control.

Product quality can be important in determining success for any new product line. Make sure you have stringent standards for product quality to ensure consistent customer satisfaction.

2) Pricing and promotion strategies.

Often, Amazon sellers must adjust pricing and promotional processes as products are launched into the marketplace. Be prepared to make necessary changes to maintain market share and profit margins.

3) A clear brand strategy.

If your products have a well-defined and consistent brand, they may be more successful than they are. In addition, a strong branding strategy will help differentiate your products from your competitors.

How Sellers Differentiate From Competitors’ Products Using Private Labels

Amazon sellers make sure their products are well-branded and differentiated from competitors' products using private labels by creating clear branding and marketing strategies. Clear goals will help define the product brand for your new line of products and help distinguish them from those offered by your competition.

Effective pricing and promotional strategies can also help promote your products favorably in the marketplace. By following these tips, Amazon sellers can ensure that your new product line succeeds in the market.

PL (Private Label)

Private Labeling refers to selling existing products manufactured by a third-party under your own private label on Amazon.

Private Labeling refers to selling existing products manufactured by a third-party under your own private label on Amazon.


POA (Plan of Action)

Why Was My Amazon Seller Account Suspended?

If you've been unable to log into your Amazon Seller account, or if sales need to be sent through the order process, there is a good chance that your account has been suspended. Suspensions can occur for a variety of reasons, including violating Amazon's policies on selling illegal items or conducting fraudulent activities.

Sellers who believe their selling account has been suspended in error should reach out to Amazon customer service as soon as possible. They will be able to review the situation and determine whether corrective action needs to be taken.

While suspensions may inconvenience sellers temporarily, they need to maintain high standards of compliance with Amazon's guidelines so that their accounts remain active and legitimate.

How Can I Reactivate My Amazon Seller Account?

The first step to getting your Amazon seller account reactivated is to create a solid Plan of Action (POA) and then follow through on executing each one of the steps involved.

It is also critical for deactivated Amazon sellers to keep meticulous records of product listings and sales.

Read on to learn what questions Amazon sellers need to answer to create a solid action plan for restoring suspended accounts.

What Are the Possible Consequences of Having an Amazon Seller Account Suspended?

The consequences of suspending an Amazon seller account can vary depending on the reason for suspension.

However, common consequences include the following:

• Loss of sales and revenue associated with items sold through the account

• Inability to interact with buyers or manage orders

• Reduced visibility and ranking in search results

Will My Amazon Vendor Status Be Affected if My Account Is Suspended?

No. Suspensions do not affect your Amazon Vendor Status.

However, if you have an active selling account with Amazon but it is suspended, any related orders in the process will be canceled, and you will not receive the proceeds from those sales.

Will I Receive a Notification About My Suspension?

Sellers will receive a message from Amazon about your account suspension through Seller Central.

Dispute or Appeal a Suspension of My Amazon Seller Account

If you feel that your account was suspended unfairly, you can dispute the suspension by contacting Amazon Seller Support.

In addition, you can appeal a suspension of your Amazon seller account if there are specific grounds for doing so.

What Is a Plan of Action?

A plan of action is a step-by-step guide that outlines what needs to be done to achieve a specific goal. It can take many forms, but the most critical aspect is that it's detailed and practical.

An excellent example of this type of document would be an Excel spreadsheet template that you can use to track your progress toward your goals.

Amazon sellers would enter data about your current situation, then list all the steps necessary to reach your endpoint.

This could include marketing plans, product launches, or even salary negotiations! Having everything organized and easy to access will make taking swift action much easier and more manageable.

Plan of Action for Suspended Amazon Accounts

If you have an active selling account on Amazon but are suspended, the following steps will help protect and preserve any related sales.

1. Cancel any pending orders.

2. Contact Amazon Seller Support to dispute the suspension or appeal it if there are specific grounds for doing so.

3. Keep a close eye on your seller performance metrics to assess where you went wrong and make necessary changes to ensure future suspensions don't occur (including updated marketing plans, product launches, etc.).

4. Stay positive and persistent in getting your account reinstated. Although it may take some time to have your account restored, there is always a chance that Amazon will overturn the suspension once they have seen sufficient evidence of compliance.

Do I Need To Provide Any Additional Information Before My Account Is Reinstated?

The time it takes for your account to be reinstated will largely depend on the severity of the suspension and whether or not there are any additional grounds for appeal.

However, in most cases, Amazon will provide a more specific timeline once they have received all the required information from you.

Am I Eligible for a Refund if My Amazon Selling Account Is Suspended?

If you have questions about Amazon seller suspensions, please get in touch with Seller Support.

POA (Plan of Action)

If you've been unable to log into your Amazon Seller account, or if sales need to be sent through the order process, there is a good...

If you've been unable to log into your Amazon Seller account, or if sales need to be sent through the order process, there is a good...



What is PPC Advertising?

PPC (pay-per-click) advertising is a form of online marketing that allows you to pay for clicks on your ads. When someone clicks on one of your ads, it will show up in their search results and may result in them visiting your website.

PPC advertising on Amazon can be cost-effective and can reach a much larger audience than other forms of online marketing, such as search engine optimization or content marketing.

There are a few things for sellers to keep in mind when using PPC Advertising: first, make sure that your ad copy is relevant and accurate.

Second, create ads that are visually appealing so that they stand out from the competition. And finally, set realistic goals for how many views you want your ad to receive before considering whether or not to renew it.

When someone clicks on an ad, the seller's website automatically loads in the browser tab as if the person were visiting that page directly from Google or another search engine.

PPC advertising allows Amazon sellers to target people who are likely interested in your product or service.

Sellers can also modify your ads by adding keywords and changing your bid (the amount you're willing to pay per click). Modifying Amazon ads and keywords makes it possible to track each campaign's effectiveness while ensuring that you're not overspending on PPC ads.

PPC Advertising on Amazon

PPC advertising is a popular way for Amazon sellers to reach more potential buyers and increase their sales. PPC ads appear on Google, Yahoo, AOL, Microsoft Bing, and other search engines.

When someone clicks on an ad, your website loads automatically in the browser tab as if the person were visiting that page directly from Google or another search engine.

You can modify your ads by adding keywords and modifying your bid (the amount you're willing to pay per click). Understanding these concepts makes it possible to track each campaign's effectiveness while ensuring that you're not overspending on PPC ads.

PPC Advertising for Amazon Sellers

Advertising on Google, Yahoo, AOL, Microsoft Bing, and other search engines is called "PPC," or pay-per-click. When someone clicks on an ad (displayed as a result of a keyword search), the seller's website loads automatically in the browser tab.

The cost per click adjusts according to how many clicks potential buyers make; the higher the bid amount, sellers will spend the more money per click.

You must first identify relevant keywords or phrases related to your product or service to achieve maximum visibility for your ads across all searched terms and locations. You then rank your ad for each keyword according to the amount you're willing to pay.

Amazon Seller Marketing: PPC advertising can be a valuable way for Amazon sellers to reach more potential buyers and increase their sales.

Amazon Ads

There are several types of ads that you can use on Amazon, including text ads, image ads, and video ads.

