The day my Amazon business changed (for the better!)

The reddit post that changed my career

I'm a transparent person. I share the good with the bad. I have made many mistakes as an Amazon seller.

One thing that is not a mistake is building in public.

This was my first attempt at building in public. This post changed my life and helped me sell my first business.

Building in public is a marketing strategy. I didn't know it at the time, but it's basically what I've been doing for the last three years. My podcast, my Instagram, LinkedIn posts, this newsletter....

It can and should work for any business type. Amazon sellers included. If you share your entrepreneur journey in a way that others can learn from, you will get eye balls.

I've been doing it for years and have had some successes and failures. It's brought me to meet hundreds of Amazon Sellers. I get to hear more pain points, solutions and ideas than I'd ever do if I was living under a shell.

If there's a single resource that I could recommend if you want to learn more about this check out Traffic Secrets by Russel Brunson. You can always ask me for tips. I appreciate it so much I'm creating directory of other's that are doing this. Soon to be released.

What are some good examples of this? Write back to me and I'll share on next weeks newsletter of Amazon sellers building in public.

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A new kind of Amazon Show

Next week a new Amazon/E-Commerce show is happening in Salt Lake City. I believe in it so much that SmartScout is a sponsor. Hundreds gathering and I think Pattern is on a whole level above other's in the ecosystem. Check out my podcast with their CRO John Lebaron. You have to hear his take on bringing brands into China.

Amazon's Antitrust

Amazon is under the gun with some antitrust legislation. They don't want it go through. They even implored sellers to contact their senators to block it. It's completely self serving. They imply that the marketplace will go down if Amazon doesn't have the unfair advantages they give themselves (eye roll). Look into the comments here if you wanna see a breakdown from the sellers perspective.

Free Transparency Codes

Here's a promotion for free Transparency Codes. This program is hard to use correctly. Hard to get in. But there's nothing that'll shut down counterfeiters faster. It's extremely powerful. It does get abused to remove unauthorized sellers, not its intended design. If your brand is having troubles, give it a look.

31 Amazon seller hacks and strategies

We have invited our million dollar per month Amazon seller friends Shawn Hart and Seth Stevens to share 31 recently discovered secret Amazon seller strategies and hacks that can give you a massive boost right now.

SmartScout Data of the Week

Battle of first place on the seller ratings dashboard. I have a chart of some of the top Amazon sellers. Notably, Pharmapacks has been eclipsed by iServe (Pattern). This is due more to Pharmapacks dropping in the past month. Are the sharks circling them now? Looks like it.

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