An Amazon review is a customer review written about a product they purchased on
Amazon reviews are verified by's system when buyers post product reviews on the Marketplace. This verification process includes a review associated with a customer account purchased within the last 60 days, and the review appears to be written by the customer.
Yes, all Amazon reviews are genuine. However, there may be instances where a review appears to be fake or fabricated. If you believe a review needs to be revised, contact Amazon customer service via the 'Contact Us link on the Review Page for that product.
Some Amazon reviews may be unverified for various reasons, including if the review is not associated with an account that has made a purchase within the last 60 days or if it appears fake or fabricated.
As mentioned above, unverified Amazon reviews are used by customers to provide feedback and information about a product and are used for various purposes, including rating and reviewing products.
Unverified purchase reviews can also use them to determine which products to buy.
People who provide false or inaccurate information in an Amazon review could be subject to a range of consequences, including account suspension and a potential loss of sales.
Unverified purchase reviews are considered less reliable than verified purchase reviews.
These reviews are considered unreliable because unverified purchase reviews may not be associated with an account that has recently purchased the product being reviewed. In addition, the unverified review could be fake or fabricated.
On the other hand, verified purchase reviews are considered more reliable because they do not have these same limitations.
The verified review is associated with an account recently purchased the product being reviewed. Furthermore, verified reviews can be found only if a product is purchased through Amazon's website or app.
Amazon sellers looking to generate more verified reviews can use the following tools.
Review Aggregator
One of the best ways for Amazon sellers to generate more verified purchase reviews on Amazon is by using a review aggregator. This online tool helps you collate and manage your product reviews in one place.
Review aggregators allow you to input all the information about your product (name, description, price) and the ratings and reviews of other users who have also purchased or reviewed your product.
Once this data has been added, a review aggregation tool will help you track the progress of your products and monitor any changes in customer feedback over time.
Sell Outstanding Products
If you have products that sell out consistently, it might be helpful to generate more verified purchase reviews on Amazon.
Selling outstanding products to increase Amazon sales using promotional strategies such as advertising your product on popular blogs and websites or sponsoring influential bloggers who write about your product category.
In addition, it's essential to ensure that your product's packaging is eye-catching and well-designed. If people are drawn in by the design of your product and then decide to buy it, they will likely leave a review for you too!
If you can ship your products quickly and easily using our FBA services, it will likely result in more verified purchase reviews on Amazon.
This is because faster shipping times mean that customers have a higher chance of receiving their order within the timeframe specified by Amazon.
The Amazon Small Business Academy is an online course that gives small business owners the skills they need to start and grow their Amazon businesses.
The small business course covers topics such as setting up your seller account, creating products, marketing your product, shipping and fulfillment options, and protecting your business from legal issues.
If you want to protect your name and brand when selling products on Amazon, it's essential to use the Amazon Brand Registry.
The Brand Registry allows small businesses to secure a global trademark for their business name and logo.
This way, customers know that they're buying from a reputable company - and you can increase sales by building trust with potential buyers.