  1. Text Ads: You can place text-only ads in the "Search Results" section of the ad network search results pages (SERPs).
  2. Image Ads: You can add images to your ad campaign by uploading them or using third-party tools like Fiverr. Image sizes range from 550 pixels wide x 300 pixels high up to 2500px wide x 5000px high.
  3. Video Ads: You can create video advertising with YouTube or Vimeo. You'll need to create a campaign, set your budget and target audience, and choose the best ad format for your product or service.

How Much Can Sellers Spend on PPC Ads?

You can vary the amount you pay per click based on your market's competitiveness and the type of ad you're using (text, image, or video). For text ads, in particular, it's generally advantageous to bid higher prices so that more clicks result in an advertisement being shown to potential buyers.

Optimizing Ad Campaigns

Following are a few tips for optimizing Amazon PPC campaigns:

1. Make sure you have accurate campaign goals and target audiences identified.

2. Choose the proper ad format – video ads are more effective than text ads, while image ads are often more successful than videos.

3. Test different ad copy and slogans to see which ones work best in attracting buyers across the web.

4. Remember to set realistic budgets, so Amazon sellers are not wasting money on ineffective advertising efforts.


Advertising model where an advertiser pays for the ad placement only when the Ad is clicked.

Advertising model where an advertiser pays for the ad placement only when the Ad is clicked.

Business Buyers

RA (Retail Arbitrage)

What is Retail Arbitrage on Amazon?

Retail arbitrage involves buying goods in one market and selling them at a higher price in another. Amazon sellers can do retail arbitrage through online platforms or brick-and-mortar stores.

It is an effective way to make money because it allows you to buy items typically sold out or scarce and then sell them quickly for a profit.

How Amazon Sellers Can Be Successful at Retail Arbitrage

The key to success with retail arbitrage is finding good deals – tracking prices, ascertaining inventory levels, and conducting market research.

Amazon sellers also need good timing, which means knowing when products will go on sale. Finally, keeping up with key sales metrics is essential for sellers who want to increase their e-commerce profits.

Sellers who have the patience and determination can succeed with retail arbitrage. Retail arbitrage for Amazon sellers can be rewarding both financially and emotionally.

By being armed with knowledge about the markets you're trading in and your own shopping habits, you can generate impressive returns over time without much effort or financial risk.

What Is the Difference Between Arbitrage and Price Optimization on Amazon?

Arbitration is buying an item at a lower price and selling it at a higher price. On the other hand, price optimization is an alteration or enhancement to your Amazon listing that improves its visibility and positions it for better sales.

Optimizing Amazon seller listings can include:

  1. Adding keywords to improve click-through rates (CTRs)
  2. Optimizing photos for product listings
  3. Optimizing images for sponsored ads and display ads
  4. Keyword-rich descriptions of specific product niche
  5. Tweaking pricing levels

What Are Some Benefits of Retail Arbitrage for Amazon Sellers?

Retail arbitrage is the process of taking advantage of price differences between online and brick-and-mortar stores.

By buying products in bulk at a discount, Amazon sellers can save their overall inventory costs significantly.

  • Retail arbitrage can help sellers avoid unfavorable shipping charges associated with ordering products from outside the retailer's physical location.
  • Many Amazon Sellers find retail arbitrage a fun and lucrative way to make money. Retail arbitrage can also allow sellers to earn extra cash on products they wouldn't usually buy or have access to.
  • Sellers who live in an area where local brick-and-mortar stores carry products in their selling categories that are not always priced favorably against online retailers often find that retail arbitrage is a good option.

Amazon sellers who use retail arbitrage strategies can maximize e-commerce sales potential and minimize waste associated with overstock.

How Can Retail Arbitrage Be Used To Improve Amazon Seller Performance?

Arbitration can help Amazon Sellers achieve the following goals:

Retail arbitrage can help sellers shave off unnecessary expenses by decreasing inventory costs. In addition, reducing unnecessary expenses allows Amazon sellers to reinvest more money into strategic marketing campaigns and other business growth initiatives.

Retail arbitrage can lower Amazon Seller margins by reducing shipping costs and by increasing sales volume. In addition, sellers can save on fulfillment fees by consolidating orders from multiple retailers.

Common Mistakes That Amazon Sellers Make

Some common mistakes that Amazon sellers make when doing retail arbitrage include overspending on products and not taking advantage of promotional discounts.

By purchasing in bulk, Amazon sellers can mitigate some of the risks associated with inventory fluctuations and price volatility.

However, over-saving may lead to a liquidity crunch if product demand falls below seller expectations. Similarly, not taking advantage of promotional discounts can limit sellers' ability to accept lower prices from their competitors.

Potential Legal Ramifications for Retail Arbitration

No specific laws prohibit retailers from offering different prices online and in physical locations. However, certain jurisdictions may have anti-competitive laws that retail arbitration on Amazon could violate if retailers engage in retail arbitration without the consent of their competition.

Does Retail Arbitrage Apply to Any Amazon Product Category?

Yes. Amazon sellers can apply retail arbitrage to almost any product category, including books, electronics, and jewelry. By purchasing products from different retailers and comparing prices, Amazon sellers can optimize their margin potential for each product category.

Is it advisable for Amazon Sellers to focus exclusively on retail arbitrage opportunities?

No. Retail arbitrage can be a profitable strategy for Amazon Sellers, but there are other ways to increase their margins and grow their business. By diversifying their product mix, Amazon sellers can protect themselves from price fluctuations and inventory shortages.

RA (Retail Arbitrage)

Retail arbitrage entails buying products at wholesale prices from physical stores to sell them on Amazon for more.

Retail arbitrage entails buying products at wholesale prices from physical stores to sell them on Amazon for more.


ROI (Return on Investment)

What is Return on Investment?

Return on investment (ROI) is a marketing metric that gauges the efficiency of an investment. It represents the percentage of profits generated relative to the amount invested. The higher the ROI, the more effective an investment was in achieving its goals.

A few factors can impact an investment's performance, including initial capitalization, internal rate of return (IRR), and payback period. Therefore, when calculating your ROI, it's essential to consider all these factors and compare different investments according to their risk-to-reward profiles.

Another thing you should keep in mind when evaluating your returns is taxation implications. For example, certain investments may be subject to different tax rates, which would significantly alter your net gains or losses from those investments over time.

Amazon sellers should research and consult a professional before making any decisions about investing.

How Do Amazon Sellers Meausure ROI?

There are various ways that Amazon sellers can measure the return on investment (ROI) for their business. Some methods include calculating gross margin, evaluating product sales, and analyzing customer reviews. Additionally, some sellers participate in paid advertising or affiliate marketing programs to generate additional income.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to track your progress and ensure you're making profits from your investments. You can achieve positive results over time by regularly reviewing your figures and adjusting your strategies as needed.

What Metrics Do Amazon Sellers Use To Determine if They Are Making a Profit?

Amazon sellers use the following metrics to calculate returns on their investments.

Sales Volume

Amazon sellers use many different methods to calculate sales volume. Some of the most common include units sold, average order value (AAV), and gross margin percentage. One way sellers measure sales volume on Amazon is by using the "Average Sale Price" metric. The ASV metric is a way for sellers to measure the average price that Amazon customers are paying for items in specific categories.

Average Order Value

Amazon sellers calculate their average order value when they divide the total sales by the number of orders. Tracking average order value helps sellers ensure that they are shipping items at a fair price and generating enough revenue to cover their costs while also providing a healthy return on investment.

