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Amazon Product Photography Trends That Sellers Should Know

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Amazon sellers are embracing new ways to present their brands through product photography, and the results are spectacular! Sellers want something that will catch customers’ eye without being too overbearing or distracting from what they are selling. This means style takes centerstage when it comes time for display shots in your listing pictures instead of substance such as features & benefits (which should always be included!).

The year 2022 has brought new and innovative photography trends to Amazon. Brand photography has become the talk of the day among sellers. New Amazon sellers are using freelance photography services to get high-quality images. Sellers are experimenting with new ways to improve their online presence. Therefore, the Amazon product photography landscape is changing.

Top Amazon Product Photography Trends

Amazon is the face of e-commerce in the world. The platform is home to millions of products and sellers. It is a ruthless market where the slightest mistake costs a lot of money. All businesses want to differentiate from the competition. Majority sellers have turned to professional product photography to improve their sales. Most buyers find visuals charming and appealing. Product photography is gaining attraction as sellers are starting to understand its importance. Visuals are the king in the world of branding. Hence, sellers cannot succeed on Amazon without the king. Follow these photography trends to build your empire on Amazon.

Emphasis on Brand Photography

Branding on Amazon is the key to scaling your business. But, registering a brand on Amazon is not enough. Sellers need to change everything about their listings to create a branding look. It is where brand photography proves beneficial. A reputable and well-known brand helps sellers to gain loyal customers. Therefore, branding is the holy grail of Amazon. So, start looking for a service that will take you to the next level.

Branding focuses on creating a strong perception of a company. It combines visual elements such as logos to form a consistent marketing style. Effective brand building is necessary for acquiring a loyal consumer base.
Consistent branding style also makes it easy for consumers to identify a brand. They take one look at a visual and know it is from a specific brand.

Lifestyle Shoot

Amazon seller doing a lifestyle shoot

If you go on Amazon right now, you will find many products without lifestyle images. Sellers are not using lifestyle shoots for their products. Product-only pictures may convince customers to click on a listing. However, they will not buy the product unless there are lifestyle visuals. Buyers move on to another listing if they are unsure about the product. Lifestyle shoots completely solve this issue.

The real-life images send a much stronger message than white images. Sellers need to understand that they are selling more than a product. They must show consumers how a product will improve their lifestyle. There are several niches on Amazon where sellers do not use lifestyle shoots. A new listing with lifestyle images can dominate these niches. Customers will see that only one listing has real lifestyle photography.

Freelance Photography Bust or Boom?

Freelance photography has always been popular. However, the pandemic forced many professionals to move to freelance projects. It was tough to work a traditional job during the last two years. The rise in freelance photographers is beneficial for Amazon sellers. On the other hand, many people are suspicious of these freelancers. It is a fifty-fifty situation when working with new people.

As a seller, you need to find out about the photographer before the project starts. Managing expectations is another essential requirement. A multi-step process is perfect for hiring a photographer. Interview the photographer to get an idea of the images you would receive. So, freelance photography is a rising trend, but sellers need to do their homework to get a good freelancer.

Increase in Amazon Photography Services

The years 2020 and 2021 have shown the need for Amazon. The platform was already successful, but it has become central to the economy. Sellers also need to pick up the pace with the newfound success. They must improve everything to attract a high volume of sellers. Therefore, marketing efforts should increase due to the increase in total customers.

Amazon photography service is a part of digital marketing strategy. Improving the product look results in more sales and better brand identity. As a result, sellers flock to hire photography services to create high-quality images. They now understand that stunning visuals can make a difference in the competitive Amazon market. As a result, there has been a massive increase in Amazon photography services.

3D Rendering

Graphic designers are often stuck with limited raw images of the product. The 3D rendering provides several angles of the product. However, it is expensive and takes some time. You need to choose an Amazon photography service that specializes in 3D rendering. The product will look ten times better with this innovative service.

3D rendering removes the need for extensive product photography. It extracts different angles from the same image. Hence, there is no need to take pictures from all angles. As a seller, you will need to spend less on photography. It also removes the hassle of sending a product for a shoot. Send stock images to designers, and it will be enough to show every angle of the product. You will surely get an edge on your competitor with 3D rendering.

3D Photography

3D photography refers to 360° product images on Amazon. Currently, only a few sellers provide 3D photography because it is too expensive. The best advantage of 3D photography is that it helps buyers to look at the product from all angles.

Have you ever seen a 360° product image on Amazon? No? Because they are rare. 3D photography can remove the need for white product images. Consumers have a better view of the product in 360° images. It is an upcoming Amazon service that might become even more popular in the future.

Style Over Substance?

Product quality matters, but online buyers are more attracted to visuals. Buyers never read the product description if the visual is boring. The substance is useless without style because it cannot create conversions. If you have style, you will have a long line of buyers!


Professional amazon product photography is not a choice anymore. It is the key to success, and many sellers use photography. You can hire the best Amazon product photography service to become one of the best sellers on Amazon.

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