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How to Increase Amazon Sales by Writing Outstanding Product Descriptions

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There is an interesting fact about people: we rarely think about perception. It is normal and natural for us to filter the world through our perception, and we seldom give any thought to other points of view.

In sales or marketing, you have to go past that subjective tendency and try to put yourself in the shoes of the customer or buyer. So, if you are an experienced product seller, ask yourself which is the initial point of contact. What will be the first thing that the customer will see about the product?

Obviously, almost everyone will first see the Amazon product description. It naturally follows that this description has to be good, to keep the customer interested.

We’ve all scrolled the web before and mindlessly passed anything that did not spike our interest. You have less than a few seconds to capture attention, and failing to do so will cause the customer to move on.

Considering its importance, let’s look at how to build some excellent e-commerce product descriptions, and discuss why it is important to get it right. 

Why You Should Get It Right

If you access any Amazon product, you will see that the description is an integral component of the product listing. Sure, the naming scheme is also important, but it tells little about the product.

Writing Amazon product descriptions has an informative purpose, as it elaborates regarding the product, in a brief and contained format. Also, it can describe the materials, size, shades, and all other physical or technical characteristics of the product.

The internet gives the illusion that it is one big lake of data, but the internet is not an actual place. Everything is composed of interconnected computers, and search engines just find data from other computers that you are looking for. Without search engines, the web would be useless.

These search engines search for specific words, paragraphs, formats, and alignments in order to index the data. An entire industry has developed, as people are requesting that their content and advertisements be easier to find and displayed by search engines.

As the first significant benefit of proper descriptions, we have search engine friendliness. The second is that your Amazon product page will receive fewer questions. Answering customer support queries can really drain your resources, but if you do your job right, the description will preemptively solve most issues.

Finally, the third benefit is that a well-informed customer is more likely to trust and buy the product. You stand to improve Amazon Sales. 

Rules for How to Write

When it comes to writing product descriptions, you are not given carte blanche to just say whatever you want. Amazon, as a company, has rules and guidelines about these sections, and it is best to follow them.

You have to color within the lines, so here are just a few parameters that you have to follow: 

Don’t stray from the main topic, and don’t lie. 

Anecdotes and examples are a popular marketing method, but you can’t employ those tactics here. Refrain from going on tangents and straying from the bare facts of your product. Keep things on point and avoid any deviation. This isn’t a creative writing assignment.

Including quotes, recommendations, or testimonials is prohibited as well. Amazon does not allow those, and they eat up space. Besides, people rarely believe testimonials coming from the seller. Consumers are much more likely to trust the customer's ratings and reviews.

Also, be sincere about your product. Do not exaggerate any of the key parameters like lifespan, size, feasibility, material, range, or quality. Present the facts, and people will appreciate the honesty. 

Keep It Short-ish

The attention spans of people who use the web have been getting shorter and shorter. You can even see it in brain scans, that the areas of the brain which are crucial for paying attention have atrophied.

Brevity is key, and it is an art form to be able to say much with a few words. If you are not a good writer and want to make sure the text is snappy, you can consider contracting a writer from top essay writing services. Contrary to their name, these sites handle much more than essays, and they can basically write anything.

Tangent aside, you are allowed 2k Characters on the Amazon site to write the entire description. That may seem like a lot, but it really isn’t, depending on the product. If you are selling a rubber ball, 2000 characters are more than enough. The other more complex items may need you to elaborate.

My advice is to open a blank page and make a bullet-point list of crucial points that need to be mentioned.

Then, add 1-2 sentences to each bullet, and also a catchy intro statement. See how much space that takes, and trim or add accordingly.

By having this bullet point wire frame and adding to it, you make sure that the description is formatted and proportional. When most people try to improvise, they ramble in the first paragraph and then discover that they are out of character. 

Write With the Customer in Mind

Amazon writing tips must always include the reminder that you are not writing something, but you are writing for someone. That someone is the person who you are hoping will buy your product. Sellers must take into account that not everyone is an expert in that specific domain.

Flooding the description with technical language will just scare away customers. People don’t like to buy things that confuse them. Meanwhile, on the side of the coin, try to sound professional and not too familiar. Keep a business-casual, semi-professional tone, and only mention the technical jargon when it is absolutely necessary.

Maybe instead of rambling about the battery’s composition and amperage, you stick to emphasizing how many phones you can charge, or how many days it lasts.

Amazon product description examples will always include a nice blend of language and specs, a balance that you must also strike.

Keywords, Keywords, Keywords

When you go fishing, you put a worm in the hook in order to bait the fish. The same mentality must be kept online. The search engine has to be “baited” to index your product. You have to know how to make it bite.

One of the most effective ways is to include keywords properly. These keywords cannot be spammed. You can’t just write “vacuum cleaner” 20 times and expect it to work. They have to be integrated inside the text, and it can’t sound forced, like they were crammed in for the sake of advertisement. 


Writing excellent Amazon descriptions is all about understanding the internet and the customer. The language used has to talk to both a search engine and a person wishing to buy a product. It is crucial to adopt the right tone, formatting, and keyword density. Thankfully, you just have to follow a few simple guidelines.

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