Unit Price

Sellers on Amazon must calculate the unit price of their products using either a Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) or List Price.


MSRP is the selling price Amazon recommends to its sellers, and it is usually lower than the actual wholesale cost of an item. Sellers are not allowed to set their prices below this suggested retail price and may also not list items at a loss.

List Price

The list Price is what retailers charge for an item, and it can be higher than the MSRP because it includes all costs associated with marketing, shipping, taxes, etc. Sellers should also note that some brands select a fixed list price regardless of whether or not an item sells in any given month.

Customer Reviews

Amazon sellers may also look at customer reviews to see how customers respond to their products. For example, suppose there is an issue with a product that needs to be adequately shipped or damaged upon receipt. In that case, Amazon sellers might issue refunds or send replacements as necessary.

What Factors Do Amazon Sellers Take Into Account When Determining Whether or Not To Continue Selling an Item?

How well the product is performing in terms of sales and customer feedback. Sellers may also look at their other inventory listings to see if there are any similar items that they can list to increase traffic.

How Does Amazon Calculate How Much Money It Will Take To Break Even on an Item?

The company considers various factors, including how much the product is selling for and how many refunds or replacements have been issued. They also account for other costs associated with shipping, handling, and advertising expenses.

How Can Amazon Sellers Optimize Their Sales Strategies To Increase Their ROI?

Some sellers may choose to price their products more competitively to capture a larger share of the market.

Other sellers focus on selling niche products in high demand and are likely to generate more profit. Sellers may also opt for advertising campaigns targeting specific demographics or regions to attract additional buyers.

ROI (Return on Investment)

ROI is a key indicator of profitability. It is percentage profit compared with purchase price. This means how long it takes for you to get..

ROI is a key indicator of profitability. It is percentage profit compared with purchase price. This means how long it takes for you to get..


SC (Seller Central)

What is Amazon Seller Central?

Amazon Seller Central is a service that allows online sellers to manage their inventory, sales channels, and orders. Sellers can use Amazon Seller Central to create an account, add products to their catalogs, view their sales data, make changes to their listings, and more.

What Are the Features of Amazon Seller Central?

Some of the features of Amazon Seller Central include:

  • An account that allows sellers to manage their inventory, sales channels, and orders.
  • The ability to add products to catalogs and view sales data.
  • The ability to change listings and contact buyers through the selling page or seller feedback questionnaire.

Benefits of Using Amazon Seller Central

Some of the benefits of using Amazon Seller Central include the following:

  1. Selling on Amazon can be more efficient thanks to features like product catalogs and seller feedback questionnaires.
  2. The customer support available through Amazon Seller Central is second to none.

How Do I Create an Account With Amazon Seller Central?

Setup an Amazon Seller Central Account Step-by-Step:

1. Click the "Create a new account" link and sign in to your Amazon Seller Central dashboard.

2. On the left-hand side of the screen, select "Account Overview." This will show you your active products, sales channels, orders, and more.

3. To add a product to your catalogs or start selling it immediately, click on its listing button (it should have a yellow "Add to Cart" arrow next to it). You can also view detailed information on any product by clicking on its name in the list below Account

4. To make changes to your listings - such as changing the price, adding new images or descriptions, or specifying shipping information – click the edit listing button (it should have a green checkmark next to it).

5. If you want to contact buyers through email notifications and seller feedback questionnaires (see below), sign up for Amazon Seller Central's Email Verification service by clicking on its blue "Verify Your Email" button. When you're ready to start selling, turn on your sell channel and order settings by selecting them in the left-hand.

6. Scroll down until you see the "Products" section, and click on it to open your product catalogs. You can add products to or delete products from your catalogs by clicking on their listing buttons (it should have an orange "Add to Cart" arrow next to it).

7. To sell a product through Amazon Seller Central, fill out its seller information, including the product's name and price and shipping information. When you're finished filling out all of this information, click on its "Sell Now" button.

8. If you're selling an item through Amazon Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), you'll need to create a seller account, select the products that you want to sell, and fill out the necessary shipping and fulfillment information. Find detailed instructions on how to get started selling on FBA here.

9. When everything is set up correctly, your product will be listed in your sell channels, and orders should start coming in!

What Are Some Common Problems That Sellers Encounter With Amazon Seller Central?

Common problems that sellers encounter with Amazon Seller Central include needing help to connect to the platform, incorrect product information, and lost shipments.

Optimize Amazon Selling Performance

Sellers can optimize your sales performance on Amazon Seller Central, including creating better product listings, setting up promotional campaigns, and optimizing shipping and fulfillment information.

How do I cancel or suspend my sell orders?

Don't hesitate to contact Amazon Seller Central directly if you need to cancel or suspend an order.

What To Do if I Am Experiencing Issues With My Account or Products on Amazon Seller Central?

If you are experiencing issues with your account or products on Amazon Seller Central, don't hesitate to contact Amazon Seller Central directly.

How To Become an Amazon Seller

If you're interested in becoming an Amazon seller, there are a few things for new sellers to do. The first thing is to open an Amazon seller account.

Once you have created your account, the next step is to select the products that you want to sell online.

After selecting your products, it's time to fill out all the necessary shipping and fulfillment information. It's also important to keep track of marketing campaigns and optimize your sales performance to avoid losing sales potential.

SC (Seller Central)

The main portal for managing your Amazon seller account.

The main portal for managing your Amazon seller account.


SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

What Is Search Engine Optimization?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a website marketing technique that can improve the ranking of websites in search engines.

How Do Amazon Sellers Use SEO?

SEO strategy is employed to enhance the position of websites on search engine results pages. To achieve this, website content can be optimized, which involves ensuring that all text is of high quality and features frequently searched for keywords, as well as utilizing both internal and external linking. This can result in increased traffic and potential sales for Amazon vendors.

There are many different techniques used to optimize websites for SEO, but some common ones include the following:

  1. Making use of keyword research tools to find specific keywords that can be included in site titles, descriptions (and -meta descriptions), as well as in the websites throughout its content.
  2. Optimizing images to include keywords and other relevant information, such as alt tags.
  3. Making use of onsite links (internal and external) to boost the ranking of the website.
  4. Designing a site that is appealing to search engine crawlers or robots that index webpages.

What Are the Benefits of Using SEO for Amazon Sellers?

The benefits of using SEO are limited SEO for Amazon sellers, include:

  • Increased traffic volume and potential sales
  • Improved ranking in search engines
  • Increased visibility of the site

What Is Keyword Research, and How Can Amazon Sellers Do It Effectively?

Keyword research is finding specific keywords that can be included in website titles, descriptions (and -meta descriptions), and the website's throughout its content.

By taking the time to do competitive keyword research to learn what keywords customers are using to find the products and services they sell on Amazon, sellers may increase their traffic volume for product listings and potential sales for Amazon Best Sellers.

Keyword research tools can help you find relevant keywords for your site, including those related to your niche and product category.

Some key considerations when conducting keyword research include:

  1. Considering the target market for your site
  2. Determining which types of content are most likely to be searched for using relevant keywords
  3. Analyzing the competition
  4. Focusing on long-tail keywords (keywords that are not typically found in search engine results but which may be more relevant to your site's content).

How Can Amazon Sellers Optimize Their Images for SEO?

Images are an essential part of any website, and including optimizing them for SEO can increase a site's ranking in search engines. By including keywords and other relevant information, such as alt tags, Amazon sellers may increase traffic to their sites. In addition, images appealing to search engine crawlers (or robots that index webpages) may also appear more frequently for potential customers.

What Factors Should Be Taken Into Account When Creating Content for SEO Purposes?

When creating content for SEO purposes, it is important to take into account a number of factors. Chief among these are the topic of the article, its relevance to search engine users, and the use of keywords and other pertinent information. Additionally, ensuring that your text is well-organized and easy to read can also benefit your site’s visibility in search results.

SEO tracking tools can help Amazon sellers track the success of their SEO efforts. By reviewing data such as URL clicks and keyword rankings, businesses may identify areas where they need to focus their efforts. Additionally, some tools allow for detailed reporting on how individual pages perform relative to other site pages.

Does Seller Central Have Built-in SEO Tools?

No, Amazon Seller Central does not offer built-in SEO tools for sellers. However, several third-party platforms can be used to optimize images and other aspects of the website for SEO purposes.

How Does SEO Work with Amazon Marketing Features?

SEO is an integral part of any Amazon marketing strategy. By optimizing the website for SEO, businesses may increase the number of clicks and visits from search engine results pages (SERPs).

Additionally, by targeting specific keywords and phrases within a given market, businesses can improve their rank in that market.

What Is A Search Engine Results Page?

The search engine results page (SERP) is a collection of web pages displayed to individuals searching for information on the internet. The pages that display as the first result from a Google search, for example, may be based on specific keywords that were entered into the search box.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is optimizing your products to rank higher on Amazon can help you sell more of your products. Amazon has their own algorithm and SEO...

SEO is optimizing your products to rank higher on Amazon can help you sell more of your products. Amazon has their own algorithm and SEO...



What is A SKU?

A Stock Keeping Unit is also called "SKU" is a unique identifier for each product you sell on your online store. It helps track inventory, determines the price and discounts applicable to specific products, and keeps your sales information organized.

Each time sellers add or update a product in their stores, they must assign each item its own SKU.

How To Create A SKU on Amazon

Amazon sellers can create new SKUs for products using the Seller Central dashboard on To create a new SKU, click on "Your Products." On this page, under the "Product Details" tab, you will see all your products listed in the "SKUs" column next to each product, type in a unique SKU for this product. You can also change the name of an existing SKU if you want.

What Are the Benefits of Using SKUs on Amazon for Sellers?

Inventory Tracking

SKUs help sellers keep track of their inventory and price points for specific products.

Automatic Product Updates

When you change the name or stock status of an SKU, Amazon will also automatically update all associated product attributes (quantity available, discount information, etc.). This makes managing product data across your various sales channels easy without entering the same information multiple times.

Pricing and Product Management

By creating separate SKUs for different markets (US vs. International), you can better reflect the prices each market pays for your products. This helps you avoid any potential pricing surprises when shipping.

Amazon Marketing and Promotions

SKUs can also be used for promotional purposes - by adding a special "Sale" or "Clearance" SKU to your products, you can encourage customers to buy them at a discounted price. This could be especially handy if you're offering limited quantities of an item and want to reduce the number of duplicate product listings on Amazon.

Merchandising and Stock Keeping

Finally, using different SKUs helps buyers sort merchandise more quickly when browsing through your store's offerings (for example, Category A Products on the left side of the page and Category B Products on the right side.

Are There Any Legal Considerations Regarding Using SKUs on Amazon?

For example, if you're selling clothing in different sizes, using separate SKUs can help buyers find the right size without having to scroll through a long list of products.

Additionally, if your product has seasonal variations (like winter clothes), listing them under separate SKUs can help buyers quickly identify which version of the product they are looking for.

Finally, using different SKUs may also be legally based on the country or region where you operate your store.

Are There Any Other Considerations That Sellers Should Keep In Mind When It Comes To Using SKUs?

Once sellers have assigned SKUs to their products, they use them when pricing and discounting their items on Amazon. If a seller has multiple versions of the same product with different SKUs (or no SKU), they will need to choose which version(s) of the product they want to list for sale on Amazon.

For example, if you sell an eBook that comes in both Kindle and paperback form, you assign each version its unique SKU, and when someone searches for "eBook" on Amazon, your listings with matching SKUs (Kindle or Paperback).

Is a SKU the Same as an Amazon ASIN Number?

No. A SKU is not the same as an Amazon ASIN number. An Amazon ASIN number identifies a particular product on Amazon and tells sellers what price to list that product for on

For example, if you have an eBook called "The Complete Works of Shakespeare" with the ASIN of B00JLFV7I6, your books would be listed at $9.99 each when sold through Amazon's retail website because that is what the ASIN corresponds to (in this case).

However, if you create a new SKU for this product and list it at $14.99, then you would be the only seller selling that version of the book on Amazon, and no one else would be able to sell it for less than $14.99.

What Is an ASIN Number?

An ASIN number is a unique identifier for products on Amazon. It tells sellers what price to list on and how to find that product's listing on the site.


The SKU is a critical piece of data in every inventory file. Amazon uses the SKU's (Stock Keeping Unit), which uniquely identify products...

The SKU is a critical piece of data in every inventory file. Amazon uses the SKU's (Stock Keeping Unit), which uniquely identify products...


SP (Seller Fulfilled Prime)

What is Seller Fulfilled Prime on Amazon?

Seller fulfilled Prime is a program offered exclusively to Amazon sellers that allows customers to select eligible items from the seller's inventory and have them delivered via Prime. Customers can choose one- or two-day delivery and opt for same-day delivery in select areas.

What Are the Benefits of Being a Seller Fulfilled Prime Member?

As a Seller Fulfilled Prime member, you can enjoy access to a host of benefits that make shopping on Amazon even more convenient.

These benefits include:

  1. Free two-day shipping for orders over $35.
  2. Access to Lightning Deals and exclusive offers across hundreds of categories.
  3. Advanced search capabilities that let you find the best deals quickly and easily.
  4. Complementary product ratings and reviews from previous buyers.
  5. Ability to print your purchase receipts.

How Do Sellers Use Lightning Deals on Amazon?

Lightning Deals are a popular way for Amazon sellers to offer exclusive discounts on select items. A Lightning Deal is created when an eligible product has been reduced in price by at least 25% and is available for purchase within 24 hours of being posted.

How Can Amazon Sellers Improve Their Product Ratings?

One of the key benefits of Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime is the ability to improve your product ratings.

What Advanced Search Capabilities do Seller-Fulfilled Prime Members Have?

Seller-fulfilled Prime members have access to a number of advanced search capabilities that make it easy to find the best deals on Amazon.

These capabilities include:

  • The ability to filter results by product category
  • The ability to sort results by price, rating, and reviews
  • The ability to export your results in CSV or JSON formats․

Advanced search is not available for products sold through Fulfilment by Amazon.

However, don't hesitate to contact customer service if you need help finding a specific item.

Customer ratings and reviews are available only after an eligible purchase has been made through Seller Fulfilled Prime.

As a Seller Fulfilled Prime member, you have access to millions of buyer reviews that can help promote and sell your products more effectively.

By improving your ratings, you can attract positive feedback from buyers looking for quality products and encourage them to make future purchases from you.

Why Is Seller Fulfilled Prime Important?

Sellers who are verified as Sellers Fulfillment Partners can offer free same-day delivery service to Prime members in select areas.

Amazon Sellers who are verified as Sellers Fulfillment Partners can qualify for Amazon's Seller Rating Program, which provides an incentive for customers to shop with you and encourages other buyers to rate your products favorably.

Other sellers who are verified as Seller Fulfilled Prime Members also have access to customer reviews on the product detail pages of eligible items.

How To become a Seller-Fulfilled Prime member:

If you're an Amazon seller who has been selling on the site for at least six months, you can sign up for Seller Fulfilled Prime. To start, visit your Account Settings and select "Seller Fulfillment."

You'll need to verify your account and provide a shipping address. Afterward, select whether you want one- or two-day shipping and same-day delivery in designated areas. If you have questions about becoming a verified seller or taking advantage of any of Seller Fulfilled Prime's benefits, please don't hesitate to reach out using Seller Central.

Can Sellers Who Are Not Prime Members Still Be Eligible for Seller Fulfilled Prime Status in the Future?

Yes, Sellers Fulfilled Prime is available to all sellers selling on Amazon for at least six months. In addition, we're constantly working on adding new areas in which verified Sellers Fulfillment Partners can offer free same-day delivery service to Prime members.

Does Being a Seller-Fulfilled Prime Member Increase Sales on Amazon?

We can't comment on specific marketing efforts, but we know that Amazon customers appreciate the convenience and free shipping benefits of Seller Fulfilled Prime.

In addition, customer reviews help buyers make informed purchasing decisions, so being a verified Seller Fulfilled Prime member could lead to increased sales.

Where Can I Learn More About Seller Fulfilled Prime?

If you have any questions about Seller Fulfilled Prime or want to learn more about being a verified seller, please don't hesitate to reach out.

You can also visit our Amazon seller resources page to learn more about the benefits and requirements for becoming an eligible seller on Amazon.

SP (Seller Fulfilled Prime)

Seller Fulfilled Prime is a program that many sellers are waiting to be approved for. It is an advantage to those sellers who have their...

Seller Fulfilled Prime is a program that many sellers are waiting to be approved for. It is an advantage to those sellers who have their...


SS (Seller Support)

What is Seller Support on Amazon?

Seller Support is a platform that allows Amazon sellers to troubleshoot and resolve customer issues. Sellers can access Seller Support through the My Account section of their Amazon account or by clicking on the "Seller Help" tab in the top right-hand corner of any product page.

Amazon seller support provides a wide range of services that include resolving order disputes, helping with packaging and shipping issues, responding to reviews, giving guidance on how best to market your products, solving problems related to buying patterns or sales history, and more.

In addition to these standard services, some sellers may qualify for enhanced assistance such as live chat support or priority handling for Amazon FBA shippers and members of the Brand Registry.

Sellers who have identified potential problems with buyers can use Seller Support's tools, such as feedback forms and tracking reports to gather data that will help them better understand why those buyers were interacting poorly with their products.

Amazon sellers can then use this information to improve overall seller performance and reduce customer complaints.

What Are the Different Categories of Seller Support on Amazon?

Amazon Seller Support is broken down into the following four categories.

  1. Amazon Account Issues
  2. Seller Product Issues
  3. General Questions About Selling on Amazon
  4. Customer Service

What Are Seller Product Issues?

Seller Product Issues cover everything from product quality to order disputes and shipping issues. In addition, General Questions About Selling on Amazon is where sellers can ask for advice about selling products through Amazon.

Seller support can answer important Amazon selling-related questions about how sellers can best market their products using Amazon marketing tools. Sellers can also learn about what items might be popular among buyers and the best products on Amazon.

Customer Service supports sellers with questions regarding refunds, returns, or problems with customer service interactions.

Can Sellers Escalate a Problem if They Have Not Received a Response Within 24 Hours?

Seller Support does not have a 24-hour turnaround time. Still, all requests are prioritized to provide the best possible service to our Amazon sellers.

Do Amazon Sellers Need To Be Registered With Seller Support to Contact Them?

No, registered Amazon sellers are not required to contact Seller Support. However, contacting Amazon through the Seller Support contact form in Seller Central is the most efficient way for Amazon sellers to get in touch with an Amazon representative when selling issues arise.

What is Amazon Seller Central?

Amazon Seller Central is the free online tool every Amazon seller should use. It's a central hub where sellers manage their products, orders, and feedback and connect with other Amazon sellers for advice and support.

Seller Central provides sellers with a wealth of information, tutorials, and access to internal marketing tools that help boost product listings and sales on the Amazon e-commerce marketplace.

How Can I Become An Amazon Seller?

The best way to become an Amazon seller is to start by signing up for a Seller Central account and then exploring the many available features.

Once new sellers understand how Seller Central works and pay the relevant monthly service fees for selling products on Amazon, they can begin listing products and building their online presence.

Registered Amazon sellers are eligible to take advantage of global shipping and customer service options provided through Fulfillment by Amazon.

What is Fulfillment by Amazon?

Fulfillment by Amazon or "FBA services" is a built- in feature of the Amazon marketplace that allows Amazon to handle the entire shipping process, from packing and shipping the product to the customer's door. This can help sellers save time and money while providing enhanced customer satisfaction.

Who Is Eligible for a Seller Central Account?

Amazon Sellers actively selling products through Amazon can sign up for a Seller Central account to review our tips on optimizing Amazon product listings and how to use built-in Amazon marketing tools like sponsored ads and display ads.

Sellers who register for Seller Central can easily manage their product listings and customer feedback and get direct support from Amazon Seller support online.

How to Contact Amazon Seller Support

Seller Support is divided into four categories: Amazon Account Issues, Seller Product Issues, General Questions About Selling on Amazon, and Customer Service.

Contact seller support by emailing the appropriate option for your country and location.

SS (Seller Support)

Amazon’s support team for resolving Sellers’ issues and questions.

Amazon’s support team for resolving Sellers’ issues and questions.


Seller Feedback

What is Seller Feedback on Amazon?

Seller Feedback is a rating system that Amazon uses to help buyers and sellers communicate with each other.

For example, sellers can provide feedback for positive or negative transactions, and buyers can give ratings for how helpful the seller was during the transaction.

What Are the Different Ways To Receive Seller Feedback on Amazon?

There are three ways to receive Seller Feedback on Amazon:

1. Through the Amazon Seller Central platform
2. From your orders
3. Via email

How Do Sellers Get Feedback Through Seller Central?

Sellers can get feedback through Seller Central by submitting a request for feedback. When you submit a request for feedback, Amazon will give you a rating and review of your transaction. You can also view the ratings and reviews of other sellers who have submitted requests for feedback.

Positive vs. Negative Feedback

Sellers can receive positive or negative customer feedback from their orders through various methods, such as shipping labels, order confirmation emails, Amazon messages (including contact forms), and product ratings on the Buyer's Review Ratings page.

How Do Amazon Sellers Get Feedback via Email?

When sellers elect to receive feedback via email, Amazon will send them a message with the rating and review of their transaction.

How Do I Rate My Seller Feedback?

When you rate your seller feedback, you're allowing other Amazon shoppers to help you decide whether or not they would recommend purchasing from this seller in the future.

Ratings can be positive (5-star), negative (1-star), or undecided (3-or 4-stars).

How Buyers Submit Positive or Negative Seller Feedback Ratings

To rate sellers, buyers can go to the 'Positive' and 'Negative' sections of each seller's page in Seller Central and click on the appropriate button.

Then they will be taken to a form where they can enter their feedback text without leaving their review. Ratings from orders through your buyer dashboard also count towards ratings for your seller.

How Amazon Calculates Seller Feedback Scores

Amazon evaluates Seller Feedback scores using a weighted formula that considers the number of ratings, the severity of the rating, and how long it has been since the rating was given.

Benefits of High Seller Feedback Scores

The benefits of high Seller Feedback scores include the following:

  1. Increased visibility for your seller account
  2. More customers who trust your products and are likely to buy from you
  3. Faster order processing times
  4. Prompt response to support requests

What Are The Benefits of Increased Visibility for Amazon Seller Accounts?

The benefits of increased visibility for Amazon seller accounts include the following:

  1. More potential customers who can find and buy your products
  2. Higher average order value among buyers who purchase from you
  3. Increased brand reputation

What Are The Benefits of Faster Order Processing Times for Sellers?

The benefits of faster order processing times for sellers include:

  1. Less time spent waiting on orders to be processed.
  2. Reduced errors associated with order processing.
  3. Happier customers who wait less time for their Amazon orders to arrive.

What Are The Benefits of Having An Increased Seller Reputation on Amazon?

The benefits of having a high-selling reputation on Amazon can include increased conversion rates among buyers who are familiar with your products and an influx of more potential customers who are likely to buy from you.

What Are Conversion Rates on Amazon?

Conversion rates on Amazon are the percentage of buyers who complete a purchase after clicking on one of your product listings.

What Are Some of the Consequences of Not Receiving High Seller Feedback Scores on Amazon?

The consequences of not receiving high Seller Feedback scores on Amazon can include the following negative effects:

  1. Lower seller rankings.
  2. Losing business to competitors with better seller ratings.
  3. Slows down the rate of order processing.
  4. Lower sale commission payments from orders.
  5. Less visibility for your Amazon seller account.

How can I improve my chances of receiving positive Seller Feedback scores on Amazon?

There are a few things sellers can do to improve their chances of receiving positive Seller Feedback scores on Amazon.

These include:

  • Following Amazon's Guidelines for Selling on Amazon
  • Keeping your inventory and sales channels updated
  • Responding to support requests promptly

What Should I Do if I Am Concerned About My Feedback Rating on Amazon?

If you are concerned about your feedback rating on Amazon, feel free to contact customer service through Seller Central.

Seller Feedback

A rating awarded to Amazon’s third-party sellers from customers who have purchased from the seller which ranges from 1 to 5 stars. This is..

A rating awarded to Amazon’s third-party sellers from customers who have purchased from the seller which ranges from 1 to 5 stars. This is..


Share of Voice

What Is Share of Voice on Amazon?

Share of Voice is a metric that Amazon uses to measure the relative importance of different product categories on its website.

Amazon Sellers calculate Share of Voice by dividing unique visitors to a product category on by the total number of products in that category.

What Are the Benefits of Having a High Share of Voice?

Having a high share of voice can help you dominate your competition and attract more customers. It can also help you achieve a higher ranking on, leading to increased sales and visibility.

What Does the Low Share of Voice Mean for a Product on Amazon?

A low share of voice can lead to decreased sales and a potential loss of market share. It can also make it difficult for you to achieve the same level of visibility and success as larger, more well-known brands on Amazon.

For example, a product with a low share of voice sold through Amazon's direct-to-consumer (DTC) platform may have a more challenging time competing against products from more prominent brands available on Amazon's retail website.

In this case, having a low share of voice could lead to lower sales and decreased market share for the DTC product.

What Is A Direct to Customer Platform and How Does It Work?

A direct-to-customer platform is a type of online marketplace that allows small businesses and entrepreneurs to sell their products directly to consumers.

These platforms allow business owners to bypass traditional retail channels, such as brick-and-mortar stores, by allowing customers access to products through the internet.

How Can Amazon Sellers Improve Their Share of Voice on Amazon?

There are a few effective and easy ways sellers can improve their share of voice on Amazon.

For example, you can increase the number of products in your category, build better search engine optimization (SEO) efforts for your products, and engage with Amazon customers on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

How you improve your product visibility relative to similar products will largely depend on how well you optimize your listing and how engaged you are with Amazon shoppers.

However, engaging with potential buyers and building an active community around your product are both essential ingredients for success.

Using Social Media Platforms Can Help Sellers With Low Shares of Voice

Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook allow businesses and entrepreneurs to reach out directly to potential customers.

Twitter is an excellent way to network with potential buyers and share product updates, news, and events.

By following relevant Twitter accounts related to your niche, you can also gain exposure for your products and increase the chances that buyers will discover you on Amazon.

Using Facebook for marketing and boosting sales on Amazon is an effective tool for promoting businesses online.

By using Facebook ads, you can reach out directly to potential customers who may have yet to hear about or consider your product.

Building engaged communities around your products on social media also provides additional opportunities for word-of-mouth marketing campaigns and increased sales volume.

3 Tips for Optimizing Amazon Product Listings

There are a few key things sellers can do to optimize their product listings to increase their chances of success on Amazon.

  1. First, make sure your listing is accurate and up-to-date.
  2. Second, focus on creating an attractive design that will encourage shoppers to click through to purchase your product.
  3. Third, ensure you provide all the relevant details buyers need to buy your product (such as specifications and customer reviews).

Amazon Marketing Tools Can Help Increase Share of Voice

Along with creating stellar product listings and earning more views by being featured on Amazon Deals or the Amazon Best Sellers page, there are quite a few Amazon marketing tools that can help increase your share of voice and drive more traffic to your product page.

Amazon makes it easier for sellers to market their products and increase visibility by using its built-in marketing suite of tools.

For example, Amazon Sponsored Products allows businesses and entrepreneurs to advertise their products on Amazon for a commission on each sale.

Using built-in Amazon marketing tools is an effective way to boost your sales volume and reach new customers who may need to become familiar with your brand.

Additionally, Amazon sellers can use Google AdWords to target potential buyers based on their interests or demographics.

Optimizing your product listing with keywords relevant to these targets can generate more click-throughs to purchase your product from Amazon.

Share of Voice

Share of Voice is a metric that Amazon uses to measure the relative importance of different product categories on its website.

Share of Voice is a metric that Amazon uses to measure the relative importance of different product categories on its website.


Sponsored Brands (Formerly Headline Search Ad's)

What are Headline Search Ads on Amazon?

Sponsored Ads used to be known as search ads on Amazon. To create a HEADLINE SEARCH AD, you first need to go to the "ADVERTISING" section of your Amazon account and then select "HEADLINE SEARCH ADS." From here, you will be able to choose which type of headline search ad you would like to create: Sponsored Brand or Product. 

What are the benefits of using Headline Search Ads on Amazon?

The benefits of using HEADLINE SEARCH ADS on Amazon are that they allow you to target potential customers who are specifically interested in your product or brand. Additionally, since the ads will be displayed at the top of Amazon's sponsored search results page, you can be sure that they will be seen by a large number of people.

Are there any restrictions when creating a Headline Search ad on Amazon?

There are a few restrictions that you will need to be aware of when creating a HEADLINE SEARCH AD on Amazon. First, you will only be able to create Sponsored Brand Headline Search Ads if your company is listed as an advertiser on Amazon. Second, the ad must have at least one clickable link in order for it to function properly. Finally, the cost per click (CPC) for sponsored brand headlines is currently set at $2.50USD per click.

Can you run a Headline Search ad across multiple categories on Amazon?

Yes, you can run a HEADLINE SEARCH AD across multiple categories on Amazon. However, each ad will have its own CPC rate.

What is CPC Rate on Amazon?

CPC stands for cost per click and is the amount that Amazon charges you for each time a user clicks on an ad.

How can I increase my click-through rates on Amazon?

There are a few things that Amazon sellers can do in order to increase their click-through rates on Amazon and generate more sales. First, make sure that the headline of your HEADLINE SEARCH AD is catchy and interesting. Second, make sure that the link in your ad is easy to find and navigate. Finally, think about how you can add additional value to your offer for users who decide to click on it.

How Does Amazon Measure Ad Performance?

Amazon measures ad performance in a variety of ways. Some factors that are typically taken into consideration include the number of clicks that ads receive, the amount of time that users spend on an ad page, and the conversion rates for those who click on an ad.

What are conversion rates?

Conversion rates are a way of measuring the percentage of users who finish a transaction that you have initiated. For example, if you sell products on Amazon, your conversion rate would be the percentage of users who buy something after visiting your ads.

What Are the Criteria That Your Headline Must Meet in Order To Be Successful With a Headline Search Ad on Amazon?

HEADLINE SEARCH AD must meet the following criteria:

  • It must be at least 300 characters long.
  • It should contain three or more keywords.
  • The ad should have a CTA (call to action).

How long will it take for your ad to appear Your HEADLINE SEARCH AD will appear on Amazon's sponsored search results page as soon as it is approved. However, because of the high volume of ads that are posted daily, it can take up to 24 hours for your ad to appear live to Amazon shoppers.

What are the daily costs associated with running a Headline Search ad on Amazon? The daily costs associated with running a HEADLINE SEARCH AD on Amazon vary depending on the ad format and campaign characteristics, but typically run between $10-$30 per day.

How do you cancel your Headline Search ad on Amazon?

If you decide you no longer want to run a HEADLINE SEARCH AD on Amazon, canceling it is easy. All you need to do is go to your Campaigns page and click on the ad that you wish to cancel. On the next page, under "Cancellation Details," simply select "Cancel" from the dropdown menu and confirm your decision. Amazon Sellers can access their campaign details on Seller Central. 

Sponsored Brands (Formerly Headline Search Ad's)

The advertisement for the product is placed at the top of Amazon's sponsored search results page and was paid to appear in front...

The advertisement for the product is placed at the top of Amazon's sponsored search results page and was paid to appear in front...


UPC (Universal Product Code)

What Is A Universal Product Code?

A Universal product code (UPC) is a six-digit alphanumeric barcode that can uniquely identify products in the retail marketplace.

UPC codes are assigned by the manufacturer or supplier of the product. Amazon assigns UPC codes to products, and we don't have any control over them.

Amazon sellers use universal Product Codes to identify products uniquely. They're also used for tracking inventory and keeping records of product sales.

What Types of Products Do Amazon Sellers Sell With Universal Product Codes?

Universal Product Codes are used to identify products sold on Amazon. This includes both physical and digital products.

Some common items that use Universal Product Codes include books, DVDs, toys, and sports equipment.

How Do Amazon Sellers Use Universal Product Codes to Track Inventory and Sales?

Sellers use Universal Product Codes to keep track of their inventory and sales. They can use them to identify a product, determine its price, and see how much the product has sold.

What Are Some Other Uses for Universal Product Codes?

The Universal Product Code helps sellers with return policies, tracking shipments, and customer feedback.

What Are the Benefits of Using Universal Product Codes for Amazon Sellers?

One of the benefits of using Universal Product Codes is that it helps sellers keep track of their inventory and sales. This can help them determine what products to produce and sell and set prices for their products.

Amazon sellers can use Universal Product Codes to track customer feedback and return policies.

If you're an Amazon seller, it's important to understand how Universal Product Codes work and their benefits. Using them correctly can improve your business efficiency and customer satisfaction.

What Things Do Amazon Sellers Need To Consider When Using Universal Product Codes?

One thing that Amazon sellers need to consider is the format of their Universal Product Code. Sellers must enter the code in all capital letters, and it must start with a letter. Additionally, they must also include the product's barcode in the code.

What Other Things Should Amazon Sellers Know About Using Universal Product Codes?

Another thing to remember is how to use Universal Product Codes for inventory management and sales tracking. Sellers should enter their codes into Amazon Seller Central when they purchase products or create listings for them. Additionally, they should include these codes when sending out orders.

What is Amazon Seller Central?

Amazon Seller Central is a web-based platform used by Amazon sellers to manage their businesses. It includes inventory management, shipping, and customer feedback tracking features.

Where to Find Universal Product Codes in Seller Central?

You'll find Universal Product Codes in Seller Central under the "My Selling Tools" section. You can also use this tool to view your current inventory and sales information.

How To Set up A Seller Central Account

Set up an Amazon Seller Central account by clicking on the "Sign In" button on the top right corner of most Amazon websites.

When you sign in, you'll be able to create new accounts and manage your shipping addresses, customer feedback ratings, and more.

How Can Amazon Sellers Ensure That Their Universal Product Code Is Accurate and Up-to-Date?

Sellers should ensure they enter their codes correctly and include the barcode on all products they list on Amazon. This will help keep track of inventory, sales data, and customer feedback ratings.

What Other Product Tracking Codes Do Amazon Sellers Use?

Other codes that Amazon sellers may use include UPC, EAN, SKUs, and ASIN numbers.

What Is AN EAN Number on Amazon?

An EAN number is a nine-digit code that uniquely identifies products within the European Union. E-commerce providers can use European Article Numbers to track inventory and sales data across different countries.

What Is An Amazon SKU?

An Amazon SKU is a unique identifier assigned to each product in your inventory. It lets you track sales, merchandise, and customer feedback ratings across different channels.

What is an Amazon ASIN number?

An Amazon ASIN number is a nine-digit code that uniquely identifies products on Professional sellers can use it to track inventory, sales, and customer feedback ratings across different countries and channels.

How To Become An Amazon Seller

New sellers must meet specific requirements to become Amazon sellers. However, you can start selling online by opening a Seller Central account and listing products on the e-commerce marketplace.

UPC (Universal Product Code)

A unique 12-digit number assigned to retail merchandise that identifies both the product and the vendor that sells the product.

A unique 12-digit number assigned to retail merchandise that identifies both the product and the vendor that sells the product.


Ungate Amazon

What Does It Mean To Ungate A Product On Amazon?

Ungating a product on Amazon removes an item from sale that has been reported as being counterfeit or stolen. This can help deter would-be buyers and ensure that your customers are buying products from legitimate suppliers.

When you ungate a product, it will appear with a green "ungated" badge next to its title on all website pages, including the listing page, search results pages, and product detail pages.

Additionally, buyers who enter any information about this product into Amazon's customer reviews system will see a notice appear next to their reviews:

This way, shoppers know exactly where to find verified reviews for this particular item, and they won't be misled by false claims made by sellers or reviewers.

What Are the Benefits for Sellers Who Ungate Products on Amazon?

Ungating a product on Amazon can help protect your sales from fraud and theft and raise the visibility of your legitimate products.

It can also help to reduce customer confusion about which products are authentic and which are not.

Ungated products tend to receive higher rankings in search results, making them more likely to be found by shoppers looking for them.

How Do Sellers Ungate Products on Amazon?

Ungating products on Amazon is a straightforward process that requires sellers to follow four simple steps.

The first step is identifying which items in your inventory are counterfeit or stolen.

Sellers can identify suspicious products using tools like the Amazon FBA Security Checklist, which helps you identify potential issues with your product's packaging, shipping information, and customer data.

What Is the Amazon FBA Security Checklist?

The Amazon FBA Security Checklist is a tool that helps sellers understand the various security risks associated with selling products on Amazon.

It includes sections on product authenticity, shipping safety, and data protection.

By using this tool, sellers can ensure that their products are Secure from Fulfillment to First Close (SFFFC), which means they're protected from fraud and theft during every stage of the buying process.

Once you've identified those products, you need to take action and Ungate them from sale. To do this, go to each item's "Product Details" tab and click on the "Ungate Product" link.

Clicking the button will take you to a website page where you can enter the required information.

The next step is to ensure that all your other listings reflect the changes made to the product details for those particular items. You'll also need to update any images, titles, and descriptions related to these products.

Which Products Are Eligible for Ungating On Amazon?

Ungating products on Amazon is a process that's available to sellers for counterfeit or stolen items.

To qualify, the product needs to be an exact replica of an existing product, which means Amazon sellers can't modify it in any way.

Additionally, you will only be able to ungate products if they're being sold under a different title or with other images and descriptions than those initially specified by the seller.

  1. To ungate a product on Amazon, you'll need to go to the "Product Details" tab and click on the "Ungate Product" link.
  2. The next step is to ensure that all of your other listings reflect the changes made specifically for these products.
  3. Next, update any images, titles, and descriptions related to these products.

Is It Necessary to Ungate a Product Before Selling It?

It's okay to ungate a product before selling it. However, doing so will help ensure that your products are being sold per your new policy.

How Long Will It Take To Ungate a Product on Amazon?

It can take a few days for your products to be ungated. There are no risks associated with ungating a product on Amazon at this time.

How To Identify Ungated Products on Amazon

To identify ungated products on Amazon, you'll first need to go through your product's "Product Details" tab and click on the "Ungate Product" link.

This will take you to a page where you can review the products in question.

The next step is to ensure that all of your other listings reflect the changes made specifically for these products.

It's important to uniformly update ungated product listings using the Seller Central dashboard tools.

Last but not least, make sure that all of your sellers are aware of the ungated status.

Ungate Amazon

Obtain permission from Amazon to sell certain brands product(s) in categories or subcategories. By implementing this system, it ensures...

Obtain permission from Amazon to sell certain brands product(s) in categories or subcategories. By implementing this system, it ensures...


Unverified Reviews

What Is An Amazon Review?

An Amazon review is a customer review written about a product they purchased on

How Are Amazon Reviews Verified?

Amazon reviews are verified by's system when buyers post product reviews on the Marketplace. This verification process includes a review associated with a customer account purchased within the last 60 days, and the review appears to be written by the customer.

Are All Amazon Reviews Genuine?

Yes, all Amazon reviews are genuine. However, there may be instances where a review appears to be fake or fabricated. If you believe a review needs to be revised, contact Amazon customer service via the 'Contact Us link on the Review Page for that product.

Why Are Some Amazon Reviews Unverified?

Some Amazon reviews may be unverified for various reasons, including if the review is not associated with an account that has made a purchase within the last 60 days or if it appears fake or fabricated.

How Do Customers Use Unverified Amazon Reviews?

As mentioned above, unverified Amazon reviews are used by customers to provide feedback and information about a product and are used for various purposes, including rating and reviewing products.

Unverified purchase reviews can also use them to determine which products to buy.

What Are The Consequences of Providing False or Inaccurate Information In An Amazon Review?

People who provide false or inaccurate information in an Amazon review could be subject to a range of consequences, including account suspension and a potential loss of sales.

Verified Purchase Reviews vs. Unverified Purchase Reviews on Amazon

Unverified purchase reviews are considered less reliable than verified purchase reviews.

These reviews are considered unreliable because unverified purchase reviews may not be associated with an account that has recently purchased the product being reviewed. In addition, the unverified review could be fake or fabricated.

On the other hand, verified purchase reviews are considered more reliable because they do not have these same limitations.

The verified review is associated with an account recently purchased the product being reviewed. Furthermore, verified reviews can be found only if a product is purchased through Amazon's website or app.

How Sellers Can Generate More Verified Purchase Reviews on Amazon

Amazon sellers looking to generate more verified reviews can use the following tools.

Review Aggregator

One of the best ways for Amazon sellers to generate more verified purchase reviews on Amazon is by using a review aggregator. This online tool helps you collate and manage your product reviews in one place.

Review aggregators allow you to input all the information about your product (name, description, price) and the ratings and reviews of other users who have also purchased or reviewed your product.

Once this data has been added, a review aggregation tool will help you track the progress of your products and monitor any changes in customer feedback over time.

Sell Outstanding Products

If you have products that sell out consistently, it might be helpful to generate more verified purchase reviews on Amazon.

Selling outstanding products to increase Amazon sales using promotional strategies such as advertising your product on popular blogs and websites or sponsoring influential bloggers who write about your product category.

In addition, it's essential to ensure that your product's packaging is eye-catching and well-designed. If people are drawn in by the design of your product and then decide to buy it, they will likely leave a review for you too!

Expedited Shipping with FBA Services

If you can ship your products quickly and easily using our FBA services, it will likely result in more verified purchase reviews on Amazon.

This is because faster shipping times mean that customers have a higher chance of receiving their order within the timeframe specified by Amazon.

Amazon Marketing and Small Business Tools

Amazon Small Business Academy

The Amazon Small Business Academy is an online course that gives small business owners the skills they need to start and grow their Amazon businesses.

The small business course covers topics such as setting up your seller account, creating products, marketing your product, shipping and fulfillment options, and protecting your business from legal issues.

Amazon Brand Registry

If you want to protect your name and brand when selling products on Amazon, it's essential to use the Amazon Brand Registry.

The Brand Registry allows small businesses to secure a global trademark for their business name and logo.

This way, customers know that they're buying from a reputable company - and you can increase sales by building trust with potential buyers.

Unverified Reviews

Amazon is now starting to remove Unverified Reviews and it’s a big deal. This means that you can't just leave any old review without first..

Amazon is now starting to remove Unverified Reviews and it’s a big deal. This means that you can't just leave any old review without first..

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